Summer is kicking my trash

If I owe you an email response, you won’t be getting it today.

Swimming lessons.

Play dates.

Seeing old friends for dinner and this:



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  1. TwinsSquared says:

    OOOhhh! Have Fun! :)

  2. I saw JT in concert several years ago….amazing. Have a wonderful time!

  3. Waaaahoooo!!! How many years has been been Char? Way too many! Can't wait to see you and BC – and JT!

  4. we went also and it was great. i bought the cd/dvd and i am there again. have a fun time.

  5. Summer has been kicking my trash too! I've had almost zero crafting time, so no projects to blog about. :(

  6. I wish I was going!

  7. My dad just saw that same concert in Nashville a few weeks ago! He said it was amazing!

  8. amy smart says:

    SOOOOooooo jealous. JT is my absolute favorite. Sigh.

  9. I'm so glad I went!!!

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