Giveaway: Kelly Moore Bag

I’m in AZ living it up and you’re not.  Instead of rubbing it in (even though I totally just rubbed it in), I’m giving you stuff!  Be sure to scroll down for the other giveaway, too!

Do you ever feel like a dork hauling around your big old DSLR camera?  Do you sometimes shove it in your purse so your hands are free to beat wrangle your kids?    And then do you worry that it’s not safe in there?  No more, folks…NO MORE!

Meet my new friend, who is accompanying me to Creative Estates:


THAT is a Kelly Moore Bag.  It’s the B-Hobo in canary if you want to get technical.

Kelly herself says…

My name is Kelly Moore Clark, and I live in the REAL LA….Louisiana :) I’ve been married almost 8 years to the fabulous Kelly Clark…yes, me and my husband have the same name. It makes life interesting :) We have a beautiful, fiery daughter named Posey. I’ve been a photographer for over 12 years.
About three years ago, I started sketching and dreaming about having a handbag/lens bag line of my own. As a photographer and a woman, I was always left wanting more when it came to my options for a stylish, functional bag that I could use to carry my equipment while I photographed. I sat down and made a wish list of everything that I wanted in a great bag, and now 3 years later, I’m so excited that my wish list has come to life!!

Awesome, right?

Why do I love this bag?  Let me count the ways…

1) It doesn’t look like a camera bag.  It just looks like a kick-y purse.  Plus, it comes in LOTS of awesome colors, see?
The other styles are equally delightful.  Take the Posey in orange, for example:
Or the Classic in rich fuchsia:
2) It holds my camera with my ginormous 18-250mm lens attached as well as my 50 mm lens, a flash gadget (that you’ll hear about shortly), my wallet, business cards, my phone, keys, gum, and lip gloss.  I don’t need to carry a purse AND something for my camera.


The dividers are moveable.  I like that.  You know…for after I take all those receipts out of my wallet.

3) It’s sturdy and padded.  It stands up and I feel like my camera is actually protected, as opposed to when I just shoved it in my purse.


What didn’t I like?

It smelled very chemical-y when I opened the box.  The smell was gone within 2 or 3 days, though.  Small price to pay for such fabulousness, right?

So, what’s in it for you?

Kelly has graciously offered one SUPER lucky Crap I’ve Made reader a Kelly Moore Bag of their choice!

To enter:

Click on over to Kelly Moore Bags.  Have a look around.  Come back and leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite bag is.

Follow Kelly on Twitter.  She gives away bags on Twitter, too (3 of them just the other day), so you REALLY should do this!


Kelly is also offering all of you $15 off a bag.  Use code “CRAP” to take advantage of the savings!

Giveaway ends next Wednesday, April 13th at noon MST.
Please follow and like us:


  1. Kim @ seven thirty three says:

    That was sort of mean… but since you are offering a chance at awesome free stuff I won't complain!

    I'd like the B-Hobo in canary please!

    PS ~ For reals, hope you're having a GREAT time and I am kinda super jealous.

  2. Lee-Ellen Van Voorhis says:

    I would choose the classic!

  3. Kris {The Freestyle Mom} says:

    B-Hobo in Pink is awesome!

  4. Lee-Ellen Van Voorhis says:

    I follow Kelly Moore on Twitter!

  5. Jennifer S. says:

    It is so hard to pick just one! I adore the classic in cranberry!

    [email protected]

  6. Kris {The Freestyle Mom} says:

    I'm following on twitter!

  7. Lee-Ellen Van Voorhis says:

    I like Kelly Moore on FB!

  8. I like the b hobo in pink!! so adorable!

  9. Kris {The Freestyle Mom} says:

    Following on Facebook!

  10. Frances says:

    I like to b-hobo in black….practical but stylish at the same time. Thanks for the chance to win

  11. I think you had the right idea with that Classic in rich fuchsia. It's beautiful!

  12. The Old Road says:

    Yes, I totally feel like a dork carrying my camera bag which is why I usually avoid it! The orange posey bag is awesome, so me. Great find :D

  13. Quilter in the Gap says:

    I think my favorite is the B Hobo bag. I love that it comes with two straps. GREAT BAGS!!!!

  14. The Potvins says:

    I love the Libby bag in Caramel and half the time my camera is just floating around in my diaper bag/purse…

  15. Quilter in the Gap says:

    Following on Twitter

  16. Quilter in the Gap says:

    Joined her group on FB

  17. I love the Posey bag!!! Thanks for the wonderful give-away!!
    Blessings, Lori

  18. Like her on FB!!! Would love to win!!
    Blessings, Lori

  19. Stuff Mummy Makes says:

    OH…so hard to pick…..
    but if I HAVE to…the B-Hobo in Grassy Green is stunning!

    Thanks for the chance to win! :D xx

  20. Stuff Mummy Makes says:

    Following Kelly on Twitter! :D xx

  21. Stuff Mummy Makes says:

    Like her on Facebook too! Thanks again for the chance to win! :D

    [email protected]

  22. Classic is the best. Choosing the colour is much harder…

  23. Oooooh. I love the Libby in Saphire and the b-hobo in muted teal or grassy green. Her bags are beautiful.

  24. Stephanie says:

    I had to come back because I didn't want to be first – hahaha! I love love love these bags and am getting a brand new dslr for a big birthday coming up. A new gorgeous bag would be so fun! I love the B-Hobo, but I think the JuJu is my fav!

    figmentsofamom (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. Stephanie says:

    I liked her on FB

  26. Stephanie says:

    And now a Twitter follower too!

  27. It's a toss-up between the B-Hobo and the Classic- I love them both! :) Thanks for the great chance to win!

  28. The B-Hobo in Azure is my favorite!

  29. I follow Kelly on Twitter!

  30. I'm a Twitter follower.

  31. I've joined her on Facebook. Thanks, Char for the wonderful give away!

  32. Mary Dawn says:

    these bags are amazing, i can't decide between the libby and the posey…but since posey comes in fuschia…

  33. Mary Dawn says:

    i follow @kelly on twitter now

  34. Mary Dawn says:

    and i joined her group on facebook

    if i don't win, i will be very very sad…and my children might go hungry because i want a bag

  35. I love the Libby bag in Caramel. I also love the b hobo in Grassy Green. Those bags are super cute!

  36. Terriann says:

    I think the Libby in Caramel is great!

  37. I love the Classic in Grey. Lovely bags! thanks for the giveaway.

  38. I really like that grassy green color so I'd definitely go with the hobo style.

  39. I love the JuJu…. it's classic and clean. I wouldn't feel bad asking my husband to carry this one for me :D

  40. I already "like" Kelly Moore on facebook! Woot!

  41. The Gunter Family says:

    Oh my…these bags are awesome!! I'm in love with the Hobo bag in canary…just perfect!

  42. Shannon says:

    What an awesome giveaway! I love the Libby in caramel, thanks for the chance…

  43. Shannon says:

    I followed Kelley on Twitter, thanks for the chance!

  44. I love the B-Hobo in the grassy green!

  45. Joanna W. says:

    LOVE the Juju bag in Walnut- how adorable!

  46. Mary Beth says:

    The B-Hobo is PERFECT. Perfection. Canary Yellow is just the icing on the cake.

  47. Liked her on facebook

  48. I love either the classic or b-hobo They are so nice! Thanks for the giveaway

  49. Joanna W. says:

    Joined Kelly Moore bags on Facebook, too!

  50. Joined Kelly on Facebook!

  51. HollowSquirrel says:

    Oh these are gorgeous! I love the muted teal B-hobo. Or the grey one. They're like butter!

  52. And…visited the site, oh my. Love the classic style, cranberry or fuschia.

  53. Jennifer says:

    I've had my eye on the B Hobo in grassy green for a while now =)

  54. The Brammers says:

    I love the JuJu and since my little brother always called me JuJu, I especially like it's name

  55. The Brammers says:

    I liked Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook as well. I'm only a mom who takes pictures, but would love a professional looking bag. Lways have my Canon with me somewhere

  56. I love the libby in grey!

  57. I followed Kelly on twitter

  58. I love the JuJu in walnut. It looks so soft.

    juliemarx14 at yahoo dot com

  59. Love the Posey Bag in Slate Grey!

  60. I like her on facebook!

  61. liked on facebook too!

  62. Small Medium and Large says:

    My favoite bag is B-Hobo in coral (pink). Those bags rock! :D

  63. Small Medium and Large says:

    And, I liked Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook.

  64. Cherie@DragonfliezCreationz says:

    I am in love with the Libby in gray or sapphire.

  65. A Jennuine Life says:

    I love the B-Hobo… now just which color?

  66. Cherie@DragonfliezCreationz says:

    Joined Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

  67. Danelle says:

    I love the classic bag in grey or purple.

  68. Danelle says:

    I am a fan of Kelly Moore Bags on facebook.

  69. The orange Posey bag for sure!

  70. *like* it on facebook!

