My halls are decked

Don’t forget to join the Nativity Parade!

I got started early this year, on account of my Pier 1 post going up on Thanksgiving, but “get started” was about all I did. (Speaking of Pier 1…big fun and giveaways for you Utahans at 2 local Pier 1 locations next Wednesday. Stay tuned for the details. Or, if you’re not patient, you can check it out on Facebook now.) My tree sat in pieces with non-working lights in my family room for a week. We finally gave up and replaced it.


The stockings got hung.


And I turned my kids loose on the tree.


Every square inch is covered in ornaments.


But it might be my favorite one yet.


Santa’s bag is here, too (storing the throw pillows that aren’t festive Smile with tongue out).


There’s a little Christmas in the kitchen.


And some in the living room, too.


(Canvas came from Canvas People. You can get your own free 8X10 or $55 off any other size here.)

And now I should probably start shopping. Embarrassed smile

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  1. Santa's bag is a really great idea! I always wonder what to do with all the non-holiday decor, and usually just throw it all under my bed or stuff it in a closet.

  2. Karissa Jade Ferguson says:

    I love that feeling of putting up the Tree and thinking it's my favorite yet…sigh…nothing better :)

  3. Kim's Treasures says:

    Love your shutters and the added lime green! I added turquoise this year!

  4. Love the idea of using a Santa bag to hide the stuff I'm not using. I gotta get one!

  5. Your tree looks beautiful! And I love your shutters!

  6. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    This looks so festive! Love it!!! Can't wait to join the nativity parade as soon as I can get home and get some pics of mine! :)

  7. love the santa bag idea, as well as the trees by the canvas. gorgeous over all!!

  8. snippetsandyarns says:

    I love that your kids' Halloween portrait is also a Christmas portrait!

    That Santa bag is such a Great Idea!

    ~ Meagan

  9. Char – your tree is GORGEOUS!!! :)

  10. Where did you get your Santa bag? I need one and I can't find it anywhere? Also, I got my free Canvas thing-y yesterday. Soooo cute!!

  11. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    My bag came from Down East. It's a Pottery Barn one but I got it for $14.95.

  12. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I LOVE your home. I'm ready to move it.

  13. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I LOVE your home. I'm ready to move it.

  14. Where did you get your tree? I LOVE it!!!

  15. Your children are immensely talented to do such a magnificent tree. And I'm very picky, so, that's a huge compliment. Extra marshmallows in the hot cocoa for all of them!
    You have a beautiful home, you should be very proud.
    Happy Christmas!

  16. Love the tree and really love the shutters. If they are missing after I come see you, well I apologize in advance. That picture of the boys is the best. Can't wait to come and see them both. Tell Campbell I am coming and remind him I am nice. :)

  17. Great job letting the kiddos do the tree! It looks great. And the Santa bag? Genius! Merry Christmas. (Oh and thanks for the Nativity Parade too … loved participating in that!) jules

  18. Kristen Duke Photography says:

    LOVE your green shutters above the fireplace and i have those same metal silver trees that you have! santa bag is really cute, too.

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