Be here!

Monday morning.
One of the best giveaways EVER!

New projects and tutorials, too…

You won’t want to miss it.
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  1. Luv 2 Kreate says:

    Guess I know where I will be Monday morning after taking the kiddos to school!

  2. 3creativechics says:

    I will be here. Can't wait!!!!

  3. You've def. piqued my curiousity! :-)

  4. Lilach Oren says:

    I will be here! ♥

  5. You know I still get too excited to sleep on Christmas. I wish you hadn't mentioned this…now I have butterflies in my belly. If I can't sleep tonight I'm blaming you!

  6. Megan @ Bug Creator-Crafts and Life says:

    ugh I agree with wendy… if I can't sleep it's your fault! I am going to be constantly checking! lol I love the new look for the blog btw :D

  7. Just found your blog through 733 blogspot. Nice to be here and I really like the "crap you've made!" :)

  8. Kristin Renee' Wynegar says:

    fun!! see you then :)

  9. great new look!

  10. Hey, I love your new look Char. It looks great.

  11. Heidi@TheCraftMonkey says:

    can't wait!

  12. Laura aka Lolo says:

    Count me in too!

  13. I'm here!

  14. amy smart says:

    The new blog design looks sweet! And you even have numbered comments. Perfect for ginormous giveaways!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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