  71. This may be my favorite giveaway on any blog EVER! I am even going to acutally do all the stuff for all the extra entries (normally I am too lazy and just leave a comment and say I like what everyone else likes…hmm, I wonder why I have never won before ;) Fingers crossed. Maybe this is my time!
    Oh, and although it was a tough choice I liked the Classic in Fuchsia

  72. I like her on Facebook!

  73. **Erin** says:

    I LOVE the B-Hobo bag! That is perfect!! Still deciding on a color. ;)

  74. **Erin** says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter! :)

  75. Anna Darlak says:

    I love the JuJu!!

  76. TheDixiePixie says:

    I can't decide between two: The Libby in navy or the B-Hobo in canary. They are both so beautiful in such different ways :)

  77. TheDixiePixie says:

    Like them on FB!

  78. Anna Darlak says:

    I am following Kelly on Twitter!

  79. Anna Darlak says:

    Joined Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

  80. Lisa ~ The SweetTalk Shop says:

    I love that Orange Shorbet "Posey" bag!!

  81. Definitely the B-Hobo in Canary!

  82. Lisa ~ The SweetTalk Shop says:

    I am following Kelly on Twitter

  83. Lisa ~ The SweetTalk Shop says:

    I joined her Facebook page

  84. I love the B Hobo bag in mustard!!

  85. I like Kelly Moore on FB! :)

  86. I LOVE the classic bag in Grey! Gorgeous.

  87. Karen Jerread says:

    So hard to pick just one but I think it would be the classic in fuchsia. So pretty.

  88. Karen Jerread says:

    I like Kelly on FB.

  89. awifenamedjess says:

    I like the B-Hobo bag in Heather grey!

  90. awifenamedjess says:

    I am following Kelly Moore on Twitter

  91. awifenamedjess says:

    I liked Kelly Moore on Facebook!

  92. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. I think my fave bag is.. the Cranberry CROC! Gorgeous!

  93. Quinna Borden Photography says:

    following her on twitter!

  94. Melissa says:

    I'm loving the Classic in cranberry!

  95. Quinna Borden Photography says:

    I love the b-hobo bag in canary!! I love these bags!!

  96. Natalie says:

    I love the B-Hobo in gray or yellow!!

  97. Quinna Borden Photography says:

    Love her on facebook well technically like :-)

  98. Natalie says:

    I like Kelly on facebook!

  99. I LOVE the b-hobo in coral!!

  100. I love the B-Hobo in Azure and Canary!

  101. I like Kelly on FB!

  102. Crafty Mama says:

    I LOVE the B Hobo bag! So pretty! What a perfectly stylish way to carry my camera with me!

  103. Creative Mish says:

    I've been drooling over her bags for months! I Really like the 'Classic' bag. The Teal color is calling to me… :) I follow her on Twitter as CreativeMish and I also follow her on Facebook

  104. I've been stalking these bags for a while… I think I like the boho Heather Grey the best. I love the bright colors but when I have 3k + of camera gear in my bag I just don't want to draw any attention!

  105. mrs. boehle says:

    I love the classic bag in gray. So pretty!

  106. I love the posey bag in slate gray! Would be a great addition to my Spring Wardrobe!! :)

  107. Rachel and Mike Clifton says:

    JuJu bag… in muted teal…. I MUST have it! Absolutely gorgeous, Kelly!

  108. I love the JuJu!!

  109. Rachel and Mike Clifton says:

    I became a follower on Facebook

  110. I like Kelly Moore Bags on FB!!

  111. Rachel and Mike Clifton says:

    And Twitter ;)

  112. Alana Bell says:

    Following on Twitter!

  113. Alana Bell says:

    Love anything Orange. Beautiful bags.

  114. Miss Monica says:

    i <3 the classic in fuchsia!

  115. Love the boho bag in Grey but the libby bag in sapphire is a close second! What fabulous bags

  116. Jessica says:

    I love the classic in cranberry croc!!!!

  117. Jessica says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bag's on facebook!

  118. Like her on facebook

  119. Kristen and Ryan says:

    Love these bags! B-Hobo in grassy green

  120. Kristen and Ryan says:

    I liked her on facebook!

  121. Kristen and Ryan says:

    I follow on twitter!

  122. Jessica says:

    following on twitter!

  123. I really like the B-Hobo bag, but I would love to win the Kelly Boy for my husband!

  124. I'm following on Twitter!

  125. Libby bag caramel…PLEASE!!!

  126. elainaann says:

    I've been shopping for a new purse. I love the b-hobo bag.

  127. I've joined her on Facebook too!

  128. I follow on Twitter.

  129. fan on facebook too now!

  130. elainaann says:

    I am a facebook fan.

  131. I like the new bag: Kelly Boy Bag.

  132. I joined her FB page.

  133. Rebecca says:

    So hard to choose…I like the classic bag!

  134. Oh my goodness! I love her bags. I just watched her tut online about the function of the B hobo-very smart. I like the look of it, very chic and functional. I would love one in either muted teal or Heather Gray.

  135. Rebecca says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter! (bec289)

  136. I love the B hobo in Gray. I'm normally a color girl, but that gray is to die for!

  137. I like her bags on FB.

  138. I like the b-hobo in green or yellow….

  139. Midwestern Gone Idahoan says:

    WOW!! I am not sure what bag I would choose – I love them ALL!! But I really like the B-Hobo Bag – Coral

    [email protected]

  140. Midwestern Gone Idahoan says:

    facebook like them already

    [email protected]

  141. Midwestern Gone Idahoan says:

    twitter follow them already too:)

    [email protected]

  142. Wow, these bags are gorgeous, I think my favorite is the classic in grey.

    Great giveaway!

  143. Casey, Amy and Ryleigh says:

    Oh my! The colors are just GORGEOUS! I think I'd like the Posey or the Libby best. Fantastic bags!

  144. Melissa says:

    My favorite is the Kelly Boy in Grey. It is gorgeous!

  145. Casey, Amy and Ryleigh says:

    I joined/liked Kelly Moore on FB!

  146. Melissa says:

    I "like" them on Facebook!

  147. Ooo I love the hobo bag in Heather Grey! I've been dying to get my hands on one of these!

  148. Now that I FINALLY got a twitter this week…I follow her!

  149. I LOVE the Libby bag in Gray. GORGEOUS!!

  150. And I've already liked her on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!! Fingers crossed!

  151. I'm following Kelly Moore on Facebook.

  152. Danyelle says:

    I like the muted teal Juju bag.

  153. And I'm following on Twitter!

  154. libby! can't decide on color!

  155. following on twitter!

  156. joined on fb!

  157. Mrs Chronic-Shock says:

    The Libby in Caramel is my favorite. That baby holds EVERYTHING! Love it!

  158. Mrs Chronic-Shock says:

    Following on Twitter

  159. Mrs Chronic-Shock says:

    "Liked" on Facebook

  160. I like the posey in orange. Yummy!

  161. Valarie says:

    since I'm always trying to get my husband to carry it for me, I can't go too crazy. The classic bag in Gray.

  162. Maloree says:

    My favorite is B-Hobo Bag in Grassy Green!

  163. Valarie says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  164. Maloree says:

    I follow Kelly on FB

  165. Valarie says:

    I joined the facebook group.

  166. Love the Posey in Slate Gray.

  167. Ann Marie says:

    I love the libby bag in grey!

  168. Ann Marie says:

    i like kelly moore on FB too!

  169. HeatherLovesClay says:

    I love the Libby in Grey and the B Hobo in Azure! Those are gorgeous bags!

  170. HeatherLovesClay says:

    And I liked Kelly Moore on FB!

  171. Danielle says:

    I love the grey hobo

  172. Caroline @ Atelier Caroline says:

    Serious crush on the Hobo in teal, although the classic is also quite fabulous (in teal of course)

  173. I'd be thrilled to own any of these beautiful bags, but the B-Hobo is my favorite.

  174. Lizzy @My Mind..My Life says:

    They are all incredibly cute, but I really like the Classic Bag in Cranberry Croc.

  175. Melinda says:

    I love the classic bag in muted teal!

  176. Kristen says:

    Oh man what a wonderful giveaway! I really like the hobo bag in heather gray as well as canary and azure! It's so hard to choose!

  177. Kristen says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook

  178. corvustristis says:

    I MUST HAVE THIS. I'm leaning towards the classic in muted teal or purple.


  179. I'm desperate for the Posey in orange sherbert!

  180. corvustristis says:

    I am now following her on Twitter.

  181. I like KM on FB!!! Thanks for the chance to win Char!

  182. I am a fan of the Kelly Boy in Brown!

  183. Lexie & Jeff says:

    These bags are great! I love the style of the classic.

  184. Liked on facebook!

  185. Following on Twitter now!

  186. Joined her facebook!

  187. I love the Juju in walnut!

  188. And I'm following Kelly Moore Bags on facebook!

  189. ~Brett~Stephanie~Augustine~ says:

    B-hobo in Mustard – or maybe Azure!

  190. love them all, but I love the colors in the Boho! Like the canary and azure… ok, and the coral… but I don't think my hubby would ever be willing to carry the coral for me, lol

  191. My fav is the B-Hobo. But it's hard to pick a color. Either grey or coral. liz.taylor24 (at)

  192. i love, love , love the classic bag in fuchsia and the juju bag in walnut!

