More bats!

So, you remember the light fixture, right? (Just say yes…it was only last week!)

I had a few extra bats, and now I think I have a problem.

They’re here:


And also here:


And THEN, I made a banner. With bats.



Also? I want to marry my Silhouette. There. I said it.

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  1. Kim @ seven thirty three says:

    LOVE all the bats… I really need to get moving! I think you just inspired me.

  2. Love the bats!! I have a silhouette, but I definitely don't use it enough. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. K.D. Mullen says:

    Wow! Your garland blows me away!!!
    I want to marry my silhouette too. I've been using it to embellish the clothes I've been sewing. I think I need to start using it to decorate. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Everything looks great!

  5. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    I LOVE your banner!
    Do you have a tutorial? How do you attach the circles? Mine always flip around. Ugh.

  6. I don't have a silhouette, but I definetely am wanting one! Love the bats, so cute!

  7. Love the Halloween banner!

  8. Jen @ says:

    Those bats are so fun!! Isn't the Silhouette the coolest thing ever?? I keep finding stuff out all the time about it. Such a fun toy!


  9. what is this silhouette everyone is talking about?! I think I need that….

  10. I love your hokey pokey sign!!

  11. Who knew you had such standards? I'd have thought you'd just take it behind the bleachers and get it pregnant or something. (30 Rock, baby!) And I'm pretty sure I'm asking for one now for Christmas. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I'm sure you'll help me think of something! That thing is AWESOME. If anything, I'll be the classroom mom that does all the cute cut-outs, right? I can handle that.

  12. Very cute. But inquiring minds want to know…..are there any bats under your toilet seat lid? hee, hee, hee….wonder what your kids would think.


    PS – I hope you don't think my head is in the toilet. You've just made me go a bit batty.

  13. Just this... Alice says:

    I so hope I am getting a Silhouette for Christmas from my kids. I have been wanting one of those since they came out. Fixed income does not allow for such luxuries though. Glad to see some of the things you can make with it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love the banner, and coincidentally just bought the SAME scrapbook paper from Michael's even though I had no idea what to do with it at the time. Now I do! (I just loved that orange and gray!) I also have a little love affair going on with my Silhouette – there is nothing it can't do. Love the bats, and loving your blog! :)

  15. Also, just had to say that Google ran your blog title and post title into one sentence so that it read "Crap I've Made More Bats!" Haha! :)

  16. Awesome!! I'm looking for a cutter and I was wondering if the silhouette will cut an image out of vinyl and keep all the pieces on one sheet so it can be heat pressed onto something (fabric) and keep all the pieces in the correct place. Do ya know if that's possible??

  17. Meagan @SnippetsAndYarns says:

    Haha! I love the batty look this time of year! I don't think you really have a problem. I think it looks perfect!

    ~ Meagan

  18. Wish I could say, "there's nothing my hubby can't do…" If I go on eHarmony can I find a Silhouette to marry? Or is it just that you don't notice what hubby isn't doing when you're fooling around with a Silhouette?

  19. Cara @ Angelshoes says:

    The Hokey Pokey… hahahahahahaah! (well, i love your banner, too). Very clever you are.

  20. katskraps4kids says:

    LOVE it!!! & the pic in the red frame just cracks me up- the cross eyes!! LOL! I think it's so cute to sprinkle the bats all around the house…Love your blog!

    I have a cricut and am hoping to get the SCAL software so maybe I can get some of those bats cut for next year!

  21. Does your Silhouette believe in polygamy???

  22. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    It IS a Utah Silhouette….

  23. If we ever really get together and sew someday, will you also show me how to use my Silhouette? Because mine (I mean my sister's) is staring at me with a growing layer of dust on top.

  24. Michelle@Somedaycrafts says:

    I'm batty over all your bat ideas! so cute!

  25. I love all things spooky!

  26. seamingly normal says:

    So cute and simple! Don't you just love Halloween?!

  27. that picture of your kids is so cute

  28. Hi
    I love your banner ! May I ask if the chandeliers were cut with the silhouette too ? I could not find the design on the online shop…. I only just got my silhouette and I am definitely falling in love with it !Thanks

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