Scentsy Warmer Makeover

***Don’t forget to enter the Scentsy giveaway here.***

Emily sent me one of Scentsy’s DIY Warmers. Here it is straight out of the box.


Scentsy has a bunch of different theme packs (seriously…20+). However, given my current orange obsession, I decided to pimp my warmer on my own.

I busted out my Silhouette and started cutting.


I’m not thrilled with the circle-y border up top, but the good news is I can change it easily. I’m loving that I can change it up any time I want. I’ve got big plans for Christmas already!

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  1. Very cooL!

  2. I'm having a severe Silhouette envy attack.

  3. Kristine Robinson says:

    Cool – and I like the circley border thing!

  4. wow, so cute!

  5. CUTE! The orange looks fab!

  6. Adorable char. Can I just have an ounce of your creativity?

  7. Looks great!

  8. Full Throttle Ad Specialties says:

    Baye, I am right there with ya! That green eyed monster is rearing it's ugly head for sure!!!!!
    Char, I am also a Scentsy Consultant and I love this idea! Thank you for sharing with us!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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