  193. Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    I'm loving the classic in teal. So amazing!

  194. following kelly moore bags on facebook!

  195. Libby in Sapphire replaces all bags you would need. What a great idea!

  196. wow! it is toss up between the classic and the hobo for me! a girl would be lucky to have either!!!

  197. I like the Posey bag in Orange Sherbert.

  198. I liked Kelly Moore bags on FB. liz.taylor24 (at)

  199. cscraps says:

    Oh, the Libby bag in Sapphire is to die for. A bag for my camera and laptop how great would that be!

  200. I love the grassy green b-hobo and the grey libby! thanks for a great site!

  201. I would go for the classic bag in grey…I think…but it was really hard to choose.
    kloutz at gmail dot com

  202. Sarah or someone like her says:

    I like the canary B-Hobo, the the Posey runs a close second.

  203. and i'm following Kelly Moore on facebook too!

  204. I like her bags on facebook!
    kloutz at gmail dot com

  205. Nancy's Couture says:

    I love the libby bag in sapphire and the classic in fuschia!

  206. Brenden+Nikki says:

    I love the Libby bag! I could carry around my camera AND diapers for my babies!

  207. mylittlegems says:

    Since I am suppose to be at Creative Estates- but sick instead- really sick- and so upset about it- I figure I need to enter–plus cute bags!!! Love the Libby and the Juju!

  208. I LOVE the JuJu bag in Walnut! Thanks for the chance to win.
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  209. mylittlegems says:

    I liked them on FB!! I love all the bags- so cute!

  210. I'm following Kelly Moore on Twitter! (@LauraL444)
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  211. Sarah or someone like her says:

    Following on Twitter

  212. cscraps says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

  213. n8'swife says:

    I love the Posey Bag in Fuchsia!!

  214. Becky and Mike says:

    I love the Libby in sapphire. What a great giveaway!

  215. mylittlegems says:

    I'm folloiwng Kelly Moore on Twitter- joining twitter just for this ;)

  216. Sarah or someone like her says:

    And liked on FB too

  217. cscraps says:

    I like them on Facebook!

  218. Shannan says:

    I joined her on facebook :)

  219. Nancy's Couture says:

    Following Kelly on twitter @nmbrumfield

  220. Melissa says:

    I'm following Kelly on Twitter!

  221. Nancy's Couture says:

    I already like Keey Moore Bags on FB as Nancy Brumfield

  222. Shannan says:

    Amazing bags. So hard to choose from but I would go wih the Libby Bad in Grey. Thanks!

  223. Melissa says:

    I joined Kelly Moore Bag on Facebook.

  224. Jessa Smith says:

    I love the canary hobo bag!

  225. Love the B Hobo, and it would have to be black for me! LOVE!!

  226. I became a fan on facebook!

  227. Jessa Smith says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  228. Jessa Smith says:

    I follow on twitter!

  229. Whitney says:

    I love the B-Hobo in muted teal!

  230. Whitney says:

    I follow Kelly on FB!

  231. CodynStacey says:

    I can't decide between the mustard B-Hobo or sapphire Libby! They're all SO beautiful!

  232. Those are adorable! The colors are so vibrant. I really like the B-Hobo Bag in muted teal. But all of the bags are amazing.

  233. Melissa says:

    I love the B-Hobo Bag in Heather Grey!

  234. Stephanie says:

    What an amazing idea! I like the hobo best!

  235. I love the classic in muted teal!

  236. love the canery color in hobo!

  237. Brianne says:

    I'd love to win this for my sister. I think her favorite would be the b-hobo in canary!

  238. For the Love of Laundry says:

    I love the fucia classic! And my name is Kelly Moore…I need this bag. :)
    [email protected]

  239. The green b-hobo is my favorite!

  240. pixleyyy says:

    Oh, man… this one is tough. I debated between the Classic in purple and the B-Hobo in coral. In the end, purple won out! So the Classic in Purple is my fave and I would LOOOOOOOVE to win one!

  241. I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

  242. For the Love of Laundry says:

    I joined her on facebook! Love these bags! [email protected]

  243. Claudia says:

    I love the grey classic!

  244. For the Love of Laundry says:

    I am following her on twitter! [email protected]

  245. Sarah Rae says:

    I love the b-hobo in grassy green. So cute.

  246. Joshua and Cameron says:

    I liked them on facebook!

  247. Joshua and Cameron says:

    I love the Kelly Moore Classic Bag in Rich Fuchsia! Love ite!

  248. Sarah Rae says:

    Liked/Joined on facebook. :-)

  249. Sarah Rae says:

    And following on Twitter. :-)

  250. Simply Sarah says:

    I like the B-Hobo in Almost Black!!! That would be perfect!

  251. rebekahnicolephotography says:

    I totally need the gray B-Hobo!

  252. CreationsbyJune says:

    Following Kelly on twitter…

  253. Kimbo West @ a girl and a glue gun says:

    B-Hobo in Canary
    I want a yellow one sooo bad!

  254. Sandra Adams says:

    Lovin the Posey bag!

  255. Sandra Adams says:

    I'm following Kelly on twitter

  256. I love the b-hobo bag in coral!!

  257. CreationsbyJune says:

    I "liked" on Facebook

  258. Simply Sarah says:

    Now I've liked her page on FB.

  259. rebekahnicolephotography says:

    I like on FB.

  260. CreationsbyJune says:

    I love the b-hobo in muted teal!!!!

  261. ro-grammie says:

    Posey Bag l Orange Sherbet

    anything orange does it for me! these are all super cute. my last purse came from the goodwill and is meh

    [email protected]

  262. Jill Ann says:

    The JuJu Bag is soooo gorgeous!

  263. Jill Ann says:

    I follow Kelly Moore on Twitter!

  264. Jill Ann says:

    I follow Kelly Moore on FB!

  265. LOVE the hobo bag! And that Mustard color is beautiful!

  266. I follow Kelly on Twitter :)


  267. I choose the posey bag in orange!

  268. I like Kelly on FB :)


  269. i like her on FB

  270. omg, loooove! My fav is the b-hobo but I can't decide between the teal, grey or canary!

  271. i follow on twitter

  272. President's Mommy says:

    Following on Twitter :)

  273. President's Mommy says:

    I love the muted teal hobo.

  274. following on twitter!

  275. Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says:

    So sad plans changed at the last minute and I didn't get to come :( My favorite is the Libby! or the JuJu :)

  276. Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says:

    I follow her on twitter.

  277. Had to like her on Facebook….maybe hubby will get the hint and get me one for Mother's Day

  278. liked on facebook!

  279. Mormishmom @ Funky PolkaDot Giraffe says:

    I like her on Facebook.

  280. Love them all but then again I'm a little crazy when it comes to bags

  281. I joined Kelly Moore Bag's group on facebook!

  282. I love the B-Hobo Azure bag!

  283. Liz @ Sugarplum Creations says:

    I have wanted one of her bags for a LONG time!!! I like the classic bag, maybe in Fuschia? I don't know, all of the colors are so lovely.

  284. I love the b-hobo bag in coral or canary. I sure do hope I win!

  285. I like her on Facebook.

  286. Oh, for sure the grey b-hobo. Best camera bag I've ever seen! Thanks for the giveaway!

  287. Liz @ Sugarplum Creations says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter :)

  288. I love the lbby bag in caramel!

  289. I liked on facebook!

  290. I love them alll … how could a girl choose just one? I adore the libby and the hobo … but if given the chance, I just know I'd fall for the classic.

    I've been eyeing these camera bags forever it seems!


  291. I now follow on twitter!

  292. I ove the Grassy Green B-Hobo

  293. Kelly Moore Classic Bag | Rich Fuchsia

  294. Nathania Hunter says:

    my favorite bag is the Kelly Moore Classic Bag in Rich Fuchsia
    nathania.a at gmail dot com

  295. Patty D from NC says:

    b hobo is a nice one. thanks for the chance to win!

  296. Nathania Hunter says:

    follow her on twitter as @Nathania_H
    nathania.a at gmail dot com

  297. Nathania Hunter says:

    follow her on fb!
    nathania.a at gmail dot com

  298. Kelly Moore Classic Bag in Grey is stunning!

  299. I "like" her bags on FB C:

  300. MotherMay says:

    Kelly Moore Classic Bag in Muted Teal GORGEOUS!! Great site LOVE the bags!

  301. MotherMay says:

    I liked Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook :)

  302. I would love the Kelly Boy in grey. Oh-yeah-that would rock!!

  303. I love the B-Hobo! Especially in gray & walnut!

  304. I'm following her on twitter! @daydreamincolor

  305. Love the juju bag!
    [email protected]

  306. I liked her on facebook!
    [email protected]

  307. erinantonelli says:

    I now follow Kelly Moore Clark on Twitter!

  308. Yay!! Classic in Purple. How lovely.

  309. erinantonelli says:

    I would tote around the B-Hobo Bag in Grassy Green :)

  310. Also, I follow on FB!

  311. And lastly, I follow on Twitter too! I must really want this bag!

  312. erinantonelli says:

    I joined the Kelly Moore Bag on Facebook!

