Procrastination and Progress

***Don’t forget to enter the Makia Creations giveaway here***

12 days ‘til Halloween.

And guess when I started costumes.


I’d made some good progress by lunch time.


And after lunch, I got the trim on the jacket and the zipper put in.

And Santa’s pants are done, too.

Santa’s jacket is close…just needs fur on the bottom.

Heaven help me with the elf shoes!  Any tutorials for THAT?  LOL!


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  1. So adorable! The costume is cute too!

  2. Kara@ Creations by Kara says:

    Holey moley, that is adorable!! My youngest son has been telling me for weeks that he wants to be a ghost. The easiest costume ever. Just last night he informed me he'd changed his mind. Little stinker!

  3. Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. says:

    I love smiling. Smiling's my favorite.

    I wish I could be Buddy for Halloween!!

  4. corvustristis says:

    That's okay! I plan to start mine today, maybe tomorrow. And that's for Halloween! I haven't even begun my costume for the Denver Zombie Crawl on Saturday.

    Looks like you're making fantastic progress fast. Good luck with the shoes.

  5. OH MY GOODNESS….this is by far the best costume I have seen yet!!!!! Any chance you want to sell it afterwards? My little guy will be 2 next year…this is simply the best!!!!!

  6. stephjacobson says:

    So cute! I have my son's Woody costume to make by Sunday for the zoo Halloween parade and I haven't started yet. I also volunteered to make FIVE poodle skirts for work costumes. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut!

  7. Tara @ Tara Being Tara says:

    Love it!! You know that elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.

  8. You had a productive day! Usually I call it good if I simply showered before lunch time. Ha!

  9. I need to make a bunny costume for my 5 year old.

    Love the Elf costume, that is one of my favorite movies!

  10. Can't wait to see ALL the finished costumes! It's a highlight of my fall :)

  11. You seriously rock. I love how you just whipped these up!

  12. What a fun costume! Elf shoes are actually pretty easy. I LOVE this pattern. I made these as slippers for my kids, and you could easily make the toe more pointy.

  13. it's about time your family had some Elf costumes!! LOVE IT!

  14. amy smart says:

    I love it!

  15. Um, you're ahead of me! I've got oodles of handsewn feathers in my future!

  16. Here's a cute tutorial and pattern for felt elf shoes –

  17. I want to go watch Elf RIGHT NOW!!

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