Giveaway #29: Good Egg Interiors – CLOSED

Have I ever mentioned how awesome my neighbors are?

Because they are.

I think we have some of the best women on Earth in my neighborhood.


This giveaway is courtesy of my neighbor Wendy @ Good Egg Interiors. She has the same house as me but hers is WAY cuter.

I love the way her house is personal and welcoming. This art wall with stuff her kids has done is one of my favorites.

digital camera 3119

She also helped me make sense of my bookshelves once upon a time.


And then my kids did bad things to them.

Maybe I need to win this one?


If you’re local (SLC, UT area), she’ll help you in person.

If you’re not local, you can send her pictures and measurements and she’ll still work her magic for you.


Leave a comment ON THIS POST saying which room you need Wendy’s help with.

Bonus entry: Become a follower of Good Egg Interiors and then come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying that you did.

Bonus entry #2: “Like” Good Egg Interiors on Facebook and then come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying that you did.

Please follow and like us:


  1. I'm visiting your blog for the first time, but WOW, it is awesome, and I need this prize SO badly!!! Mainly for my living room – I need some major inspiration. I hope I win!

  2. I am following Good Egg Interiors blog now!

  3. I also just "liked" Good Egg Interiors on Facebook.

  4. The Dummers says:

    What a cool idea! My husband and I re-did our basement a year ago and we still don't have anything on the walls! I have NO ideas!

  5. I would love to have design help with my master bedroom or the guest bathroom. Too bad you don't have a giveaway for help with stripping wallpaper! I have 80's grandma wallpaper in both rooms, yuck and double yuck!

  6. Mamaof3Cuties says:

    I would love to have some design help to turn our drap living room into something i enjoy walking into!!!

  7. Mamaof3Cuties says:

    I am also following Good Egg Interiors

  8. Mamaof3Cuties says:

    Hey hey what do you know!! I "like" Good Egg interiors on facebook too!!!

  9. yaynaptime says:

    I started following your blog after stumbling upon a tutorial that I found useful for my wedding. What great timing I must have! :) I've been living with my fiance for 5 years in our current house, and most of the rooms are decorated except our master bedroom. I like our bed frame and our new dresser, but I have no idea how to make it work with linens or accessories. Heellllp!

  10. yaynaptime says:

    And bonus entry — I added her blog on my Google reader.

  11. Awesome! My living room needs help. For realsies.

  12. What an awesome giveaway!

  13. I am following her now :)

  14. The Mang Family says:

    My whole house is in need of some TLC- but I think my family room is in the most need of help. What a great giveaway!

  15. The Mang Family says:

    I "like" on FB!

  16. The Mang Family says:

    I'm following along on her blog too!

  17. Catherine says:

    Hmmm…does "the house" count as one room? ;)

    I need help in either my living room upstairs or family room downstairs. Both have me stumped.

  18. Liz @ LivingMySweetLife says:

    I need help with my master bedroom! I can't change the color of the walls… they're a deep blue. The bedroom just looks VERY unfinished… despite the fact that it's FULL of crap!

  19. oooh. since we're moving and will have only a 19×12 room for kitchen, dining, office, and living rooms, I could certainly use some help in figuring out how to efficiently use the small space.

  20. I'm following her blog, too!

  21. My office/craft room is nothing more than a bunch of junk piled around right now. It needs SOO much help.

  22. Follower!

  23. sjf_1979 says:

    I need your help. My living room is long and skinny!! fingers crossed!

  24. We're in the process of re-doing our living room. It would be awesome to have some help, I can't decide anything!!

  25. Amanda Brantley says:

    My bedroom needs help, it is so plain!

  26. My living room needs help with the main wall. The only wall that could hold the piano, has the fireplace. It's so out of balance.

  27. SOOOO need your help in my family room.

  28. My kitchen/family room needs help. I'd love to repaint, but my kitchen counters are purple and the furniture in the family room the kitchen opens onto is green. Help me!

  29. awesome! My bedroom really needs help. Like really, really.

  30. Holly @ Domestic Dork says:

    OMG my BEDROOM needs this. Seriously, we have a mattress on the floor and two nightstands. Oh, and one picture frame on the wall. That's it. And we rent which makes decorating even harder.

  31. I have so many rooms that need help. It would be a toss up between my bedroom and my laundry room.

  32. booharts says:

    I am torn between the master bedroom or our living room. Both need help!
    [email protected]

  33. booharts says:

    I am a follower now.
    [email protected]

  34. booharts says:

    Like on facebook!
    [email protected]

  35. I am now following your blog.

  36. And I became a fan on facebook.

  37. Lovely Lizzy says:

    Eep! I'm nervous to enter for this one, because I'm afraid I don't have much to work with. I would love help though, so I'm taking the leap and entering.
    [email protected]

  38. As soon as you enter my home it needs help… so I guess it would be the entryway….no… the living room.

  39. Lovely Lizzy says:

    I follow your blog now.
    [email protected]

  40. Lovely Lizzy says:

    And I'm a Facebook fan!
    [email protected]

  41. I became a follower of Good Egg Interiors blog.

  42. Awesome giveaway. I REALLY need help with my family room!! It's overrun with kids stuff. . . .

  43. I "liked" Good Egg Interiors on Facebook.

  44. I wish I lived in SLC for this one, but I guess even long-distance help would do some good. We just moved into a new house this year, and it needs help. Lots. Everywhere. I'd choose our family room probably since we spend the most time in there.
    ilovepaulduersch at gmail dot com

  45. oh oh oh, i can't decide! either my master bedroom, living room, or craft room. decisions, decisions!!!