  313. I follow Kelly on twitter!

  314. Love the B-Hobo in canary. Such a cute bag!

  315. There's so many to choose just one favorite! I am really loving the B-Hobo in grassy green and the Libby in Sapphire.

  316. Kimbrey-Daniel says:

    The classic in pink is my fav!

  317. Love them all, but I'd probably choose a b hobo in walnut! Super stylin'!

  318. I joined Kelly Moore on Facebook!

  319. Wendy Tunison says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bags on FB. Thank you for the introduction! My husband probably won't like you very much, but I sure do! LOL!

  320. Cottonista says:

    Love the b-hobo in grass green!

  321. I think the B-Hobo bag is terrific and the canary is just awesome

  322. Wendy Tunison says:

    If I had to choose just one color, I'd choose the B Hobo in Muted Teal. Thank so much for the chance to win one of these fabulous bags!

  323. Call Commotion says:

    Oh I love purses!! These are adorable1 I love the B-Hobo bag in Canary!

  324. Call Commotion says:

    I joined Kelly Moore on Facebook!!!

  325. oh wow… the libby bag in grey is beautiful! super-duper idea too.

  326. holy smokes! these are great-looking bags! i love the posy and the kelly boy bouth in gray the best! (i can't pick one!)

  327. Build It,Sew It,Love It says:

    Thanks for hosting all these fun givaways! I love the Libby in Grey! : ) Thanks again!!


  328. Build It,Sew It,Love It says:

    I love the libby in grey! Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  329. The Rayburns says:

    I love the B-hobo in yellow…my favorite color!

  330. The Rayburns says:

    Following on Twitter now!

  331. I love the classic style – especially in the blue!

    leannnyman at gmail dot com

  332. follow her on facebook

    leannnyman at gmail dot com

  333. The Rayburns says:

    joined on facebook…

  334. Trulie Scrumptious says:

    LOVE love love the libby bag in Grey. AWESOME bags, FABULOUS actually…

  335. Trulie Scrumptious says:

    I am now kelly's newest twitter follower

  336. Trulie Scrumptious says:

    I am Kelly's Facebook friend as well!

  337. charisse says:

    B-hobo in muted teal!

  338. charisse says:

    I followed on twitter

  339. The Libby in sapphire. That is one beautiful bag!

  340. I really like the Libby!! Love that there is room for baby stuff too!

  341. MojoMama says:

    I LOVE the Classic in Cranberry Croc! Beautiful bag, GORGEOUS color!

    mojomamablog *at* rocketmail *dot* com

  342. B Hobo is a must!

  343. MojoMama says:

    I follow her on Twitter.

    mojomamablog *at* rocketmail *dot* com

  344. MojoMama says:

    I joined her group on Facebook.

    mojomamablog *at* rocketmail *dot* com

  345. I would love the classic in muted teal!

    [email protected]

  346. mommieof4munchkins says:

    I LOVE the B-Hobo in Coral, all of her bags are fantastic!

  347. I follow Kelly on twitter!

  348. I like Kelly on FB!

  349. Following on Twitter!!

  350. I love the Posey in Grey!

  351. Would LOVE the JuJu in Walnut!!

    [email protected]

  352. I am now following Kelly Moore on fb

    [email protected]

  353. I'm following her on Twitter!

    [email protected]

  354. Mike and Jen says:

    I like the look of the Posey and the Juju bags.

  355. Resplendentquetzal says:

    I love the green hobo! Beautiful!

  356. Mike and Jen says:

    I also like her on FB.

  357. Lovely bags, just love the B-Hobo Bag, especially the grey one :)

  358. and I'm a follower on twitter

  359. Stephanie S. says:

    Love the classic bag! What a great idea! I hate being the "bag" lady with multiple bags.

  360. Kelly Moore Classic Bag | Cranberry Croc

  361. i have to win one of these!! i love the B-Hobo in canary

  362. I like the classic in teal.

  363. I follow on twitter

  364. I like Kelly Moore on FB

  365. I love the classic in rich fuchsia!


  366. I follow Kelly on Twitter!

  367. I like Kelly on FB!!

  368. Luke & Amanda says:

    Im loving the orange sherbert Posey!

  369. Luke & Amanda says:

    And I like her on facebook!

  370. Variety says:

    My favorite has got to be the Libby bag in Sapphire. Whether for a camera bag and purse or a purse and bookbag (I'm a student), this bag will be perfect.

  371. Russell, Tiffany and Emily says:

    I like the b-hobo in heather grey but I also think the classic in cranberry croc is awesome too. Thanks for the chance to win!

  372. Two Dollars says:

    I like the Juju in Walnut :)

  373. I am loving the Libby Bag in Sapphire!

  374. Definitely the B-Hobo bag – great size, my style. Like the mustard and canary colors. Be back soon for post 2 of 3. Thanks :)

  375. Following Kelly Moore on Twitter.

  376. I like Kelly on Facebook. Third and final post. Fingers crossed. :)

  377. Kara Cornejo says:

    I'm totally in love with the B-Hobo in yellow or grey.

  378. Wow~ so many cute ones! I love the Juju in Walnut, as it looks big enough to carry some baby stuff, too!

  379. Kara Cornejo says:

    I liked on Facebook!!!

  380. Kara Cornejo says:

    I'm following on Twitter!!

  381. I follow her on Facebook!

  382. MelissaStuff says:

    Like the Libby bag in Sapphire

  383. MelissaStuff says:

    Follow her on Twitter

  384. MelissaStuff says:

    Like her on FB

  385. One Fish says:

    I liked on facebook!

  386. One Fish says:

    So hard to choose but I am digging the Sapphire Libby bag.

  387. The Miller Five says:

    I love the Libby in Sapphire. Gorgeous!

  388. Valerie says:

    "liked' KM on FB

  389. The Miller Five says:

    I joined Kelly Moore bags on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!

  390. Valerie says:

    now following Kelly Moore on Twitter

  391. Valerie says:

    So hard to choose….I LOVE all of the bags. B-Hobo in Muted Teal or the Posey in any color would be fabulous.

  392. Richins Family says:

    oooooo i love the grassy green b-hobo and the classic! PICK ME PICK ME :)

  393. Richins Family says:

    I follow on twitter!

  394. Richins Family says:

    I'm a fan on FB :)

  395. I love the orange Posey bag…cuz I'm an orange bag myself.

  396. I'm a FB liker of Kelly Moore. I love it that she and her hubs have the same name!

  397. Ally and Whit says:

    I love the Classic bag in Purple!

  398. Trulie Scrumptious says:

    follow kelly on twitter

  399. I'm a twitter follower, too!

  400. I love the B-Hobo bag in heather grey or grassy green or the or the Posey bag in orange sherbet. Oh, never mind, I'd take just about any of them! How to decide?

  401. I am a fan on FB.

  402. I love the b-hobo bag! I would give this to my best friend who started a photography business recently.

  403. Shirley says:

    Holy Moly I love these bags! :) My favorite is the B-HOBO in muted teal!

  404. I'm Emily! says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  405. K. the Littlest Crafter says:

    I need one of these bags – any one!! :)

  406. Shirley says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter (@willowwhimsy)!

  407. I'm Emily! says:

    I like her on Facebook too!

  408. Shirley says:

    I like Kelly on Facebook too! :)

  409. My wife loves the JuJu in muted teal. As a mom and a part of a new drag racing team, she's always taking pictures. These bags are great for her equipment!!

  410. I'm Emily! says:

    I think I'm in love with the b-hobo in grassy green!

  411. Michelle says:

    I would love a B-Hobo in Grassy Green!

  412. I love the b-hobo–in canary, coral or grey!! love them!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  413. Jessica @ The Virtual Scrapbook says:

    I follow her on twitter!!

  414. Christina says:

    I like the grey b-hobo but the other colours are pretty awesome too!
    sydneyv at yahoo dot com

  415. Jessica @ The Virtual Scrapbook says:

    I love the classic in fuschia! Been on my wish list for ages!!

  416. Jessica @ The Virtual Scrapbook says:

    I liked her on FB! I love the bags in real life :)

  417. Mary @ Bugglebee Handmade says:

    Just became a twitter follower (as BuggleBHandmade). These bags look awesome! And they'd work great as a diaper bag/purse/camera bag which is what I need right now :).

  418. Mary @ Bugglebee Handmade says:

    My favorite is the b-hobo, either in mustard or grassy green.

  419. Two Broads Design says:

    oh these are awesome! Any of the purple ones would be my choice.

  420. tabkate says:

    I love the JUJU bag and the classic. Both great!

  421. tabkate says:

    I also am following on facebook now. I hope I win this bag it would be great for dslr cam and help me wrange my two kiddos

  422. sntbosch says:

    I love the grey kelly boy or the grey classic. Thanks for the chance.
    [email protected]

  423. Crunchy Sews says:

    The Classic in Cranberry Croc is gorgeous!

  424. Tin Can Daisy says:

    I like the b-hobo bag in canary – too cute :)

  425. I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  426. ♥ the Azure Hobo!

  427. The B-Hobo in Canary is amazing. That bag is seriously drool-worthy.

  428. Catherine says:

    I follow her on Twitter.

