Giveaway #14: Kiss My Style – CLOSED

Megan from Kiss My Style is giving away this, in Blueberry Burst.


The kit includes:
* enough yarn to knit an adorable hat for a baby or toddler
* a pair of size 10 bamboo knitting needles
* complete instruction booklet for knitters of all skill levels (especially beginners)


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  1. I would LOVE to relearn how to knit. Hope it's like riding a bicycle.

  2. How fun!

    brianneandfam at yahoo dot com

  3. Cute presentation!

  4. Learning to knit is on my list of things to do before I die! Would love to learn with this adorable kit!

  5. oooh if I won this – I would totally knit a cute thing.

  6. What a lovely giveaway. Thank you for offering it.

  7. I'm a crocheter, but I've wanted to start knitting for a while!

  8. Ranae Broadhead says:

    on my bucket list :)
    [email protected]

  9. I am about to have my second child in November. I'll have some time on my hands soon after taking maternity leave to learn from my mom how to knit. I love the color pink/blue in the picture because I don't know what the sex of the baby is yet. :)

  10. I've just started learning how to knit.. this would be a great first project!
    [email protected]

  11. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    That is adorable packaging. A.DOR.A.BLE. I would love to win this so I can give it as a gift to my preggy friend. I'm not a knitter, but she is. And this is just too cute!

  12. The Dummers says:

    What a cute idea!!! I've always wanted to learn how to knit!

  13. What an awesome give away. I would love to learn to knit.

  14. Lexi's Mommy says:

    i dont know how to knit so this would be awesome to learn

  15. I've always wanted to learn to knit.

  16. Amanda Joy says:

    I need to learn this skill. My grandma had a hard enough time trying to teach me how to crochet since I am a lefty:)

  17. Bobbie Mackey says:

    yay! i have many failed attempts at knitting hats for my misa. would love some tips!

    bobbie @

  18. What an adorable idea!!

  19. Simply Sara says:

    i am currently knitting my very first dishcloth.
    would love this!

  20. Oh, so cute. This would be a great gift for my mom!
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  21. Twins Squared says:

    This is too darn cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. - Lindsy Weidner - says:

    Aw, this would be perfect for my niece!

    [email protected]

  23. This is perfect! I want to learn how to knit and I just found out I am having a baby boy in December!

  24. I have just begun to learn to knit over the last year, so it would be a terrific beginners project!

  25. This is adorable… I know how to knit a little like scarves but never done a hat..Very cute give-a-way…thank you

  26. I would love this! I've always wanted to learn how to knit, and i have a baby boy coming in November, who would look awesome in those cute little hats!

  27. Kristin Knight says:

    What a great little project to tackle.

  28. quilting granny says:

    With a new great granddaughter on the way this would be perfect. Thanks for offering a giveaway.

  29. What a fun give away! This would be the perfect beginning project for me :) Love your blog

  30. Says Angelle... says:

    Taking a knitting class next week…this would be perfect to continue learning!

  31. I love to knit and really love bamboo needles.
    [email protected]

  32. Amanda K @ Every Crafty Endeavor says:

    What a fun prize to win – I nee to learn how to knit!

  33. I love knitting, and you know I've always wanted to try bamboo needles… I've used plastic and metal ones and they both have their disadvantages!

  34. I just learned to knit and my BFF is expecting – she will need a knit hat!

  35. I would love to win this!

  36. I've been wanting to learn how to knit! This would be a perfect project to knit for my 1 year old for this winter!

  37. kimberlykikki says:

    Love this!!

    kimberlydklatt (at) yahoo (dot) com

  38. I would love to touch up on my knitting skills!

  39. Ooo, ooo, ooo! Love that yarn! SO CUTE!

  40. That sounds like such an adorable idea and a great way to learn how!!! I want one soo bad!

  41. aww so adorable. i love the packaging.

  42. Cute! :)

  43. I would love to win!!

  44. Reagan and Patty Boone says:

    I want to learn to knit!

  45. I can crochet, but I would love to learn how to knit!

  46. Such a cute giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

  47. I would love to win this.

  48. Angie Shelton says:

    I have been wanting to learn how to knit… perfect for a beginner!

  49. Would love to learn how to knit with my friend. Great kit to learn.

  50. Danielle says:

    How adorable is this! Love it! I have been wanting to teach myself. This would be awesome!

  51. Quilting_Chris says:

    That is just too cute. It makes me want to knit again.

  52. Sangeetha says:

    love it

  53. I've never knitted before, but lately, I've been wanting to try. It seems so cozy…

  54. stephjacobson says:

    Very cute! I can crochet a little but haven't tried knitting. This would be a great way to learn!

  55. Leigh Anne says:

    Hope to win…I'd love to learn to knit! I tried once but my scarf turned into a potholder :(

  56. SingleMomKnits says:

    This is so cute.