  46. following the blog!!!

  47. liked you on fb!!!

  48. Please help me with my family room turned not so great playroom!

  49. I'm a follower now! YAY!

  50. I have so many rooms to do. I am torn on what to choose. I think I would choose my boys bedroom. I just am overwhelmed by it and keep putting it off even though it needs some attention badly!

  51. I am a follower on FB!

  52. I need help with my living room, badly!

  53. My kids will be sharing a room soon and I like help with setting it up!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  54. Liked you on FB!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  55. Following your blog!

    shelly at flottfamily dot com

  56. oh my gosh. i am buying a townhouse and i need help with the front room. please help!

  57. This is huge! I would love to have help with my family room.

  58. I sbuscribed to her blog.

  59. I liked on facebook.

  60. melissaballard says:

    Fantastic giveaway! I need help with our family room! Too many neutrals…
    [email protected]

  61. Ed and Bel says:

    I need help with my family room!

  62. Our living room could definatly use some help!

  63. Oooh I could totally use this. To get my son out of his nursery for the new baby, we are giving him a big boy Dr Seuss room and I am stuck on how to do it!

  64. Kneed help in all my rooms but I would love to finish my daughters room.

  65. Krystal Kinlaw says:

    My husband and I could definitely use some help in our living room. His desk is in here so it's like a living room/office area. It looks very much like my college apartment :-/

  66. The Gunter Family says:

    Oh this is awesome! We are moving into a new house in two weeks and I need help with our formal living room. I don't want it to be a wasted space that we never use and I'm at a loss for how we can make it functional!! HELP! :)

  67. The Gunter Family says:

    I follow Good Egg's blog! :)

  68. luckymama says:

    I have to go over and take a look at the Good Egg blog. I love the greens and blues with the white shelves. I could use help, because I have no decorating eye at all.

  69. Mechelle says:

    Let me first say, what room doesn't need help? I have an awkward alcove. A master bedroom with very little light and no craft room. I need help!

  70. Michelle says:

    Um, every room. I guess my playroom needs the most help. I feel like everything is just pushed against the walls.

  71. I SO need a decorator's opinion around here, particularly in our family room!

  72. CuteCupcakesAllTheTime says:

    Just got a new house and could use some help in the living room for sure!
    mychancetowin at gmail dot com

  73. Good Egg follower!

  74. I Facebook like Good Egg Interiors!

  75. I would love help with my long narrow basement.

  76. Liked Good Egg on facebook!

  77. My living/dining room area (has to function as both) is small and such an awkward space. I'd love a little help!

  78. I'm a follower on Good Egg's blog!

  79. I also like them on FaceBook!

  80. Our Happy Family says:

    WOW !! What a great idea. Definatly my office. That room seems to be the most needed help.

  81. Elliott Mom says:

    I need some help in my kids rooms. I want them to be fun but functional…

  82. The Bronson Bunch says:

    I would love some help in my master bedroom!!

  83. The Bronson Bunch says:

    I follow the blog too!

  84. The Bronson Bunch says:

    I'm also a fan on facebook! :D

  85. this is awesome! I need help with my diningroom ! I'm in SLC!!! sooo excited if I win I would have her help in person!!!
    [email protected]

  86. blog follower!!!
    [email protected]

  87. I need help with the arrangement of my bedroom. I completely gutted it about 4 years ago, but I've yet to commit to where to place things so there's nothing on my walls yet :(

  88. christine says:

    This is one giveaway that I need.

  89. Oh how awesome! I think I'll make it really challenging and choose my kids' room :)

  90. And I liked you on fb

  91. Seriously need some help in our master bedroom!

  92. Amanda Joy says:

    This would be awesome to put finishing touches!

  93. Love this prize! I could use some help with my mom's living room!

  94. YourOwnLilStar says:

    i absolutely HATE my daughters bedroom! its a akward shape and i just don't know what to do to make it better. we are looking into getting new furniture, but i am not sure if what i am looking at will make it any better!!

  95. Landon and Kylie says:

    So awesome!!! We have a guest bedroom that looks like a disaster zone!
    [email protected]

  96. Wow-what room do I not need help with? I need help with our den/the family room the most!

  97. I need help with our playroom area… no idea what's going on in there!


  98. Is it too late? I so need decorating help in my master bedroom.

  99. Twins Squared says:

    I can't decide, my bedroom or the living room. Both need help!

  100. Oh how my basement needs your help!!!!

  101. I'd love help with my Master Bedroom!

  102. I follow your blog

  103. i liked you on FB

  104. I liked Good Egg Interiors on facebook.

  105. I became a follower of Good Egg Interiors.

  106. ANY room in my house needs help, but I'd go with my Living Room first.

  107. Katie and Howard says:

    Oh I need help with our master bedroom. I so want to decorate it…but really am lost where to even start!

  108. Where to start. I'd either need want help with my living room which is also open to the dining room and kitchen or the master bedroom. Both need some serious help. I also live in the SLC area!

  109. I like Good Egg Interiors on Facebook.

  110. If you could see my rec room, you wouldn't need to ask why I need help!! Of course, I also need help with my kitchen, my laundry room…..well you get the idea!!

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