  429. Catherine says:

    I like her on Facebook.

  430. Catherine says:

    Holy crap, picking a favorite is tough! At this very moment in time, I'm thinking I like Heather Grey BHobo the best.

  431. kwhite118 says:

    wow, the colors are so great! and I love when function and style meet! these bags inspire me to bust out my camera this spring!

  432. Nesiejean says:

    I would love the Libby bag in Sapphire … or the JuJu bag in Teal. I can't decide!

  433. Following this site on facebook.

  434. I like the pink b hobo! how neat!

  435. Shooting Stars Mag says:

    i really like the grey libby bag.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  436. Stephanie says:

    I love the B-Hobo in the muted teal!

  437. Stephanie says:

    I joined her group on Facebook.

  438. I love the Posey bag in fuchsia.

  439. I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  440. The Grassy freen or azure hobo. I'd have to flip a coin.

  441. Tara Smith says:

    I love the classic bag in cranberry croc!

  442. Tara Smith says:

    Following on twitter!

  443. Follow on Twitter @12makesadozen

  444. Like/joined the group on facebook
    Kira Pedroza

  445. Tara Smith says:

    following on facebook!

  446. Amy Jo of says:

    I think the Kelly Boy one is my fave! In Mustard! Fantastic!

  447. Amy Jo of says:

    And now I'm following her on Twitter @BlueHippoArts

  448. Amy Jo of says:

    And I joined on FB! These are awesome bags!

  449. 2tiaras says:

    the b-hobo in mustard or the classic in fuscha would be my top 2 favorites. I love the bright color – mixing fashion with function is so wonderful :)

  450. MelindaB says:

    Love the JuJu in walnut!

  451. MelindaB says:

    Following on Twitter

  452. Julie Link says:

    I love the juju in teal! That bag needs me!! c

  453. Jennifer S. says:

    I am now a fan on facebook….terrific giveaway!

  454. Julie Link says:

    i'm not a fb follower
    julielink (at)

  455. Julie Link says:

    following on twitter too!

    julielink (at)

  456. Twins Squared says:

    I love, love, love the B Hobo in Canary. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  457. Liberty says:

    I LOVE the Libby bag in Grey! SO cute. Thanks for the chance to win!

  458. B-hobo in canary, these bags are adorable!

  459. Liberty says:

    I liked them on fb too! Hope I win!

  460. Sangeetha says:

    Kelly Boy bag – I love it

  461. MissSalzman says:

    Love the Juju! Now that is a serious purse for the camera-toting fashionista. So much room for the camera and other purse essentials- great for a day trip too! Walnut is so classic, but I'm totally drawn to the muted teal color.

  462. Sarah Brown Design Yarn says:

    I definitely would choose the Libby. With a new baby I am sold on how much you can tote around. I can toss my boring black backpack!

  463. Suzanne says:

    So many great bags, it's hard to choose just one. It's a toss up between the Classic in cranberry croc or the B-Hobo in grassy green.

  464. Sarah Brown Design Yarn says:

    I am following on Twitter! :)

  465. Sarah Brown Design Yarn says:

    I joined to follow on Facebook. :)

  466. Ramona Burke says:

    OH, the Juju in Muted Teal just jumped to the top of my wish list! so cool!

  467. Hillary says:

    I am following Kelly on Twitter

  468. Hillary says:

    I liked Kelly Moore bags on FB!

  469. Hillary says:

    I love the B-Hobo in grassy green!

  470. I like the B-Hobo bag in Azure…Looks like a great bag!

  471. Michelle T says:

    So hard to choose…the B hobo in mustard

  472. I love the mustard b-hobo! I've been saving for a Kelly bag for a while now, but I'd love one for free!

  473. I also follow Kelly on Twitter!

  474. I like her on Facebook too!

  475. cheeksb says:

    I like the b hobo and the kelly boy hard pick

  476. PinkGranny says:

    I love the Teal B-Hobo Bag!

  477. The Cleverleys says:

    the B-Hobo is coral is amazing! so cute!


  478. That JuJu bag is awesome!

  479. I follow Kelly on twitter!

  480. PinkGranny says:

    I liked Kelly on Facebook!!

  481. BriBedell says:

    Love the B-Hobo in any color!!!

  482. Ashley S. says:

    I like the B-Hobo bag! And I'd probably pick Azure. What a pretty color!

  483. Ashley S. says:

    I also like her on Facebook! Thanks!

  484. Maribel says:

    OMG! The b-hobo in mustard!!!!!

    [email protected]

  485. Gabrielle says:

    The classic in rich fusia has my name ALLLL over it!!

  486. Melissa (Books and Things) says:

    The Kelly boy in either black/red/purple. :)

  487. I love the Hobo in Teal and Green!

  488. I think I'd choose the B-Hobo bag in Almost black… wow… I would totally use that bag!!!
    sis_celiadawn at yahoo dot com

  489. Joseph & Annie Hatch says:

    So loving the B-hobo bag in canary!
    [email protected]

  490. Joseph & Annie Hatch says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bags on fb! [email protected]

  491. I love the B-Hobo in either Canary or Coral … probably the coral!

    [email protected]

  492. Totally love the Libby in sapphire!

  493. I like KMB on FB!

  494. oh man i love these bags sooo much how do you chose?! i think i would pick the juju i love that walnut color!

  495. following on twitter

  496. i love the posey in slate! please pick me :D :D :D

  497. Carrielyn says:

    I love the Kelly Boy… in Mustard… maybe Brown… So adorable!

  498. following on FB!

  499. I love the JuJu bag in Muted Teal. It is more bag than I need, but I love the style!!!

  500. I follow her on FB!

  501. Marie Rose says:

    I LOVE, love love the heather b-hobo bag and the mustard b-hobo bag..these are awesome!

  502. Marie Rose says:

    joined Kelly Moore Bag on Facebook!

  503. the B hobo in heather grey please!

  504. I love the JuJu in muted teal.

  505. i follow kelly on twitter!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  506. i like the classic in brown! thanks!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  507. Melissa @ thelittlegrayhouse says:

    I Love the Libby bag in Sapphire.

  508. Amber H. says:

    HEY CHAR! *waves like a moron from Utah*

    Anyways, I would LOVE to win the Libby Bag in Grey.. I've got a 17" laptop that I need to have a sexy stylin' bag to carry around in; currently my husband uses his laptop bag to carry both of our laptops in, and complains that it's too heavy to carry both. Plus I'm a mom, so the compartments to hold things might come in handy.

  509. I love the classic in gray!

  510. I love these bags! They are all wonderful, but if I had to choose one I would choose the ju ju!

  511. I follow Kelly on twitter!

  512. I am also now a Kelly Moore fan facebook!

  513. Els Manning says:

    uhm there is no way i can just choose ! Love the colors, love the design. And am so loving this give a way! I think the b-hobo in mustard…? However that pink one is very Now too! :)

    [email protected]

  514. Els Manning says:

    I like Kelly Moore bags on FB too… really! :)

    [email protected]

  515. The Sunny Side says:

    They're ALL great, but I think I like the Posey the best.

  516. johnsonsuzie says:

    My husband has just started taking photos with our DSLR, he takes wonderful pictures & has such a good eye. So proud!

    I would love for him to have the Kelly Boy in grey.

    It is so funky & would fit his personality.

  517. I am in love with the JuJu. The color, the pockets, the straps… all of it is so great! These bags are definitely an incentive to carry my camera around more without looking like a dork or a tourist.

  518. The Riebeek Family says:

    I love the classic in grey! Thanks for the opportunity!

  519. Just liked Kelly Moore bags on FB! Great stuff!

  520. The Riebeek Family says:

    I follow kelly on twitter! @michelleriebeek

  521. The Riebeek Family says:

    I follow Kelly moore on facebook! Michelle Riebeek

  522. The classic bag looks awesome! Thanks!

  523. Love those bags! My faves are either the B Hobo in Canary or Azure. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  524. I love the Juju bag in Walnut!

    mearnold115 at yahoo dot com

  525. Bert and Benton says:

    I actually love the b-hobo in canary or grassy green

    yobert7 at gmail dot com

  526. oh they are awesome!! Definately the B Hobo in azure blue the colour is incredible!

  527. The Garrett family says:

    I like the classic in cranberry croc.

  528. The Garrett family says:

    I liked you on facebook!

  529. oooooh! An Orange Posey please! Wow – gorgeous bags! Thanks for the giveaway, Kelly.

  530. The Amoah-Boadi Family says:

    I love the classic,libby and juju.
    So gorgeous!
    [email protected]

  531. The Amoah-Boadi Family says:

    following her on FB!
    [email protected]

  532. The Amoah-Boadi Family says:

    following her on Twitter!
    [email protected]

  533. I love the Teal B-Hobo bag!

  534. I follow her on twitter.

  535. Inspired Gal {Crafts} says:

    I love the Libby in carmel! Thanks so much for the chance to win.
    Charlene (charlene[at]theinspiredretreat[dot]com

  536. Inspired Gal {Crafts} says:

    I'm a Kelly Moore f/b fan!
    Charlene (charlene[at]theinspiredretreat[dot]com

  537. I liked Kelly on FB :)

  538. I'm follower on twitter

  539. All her bags are so functional….love her videos showcasing each bag. It"ll be great to win one of these…I love the Posey bag in orange sherbet. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  540. Bonnie @ This Young Mama says:

    I am guilty of throwing it my diaper bag (that's full of crumbs) so I'm in major need of a camara bag. I like the original bag in grey.

