Winners: Say It On The Wall and MollyGear!

The winner of the $25 gift certificate to Say It On The Wall is…


#54, aka Just the Two of US, who said:

“I like the I am a child of God saying!”

Didn’t win?  No problem!  This week instead of guessing what the new product of the week will be, you get to make a suggestion of what you want the new product to be.  Head on over to Say It On The Wall on Facebook to leave a suggestion and if your suggestion is picked, you win!

The winner of the Rust Bloomers Tote Scripture Bag from MollyGear is…


#228, aka Betty Rollins, who said:

“I grind my own wheat and make my own bread and I am very proud of it!!!”

Shoot me an email to [email protected] to claim your prize!


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