  57. Jessica and Matt says:

    This might be the only way I would even try to knit! So cute.
    [email protected]

  58. QueenMeadow says:

    Adorable! count me in, please :)

  59. I could actual maybe possibly learn to knit! Please add me to the drawing.

  60. Pick me!!

    [email protected]

  61. So cute! I've been thinking about taking a class to learn how to knit!

  62. Love the packaging!

  63. I love to knit. And I especially love to knit BABY HATS

  64. sntbosch says:

    i would LOVE to learn how to knit.
    [email protected]

  65. Liz @ LivingMySweetLife says:

    This is adorable!!! I would can knit a litttlllleee bit!

  66. i'm commenting!!:P
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  67. I've always wanted to learn how to knit, and this little hat looks like something I might just be able to do! [email protected]

  68. Elliott Mom says:

    Do you promise that beginners can learn?? I want to learn but I'm scared! ;)

  69. sjf_1979 says:

    I would LOVE to win this. I consider myself crafty, but alas knitting and crocheting eludes me. LOL!

  70. LOVE THIS! my bestie just had a baby boy, too … this would be perfect for anderson!!!

  71. I really need to learn how to knit!!!

  72. How cute. That's super fun.

  73. What a cute way to package that. I love it.

  74. The Sewing Dork says:

    That looks so soft I just wanna make a pillow of it and have a nap…!

  75. I would LOVE to sit down and relax with a good knitting project! With 4 kids under 4, this would definatly relieve some stress!

  76. Our Happy Family says:

    Been wanting to sit down and learn to knit. Looks super cute.

  77. I've been trying to knit something for several years now, and I happen to have a new baby boy in my life. Perfect!

  78. ADORABLE GIFT for your favorite knitter! I love it!

  79. JillybeansMommy says:

    Cute!! I used to knit and really want to pick it back up again… this would give me great motivation! :)

  80. CrisG in CA says:

    I crochet, learned from my gramma when I was 10. I would love to try knitting a cute hat!

  81. Too cute! I'd love to win this! (As if I need another addicting hobby… Yes! I do!)

  82. LaLa Brat says:

    That's adorable!

  83. The Palmers says:

    I love it I have always wanted to learn how to knit

  84. ShellyLynn says:

    So cute! I can crochet, but have been wanting to learn to knit!

  85. What a cute idea!

  86. That is really cute. I could use the needles. Currently mine are being held hostage in Idaho by an aunt who was testing out my new set.

  87. oooh I'd love to learn how to knit!

  88. Very cute!!

    [email protected]

  89. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    Would love to learn how to knit…maybe this is just what I need!

  90. movingmommy says:

    I would love to try to knit. MY daughter would look so cute in a knitted hat! thanks. [email protected]

  91. jenmomtofour says:

    Fun! I was just thinking I'd love to learn how to knit, and I'd love to teach my daughter too!

  92. Jenalyn and Mike says:

    Cute packaging! I'd love to learn to knit!

  93. Ed and Bel says:

    I have been looking at knitting supplies and this would help me to get motivated to start learning a new skill.

  94. I am just learning to knit. I'd love to add this to my supplies!

  95. allisonsbj3 says:

    What a cute gift idea!


  96. Carol in E TN says:

    Would love to make this for my granddaughter.

  97. Landon and Kylie says:

    I REALLY want to learn to knit/crochet. This would be a perfect way to start!
    [email protected]

  98. Would love to make a little hat for my first baby, due in October.

    hmeadows711 at gmail dot com

  99. vjrobbins says:

    What a cute idea!

  100. how cute!

  101. vashkita says:

    I can't keep up with the knitting demands, as I seem to have a new pregnant friend every month! That yarn looks amazing.

  102. Michelle says:

    I really should learn to knit before i am a grandma.

  103. Emma @ emmanemhandmade says:

    I would love to win! I've always wanted to learn to knit.

  104. What a cute little set. Love this idea.

  105. this is great! I've been wanting to learn how to knit for a LONG time!

  106. I'd love to win this. I'm just trying to get a grasp on knitting and I've always wanted to try a hat.

  107. I'd love this. I've been wanting to learn how to knit.
    [email protected]

  108. Lisa Readman says:

    I just started knitting this year and love it. The had is so cute.

  109. How fun! I learned to knit when I was young, but have long since forgotten and would love to learn again!

  110. This is precious!

  111. My MIL loves to knit and she is always making things to donate to the hospitals. I would love to give this to her!!!

  112. I gotta win of these giveaways, right. They are all SO cute! [email protected]

  113. APachuta says:

    i am learning to knit, so this would be perfect.
    [email protected]

  114. Wow! That is amazing! I would love to win this!

  115. i would love to win so i can learn !!! [email protected]

  116. This would be the PERFECT gift for my sister!

  117. Tonya's Sewing Room says:

    super cute

  118. So cute!

  119. the shirred dress rocks!

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