  541. That B-Hobo bag is like an answer to prayers I've been looking for a bag that my camera and sketch book will fit, Voila there it was on your blog in my favorite color!!!Hurray now I know about Kelly Moore bags…wonderful!

  542. These bags are beautiful! I love the classic in that cranberry croc pattern, but I also love the B-Hobo in grassy green and muted teal. This is exactly what I've been dreaming of for my camera and purse needs!!!

  543. mamatkins says:

    I so need a camera bag. I love the heather gray hobo bag. Thanks so much, [email protected]

  544. Following Kelly on Twitter!

  545. Yeah, so I've been coveting the classic bag in fuschia for a while now! Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!

  546. I joined Kelly Moore bags on FB!!!

  547. I <3, <3, <3 the Libby bag in Sapphire!!!

  548. My favorite is the Libby Sapphire. It looks almost like my "regular" purse!!

  549. I "like" Kelly on Facebook too!!!

  550. I love the B-hobo in green!

    [email protected]

  551. Kathleen says:

    I love the classic in grey!~ Love the purple lining too! What a fantastic bag–thanks for introducing me to the line!

  552. MissSalzman says:

    Now I'm following on Twitter- AVLMC!

  553. MissSalzman says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook too! :)

  554. rickimoo says:

    The canary b-hobo bag is my choice! Love the yellow.

  555. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I joined on facebook

  556. I love them all, but my favorite is the B-Hobo Bag in Heather Grey. I would be happy to wait until June(or longer!) for it, since it is out of stock now. I especially like the flexibility of the 2 straps, since I am so tall..the crossbody strap is often more comfortable for me. Thanks for this opportunity!

  557. I "joined"/liked Kellys Bags on facebook.

  558. rickimoo says:

    I liked Kelly Moore BAgs on Facebook.

  559. rickimoo says:

    I now follow KMB on twitter.

  560. I love the B-hobo and the Juju! Super cute! I need something stylist to carry my huge camera in!

  561. Oh my, They are all amazing, and I've wanted one for sooo long. My favorite right now is the B-Hobo in canary or gray.

  562. sjf_1979 says:

    Do I have to pick just one?!?!?!?! I LOVE the Juju and the Libby, but I think I am leaning towards the Libby. YUM!

  563. sjf_1979 says:

    Kelly More FB fan here! :)

  564. Bonnie @ This Young Mama says:

    I'm following Kelly More on twitter :)

  565. lauren@warmandfuzzy says:

    OMG…I must have the yellow with the purple lining…come on man…my blog is purple and gold and I am from Louisiana too and its LSU colors as well!! Its meant to be!!

  566. lauren@warmandfuzzy says:

    FOllowing on twitter

  567. lauren@warmandfuzzy says:

    Liked on facebook!!

  568. It is so hard to choose! I love the Classic Brown and the B-Hobo Walnut. Thanks for the chance!

  569. B-Hobo in Pink is awesome!

    I do like them all so it would be hard to pick if I win!

  570. I love the b-hobo in canary. It's just wonderful. I also love the video bag tours on her site. How helpful!


  571. ArtsyNina says:

    It's a tie between the b-hobo and the posey. Those bags are just so dang cute.

  572. ArtsyNina says:

    following kelly on twitter

  573. ArtsyNina says:

    AND joined her FB page

  574. Bonnie @ This Young Mama says:

    I joined her FB page :)

  575. B-Hobo in Muted Teal or Heather Grey. Either are Adorable. It was nearly impossible to narrow it down. Anyway, I would LOVE to win this bag!

  576. The B-Hobo in muted teal, or grey, or almost black– it's hard to choose!

  577. I am now following on Facebook!

  578. Naomi @ says:

    I'm quite fond of the muted teal b-hobo. :) I really dig the canary color too but I don't think I could pull it off. :)

  579. Diane Conn says:

    I like the b-hobo bag in gray or azure.

  580. Diane Conn says:

    I like her on facebook

  581. Diane Conn says:

    I'm a twitter follower

  582. Laura Neill says:

    I love the grassy green hobo! lauraneill105 at gmail dot com

  583. Toss up between Posey orange and classic gr.

  584. I love the classic in fuchsia!

  585. Love the libby bag! And I can't pick just one color!

  586. like on fb.

  587. I love the handle on the Posey!

  588. I am a fan on facebook too!

  589. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    OHHHH! I would love the posey–any color! THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  590. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    I follow on Twitter:) THANKS! sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  591. Savannah O'Gwynn says:

    Total fan on FB and left a comment:) THANKS! sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  592. The Hobo and the JuJu are both pretty darn cute!

  593. PiperandRowen says:

    Love that Boy Bag! But, really, they're all fabulous!

  594. PiperandRowen says:

    I joined the Kelly Moore Bags group on Facebook, too!

  595. mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings says:

    oh how I love the b-hobo bag! So beautiful and functional! Thanks for the chance!

  596. mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings says:

    I follow Kelly Moore bags on twitter

  597. mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings says:

    I like Kelly Moore bags on facebook.
    Thanks for the chance!

  598. They are all so cute i would probably choose the hobo in mustard or the classic in fushia!!

  599. Carpenters says:

    I love the sapphire libby bag. It can hold both camera and lens plus a laptop. Brilliant!

  600. Carpenters says:

    I follow Kelly on twitter

  601. Carpenters says:

    I 'like' Kelly Moore bags on Facebook

  602. Suzie Button says:

    How beautiful!!! I love the style of the B-Hobo bag! Thanks for a chance to win! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

  603. Ranae Broadhead says:

    love the classic in cranberry!

    [email protected]

  604. Ranae Broadhead says:

    like kelly moore bags on fb!

    [email protected]

  605. Suzie Button says:

    I'm a follower on Twitter! Thanks for letting us know she gives away bags there too! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

  606. Suzie Button says:

    I am a follower on FB too! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

  607. Just this... Alice says:

    My favorite color.. the Pink B-Hobo for sure. I like that this one looks more like a purse. The mens line is great also.

  608. Oh, I love the Posey in orange sherbet, and the grassy green B-Hobo.

  609. I liked her on FB!!!

  610. Carolina girl says:

    They are all so cute, but the classic and libby are my favs! Love them!

  611. Carolina girl says:

    I "liked" Kelly Moore bags on facebook.

  612. Ildi-The craftin mama says:

    I like the Libby and the Posey bags!!! Sooooo
    cute and colorful!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  613. The Libby and the Posey are my favorites. The colors are fabulous!

  614. I follow Kelly on Twitter! (@tayamg)

  615. Liked/joined KELLY on fb (I wrote "jelly" the first time!)

  616. melissa t says:

    I love the HOBO in Pink. Can't resist pink! Great giveaway!
    [email protected]

  617. The grassy green B Hobo is awesome! If I don't win, I think I know what I want for Mother's Day! Thanks for the opportunity!
    mikenlisa2005 at gmail dot com

  618. I liked her on facebook!
    mikenlisa2005 at gmail dot com

  619. I now follow her on twitter! Thanks again for the opportunity!
    mikenlisa2005 at gmail dot com

  620. Carol in E TN says:

    What cool bags! I like the Hobo bag in Mustard!

  621. Carol in E TN says:

    I "like" Kelly on Facebook.

  622. Lisa Christine Johnson says:

    I love the Kelly More Classic Bag in Purple! Everything I want and need in a bag! Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

  623. Lisa Christine Johnson says:

    I like Kelly Moore on Facebook!

  624. Lisa Christine Johnson says:

    I am following Kelly on Twitter as well!

  625. The Posey Bag in Fushia… oh, how lovely. thanks

    debbebennett at yahoo dot com

  626. I love the Sapphire Libby.

  627. Following on Facebook!!

  628. Georgia! says:

    I love the b-hobo bag in heather grey!

  629. Georgia! says:

    Just followed Kelly Moore Clark on twitter!

  630. Georgia! says:

    I just liked Kelly Moore Bag on facebook!

  631. Lovely bags! My favorite is the B-Hobo in Grassy Green. Thanks for a chance to win! Anne, yourmainestamper

  632. keyskids says:

    I love the fuchsia classic, would love that for just my purse without the camera but at least there would be room for it.
    [email protected]

  633. keyskids says:

    I follow kelly moore clark on facebook
    [email protected]

  634. Danielle says:

    I liked Kelly Moore on Facebook!

    DanielleJoAnn79 at gmail dot com

  635. Danielle says:

    I would love to own in all of her bags, especially in the muted teal, but my absolute favorite has to be the Juju in muted teal. Love it!

