Arizona GNO!!!

Is Creative Estates out of your budget? Do you have other commitments those days? Not even a blogger, but you like food and free stuff? (HA!)

Check this out!

Chat & Dine with other creative bloggers for a night of complete girly fun!

Hosted By…

Kristyn from Lil’ Luna

Kendra from My Insanity

and Stephanie from Somewhat Simple

With these Special Guests:

Jen from Tatertots and Jello

Shelly from House of Smiths

Char from Crap I’ve Made

Becca from Blue Cricket Design

Amy from The Idea Room

Tauni from It’s A Tradition

and Lara (Ellie G) from Less Cake, More Frosting

Join all of us for a delicious dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Chandler, AZ, at 7:30 pm

(immediately following The Creative Estates Handmade Market!)

The night will include:

  • A delicious dinner- salad, entree, drinks & dessert!
  • A do-die for SWAG bag
  • A Chance to meet and hang out with other creative bloggers
  • And a Chance to win some AMAZING giveaways from our sponsors

To purchase your ticket, please click HERE

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  1. Allison {A Glimpse Inside} says:

    I can't wait for this! So excited!

  2. Lolly Jane says:

    we're going. so stoked!! (:

  3. Iā™„naptime w/ Chocolate Sundaes says:

    wahoo! Can't wait to meet everyone! :)

  4. Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says:

    Got my ticket already. Can you tell I am excited for this whole deal? Pathetic!

  5. Quilter in the Gap says:

    Wish I lived in AZ or even close to AZ! I hope you ladies have a great time.

  6. Jennifer says:

    I bought my ticket yesterday! I can't wait
    Scissors & Spatulas

  7. I do so wish I lived even close to Arizona right now. Have a great time!

  8. Michelle@Somedaycrafts says:

    I'd love to go if it were in SLC! Too bad this event is AZ!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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