    DanielleJoAnn79 at gmail dot com

  636. Aubrey Rose says:

    What a great give-away! These bags are all beautiful. I LOVE the B-Hobo in Heather Gray. For once I might be able to carry the camera and have my husband lug the even heavier diaper bag ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  637. Aubrey Rose says:

    Following her on Twitter now too (m_lexy) :)

  638. I follow Kelly on facebook!

  639. I like the classic in fuchsia or the grassy green hobo. It's hard to pick just one!

  640. Of course I love them all, but if I have to pick one, my fav is the Kelly Moore Classic Bag | Rich Fuchsia!
    embellishartist at gmail dot com

  641. I follow Kelly on Twitter too!
    embellishartist at gmail dot com

  642. I like Kelly on FB!!
    embellishartist at gmail dot com

  643. Catching Memories Photography says:

    I have seriously been jonesin' for the canary yellow B hobo bag!!!

  644. Jod Jas Curtis says:

    Loooovee this in Yellow B-Hobo :)
    Awesome bags!

  645. Catching Memories Photography says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bags on FB! [email protected]

  646. Jod Jas Curtis says:

    I'm also following on FB :)

  647. Adore the canary hobo or the precious posey.

  648. The Colvard's says:

    I love the JuJu!

  649. The Colvard's says:

    I follow on Twitter

  650. The Colvard's says:

    I follow on Facebook

  651. SewCalGal says:

    I liked/joined Kelly on Facebook.


  652. I love the hobo-b bag in canary, so pretty!!! Love it!!!!

    jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

  653. I'm following on twitter

    jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

  654. I'm in the facebook group :)

    jjd05c (at) gmail (dot) com

  655. Definitely the B Hobo in Heather Grey. Gorgeous bags!

  656. and I like Kelly Moore bags on Facebook

  657. Creative Mish says:

    I am now following Kelly Moore on Twitter

  658. Creative Mish says:

    I was already a follower on Facebook :)

  659. Tom and Katie says:

    I love the Classic Bag in muted teal…
    Thanks for a great giveaway! :)

  660. Tom and Katie says:

    I also liked her on Facebook…

  661. I love the yellow B-Hobo, but I would get it for my sister! She needs a camera bag!

  662. I followed Keely Moore on Twitter!

  663. I liked Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

  664. Caroline @ Rugrats + Royalty says:

    I love the Libby bag in Grey…perfect to carry my laptop to work!

  665. Amanda K @ Every Crafty Endeavor says:

    I love the canary yellow hobo but think I will play it safe with the grassy green. Yep – I am boring!

  666. Amanda K @ Every Crafty Endeavor says:

    I follow her on Twitter.

  667. Amanda K @ Every Crafty Endeavor says:

    I "like" them on Facebook!

  668. I love the Libby bag in Sapphire!

  669. I already like Kelly Moore on FB.

  670. I already follow Kelly Moore on Twitter.

  671. I love the Posey bag! I want the grey one – it is so stylish and functional!

  672. I am following on Facebook.

  673. I am following on twitter!

  674. I love the classic!

  675. I'm a follower on facebook!


  676. I have wanted one of these bags FOR-EV-ER! The classic is my utmost favorite. Please pick me!


  677. Anything green! Wonderful styles, colors that pop, linings of different colors…Wow! These look like great bags.

  678. She Made It Crafts says:

    Love the B-Hobo in green and yellow! so awesomely cute and functional!

  679. She Made It Crafts says:

    I liked Kelly Moore on facebook! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  680. Kristen Duke Photography says:

    funny story that she married a kelly, too! I love green and yellow and orange…oh my!

  681. Christina says:

    I've Joined Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook.

  682. Christina says:

    I like the B-Hobo!

  683. Abbie Johnson says:

    I LOVE the posey. I'm having a hard time picking a color. Normally I'd be reserved and pick the black, but I think the fuchsia is calling my name!
    abbiejohnsoncm at yahoo dot com

  684. I love the grassy green B-Hobo! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  685. I also liked Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook :-)

  686. Sharesa Larsen says:

    I am loving the grey libby bag! So fun and functional and CUTE!

  687. Being comment number 689, I know my chances are slim but oh, how I would love to have this bag! I do that exact thing all the time with my poor camera! I would love the b-hobo bag in either green, pink, or black. My 3 year old thinks I should get the pink! :)

  688. says:

    I like the Libby bad the best with the ability to carry a lap top too!

    K. Anne
    karmah (at) comcast (dot) net

  689. says:

    I am now a follower of Kelly on Twitter.

    K. Anne
    karmah (at) comcast (dot) net

  690. says:

    I liked/joined Kelly Moore on FB.

    K. Anne
    karmah (at) comcast (dot) net

  691. Oh the Caramel Libby is gorgeous….

  692. Katie Lamb says:

    i liked kelly moore on facebook :)

  693. Katie Lamb says:

    i follow kelly moore on twitter! YEA!

  694. Katie Lamb says:

    and my FAVORITE bag that I've had my eyes on FOREVER is the JUJU in walnut!

  695. Always Me says:

    I really love the B-Hobo Bag in Grassy Green. It's so gorgeous, I also really like it in Azure. She makes some really beautiful bags.

  696. Always Me says:

    I also "Like" Kelly Moore Bag on Facebook.

  697. Brittany Little says:

    Love the b-hobo in pink– so fun!

  698. Brittany Little says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  699. Love the Classic bag in cranberry croc!!!

  700. I've been begging my husband to get me one of these. I think I would get the grey classic. And I love that it is 'grey', and not 'gray'.

  701. I love the classic in fuchsia.

  702. Lovin' that B-Hobo in Canary!

  703. I like the B-hobo bag in the brown and yellow! hard to decide

  704. i love the classic in fuschia!

  705. i liked her on FB

  706. following on twitter @tkwan23

  707. Amy @ Increasingly Domestic says:

    I love the B-Hobo in Mustard and the muted Teal…hard choice!

  708. Amy @ Increasingly Domestic says:

    I like Kelly Moore on FB.

  709. I like the classic in grey!

  710. I follow Kelly Moore on twitter

  711. I'm following Kelly Moore on fb!

  712. Mrunmayee says:

    The classic in cranberry please!!!

  713. Mrunmayee says:

    Classic in rich Fuschia please!!

  714. Wow! Didn't expect to find so many choices! I love the B-hobo in Azure!

  715. Deborah in Atlanta says:

    I never seem to have enough room (in several bags) and after looking at all of these (and what a challenge it was to just pick one favorite), I chose the Libby bag in Sapphire. I carry a work-issued laptop from work to home every day, and that beauty would make my life so much easier. I'd be pleased as punch if my name was drawn. Thanks to Kelly Moore (the "she" side of the Kelly moore marriage) for such a great givewaway!

  716. i love the b-hobo in blue or yellow. So fantastic!

  717. i follow kelly on twitter

  718. i like kelly on facebook too :)

  719. I love the b-hobo in grey or the libby in grey. I have never seen these bags before, but they are amazing!

  720. I like the Libby bag in caramel. I like that it comes with handles to carry, or a strap to sling it over my shoulder and free up my hands!

  721. i like the Grassy Green B-hobo bag and the Canary one too!

  722. Mschviuz2 says:

    B-Hobo in Canary or Aqua! LOVE the Kelly Boy but wish it came in a girly color!

  723. Mschviuz2 says:

    @kellymooreclark, I'm loving the bags!

  724. Mschviuz2 says:

    Im a facebook fan too!

  725. Kevin, Holly, Kari and Bryce says:

    Do I have to choose just one? Loving the hobo bag in pretty much every single color! Thanks!

  726. I love the B-hobo in mustard. Thanks for the giveaway! :) kierajoya(at)aol(dot)com

  727. I like the mustard, or the green B Hobo! YUMMMMMM

  728. I love the B-Hobo and the Libby!

  729. Kristin P says:

    Hi! New follower! I really like The Libby!

    impatientlywishing at gmail dot com

  730. Filipa Sompy says:

    I liked Kelly Moore Bags on FB as Filipa Sousa!

  731. I now follow her on Twitter!

  732. Kristin P says:

    Following Kelly on twitter.

    impatientlywishing at gmail dot com

  733. I just joined her Facebook Page. Thank you so much for putting me on to her! She has some amazing bags!

  734. Kristin P says:

    Liked on FB as well. (kristin phillips)

    impatientlywishing at gmail dot com

  735. Whatever Dee-Dee wants says:

    I have been dreaming of the classic bag in fuchsia for awhile now! I hope I win!

  736. I like KM on FB.

  737. Whatever Dee-Dee wants says:

    I like on facebook!

  738. Whatever Dee-Dee wants says:

    I follow on twitter

  739. Oh my goodness, I would love one of the libby bags. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  740. oh my goodness!!! please, please, PLEASE pick me! :) i have been drooling over these bags for the LONGEST time.

    i absolutely love the classic in rich fuschia!!!

  741. i follow kelly on twitter!

  742. i liked kelly on facebook!

  743. I love the b-hobo bag in walnut!

  744. They're all nice, but I lean towards the Kelly Boy

  745. I went to Kelly Moores FB page and joined.

  746. I would love the Libby Bag in caramel!

  747. Sarah Lucheck says:

    Following Kelly on Twitter!

  748. Sarah Lucheck says:

    Joined Kelly Moore Bog on Facebook!

  749. Sarah Lucheck says:

    I am living for the B-Hobo bag in Canary.

  750. Kelly Moore Classic Bag | Grey
    Is super cute!!!

  751. I love the Classic bag in cranberry croc, but love the hobo bag, too. I don't know how I'd ever choose!

  752. I'm already a Twitter follower.

  753. I'm a facebook fan as well!

  754. I love the posey in Orange Sherbet!

  755. I like Kelly Moore on Facebook!

  756. Kendra@My Insanity says:

    I'm loving the libby bag in sapphire! (I was at Creative Estates. Can I still win? :-))

  757. LOVE the Posey in Orange Sherbert.

  758. I joined Kelly Bags on FB

  759. Kendra@My Insanity says:

    I'm following on Twitter!

  760. I LOVE the Classic in purple!!!

  761. I love the B-Hobo in grassy green too!!!

  762. Great bags! I like the classic or b hobo bag…

  763. Ha! I'm in SAN DIEGO living it up and you're not – better than AZ any ol' day!

  764. Oh I love love love The Libby and The Posey.

  765. B-Hobo in muted teal, definitely a favorite.

    [email protected]

  766. I love the B-hobo in the green color, so pretty …. remindes me of spring coming and nice weather.
    ladefly@aol dot com

  767. ed and kelli says:

    i follow her on facebook!
    [email protected]

  768. ed and kelli says:

    i really like the libby in caramel or the posey in orange! great bags!

    [email protected]

  769. Stargumball says:

    The Posey – in Orange! LOVE it. Of course this would require making a new matching camera strap, ha!

  770. My most favorite bag is the B Hobo in grey or black.

  771. johannamathews says:

    I am in love with the hobo bag in canary.

  772. Heather :: AFD Jewelry :: says:

    Well, they're all amazing but I'd love the hobo in mustard or grassy green the most. It was great meeting you this weekend, Char!

  773. I like the JuJu or the bhobo! Awesome bags!

  774. so many to choose from, but I love the fushia posey or the b-hobo in mustard!
    [email protected]

  775. i follow kelly moore on twitter.

    [email protected]

  776. I am LOVING the Libby Bag in Grey. :)

  777. Following Kelly on Twitter.

  778. Following Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook.

  779. johannamathews says:

    I'm following Kelly on Twitter :)

  780. I LOVE the heather gray hobo!


  781. johannamathews says:

    I liked Kelly Moore bags on FB.

  782. I liked her on fb!

  783. Elise Thompson Kacal says:

    I love the B-Hobo in Heather Gray!

  784. I love the Boy Bag in Mustard and also the B-Hobo in muted teal.

    I've been a fan of KellyBags for a while now and am slowly saving up for a bag…

    Love her!

  785. I "Like/Joined" on FB

  786. I follow on Kelly Twitter as well!

  787. Lauren Davison says:

    I love the classic in teal and purple! OH SO YUMMY!

  788. Lauren Davison says:

    I follow Kelly Moore bags on Facebook!

  789. Miss Dee, Miss Meghan, Miss Yvonne says:

    Thanks for the chance to win. I love the b-hobo in any colour

  790. I love the Classic…but who would I choose between the Cranberry Croc and the Muted Teal? Gorgeous bags!

  791. I like the b-hobo in grey. So pretty!!

  792. OH!!!! I LOVE the Libby Bag!! I hope I win! It would be a FABULOUS consolation prize for not making it to the Creative Estates conference! ESPECIALLY since I live just 10 minutes away!!! How was the weather? I KNOW!! It was CRAZY for here. The weekend before we hit 100 and for YOU AWESOME LADIES we were digging in the closets for jackets!! :)

  793. So many great colours! I'm kind of partial to the B-Hobo in Heather Grey. (And ignore my accidental posting of this exact same thing in the ribbon giveaway. Oops!)

  794. I follow on twitter ~AliLilly73

  795. I really love the B-Hobo!!

  796. I like on Facebook! :)

  797. Natalie @ Corduroy Dreams says:

    Totally jealous. Wish I was at Creative Estates. It was a tough choice between the classic and the b-hobo, but I fell in love with that canary color, so I would choose the b-hobo in canary.

    [email protected]

  798. Natalie @ Corduroy Dreams says:

    I like her on facebook

  799. Natalie @ Corduroy Dreams says:

    And I follow her on twitter. tweet tweet.

    [email protected]

  800. I LOVE the b-hobo bag, choosing a colour is hard! I want to say all!

    Just wondering if this contest is open to canadians.

  801. Love the b-hobo style!! I'd probably get the grey. Soooo cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

    amy.chinagal {at} gmail {dot} com

  802. Lish Fish says:

    I love the b-hobo in mustard!!!

  803. Lish Fish says:

    I like Kelly Moore on FB

  804. Following Kelly on Twitter!

    amy.chinagal {at} gmail {dot} com

  805. Joined Kelly's Facebook group!

    amy.chinagal {at} gmail {dot} com

  806. I LOVE THESE BAGS! I would so get the "Libby" in the Caramel color!

    Great Giveaway!

    [email protected]

  807. I "Liked" Kelly Moore bags on Facebook!


    [email protected]

  808. Posey!!!! Orange or fuchsia. Can't decide! I love the bags for men too!! SO handsome!

  809. Also liked her on facebook!

  810. triciaperdew says:

    I love the B-hobo in grey!

  811. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    The classic bag in grey is my favorite!! :)

  812. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I follow Kelly's twitter! @kassarie

  813. Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

    I like Kelly Moore on facebook as Kassi Laney

  814. sarah*spunda says:

    The Libby is pretty cute!

  815. triciaperdew says:

    I "like" them on facebook, too!

  816. I love the Classic bag mostly because I love big bags and that it can be worn across the body. As for the clor that that's a toss up between the blue one and the purple.

  817. Bhobo in Canary!

  818. Holy Schmoly those bags are gorgeous!
    I love the Heather Gray b-hobo…and I love the sneaky pop of color on the inside…and I love the cross section diagrams she includes in each style – super helpful!

  819. mel spen says:

    I'm torn between the posey and the b-hobo – love the grey color.

  820. I like b-hobo heather grey

  821. Following Kelly on twitter…

  822. Chrystie says:

    My favorite is the classic bag

  823. oh goodness…and upon visiting her site I've fallen in love with the Heather Gray b-hobo bag. I love that peek of purple interior. And don'tcha just love that she includes photos of bag cross sections with sizing?!

  824. Danielle says:

    I love the grey classic bag! It would be so nice to have a stylish bag for the huge camera!

  825. I LOVE the b-hobo bag in Walnut.

  826. I love the b-hobo…..not sure which color – I like a lot of them!

  827. I like Kelly Moore bags on FB.

  828. I now follow Kelly on Twitter!

  829. I liked Kelly on Facebook!

  830. Our Happy Family says:

    I LOVE these bags! I have been drooling over them for awhile. Hard to pick between the classic and the boy bag.

  831. Funkhouser says:

    I'm following Kelly on twitter!

  832. Funkhouser says:

    My favorite bag is the classic in cranberry croc – beautiful!

  833. I love the Libby bag. I'm not sure I can decide between grey and sapphire.

  834. Like Kelly on FB

  835. I like the green b- hobo

  836. b-hobo in black….. Goes with everything!

    mpierce0602 AT msn DOT com

  837. I am love with the b-hobo in muted teal! Such a great color and bag!

  838. I think I like the posey the best. but the classic is cool too. oh, and the b hobo. sheesh, I could never choose so I better not win!

  839. i follow kelly moore on twitter.

  840. christine says:

    b-hobo bag in grassy green. That's for me!

  841. christine says:

    I liked Kelly Moore Bags on FB.

  842. Jennifer says:

    I love the b-hobo bags. I will take one in every colour.

  843. My favorite would have to be Posey in slate grey – what a great functional bag!

  844. Jennifer says:

    I am following Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook

  845. JoAnne Dittmer Photography says:

    Loving the Libby design.

  846. JoAnne Dittmer Photography says:

    I'm a face book liker :)

  847. I want a classic fuchsia!!!

    [email protected]

  848. I joined kelly moore on FB!!

    [email protected]

  849. I follow on twitter!!

    [email protected]

  850. Canadian Kristin says:

    Oooh, the Classic in muted teal, please! That bag kicks!!!

  851. LOVE the Posey in Orange…it just screams Summer.

  852. I am follow on Twitter.

  853. littleredclogs says:

    I love the B-Hobo bag in canary! I MUST have this bag! It's perfect!

  854. The Lowe Family says:

    Oh Please, Oh please, Oh please!!! I LOVE her bags and Love the classic…oooh and the hobo, too :)!!!

  855. I love the Classic!!

  856. I joined her group on Facebook!

  857. Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says:

    I'm a pink kinda girl, so I'd pick the pink b-hobo. Such great bags!!

  858. lily_bug_boutique says:

    I love the b-hobo bag in grey…what great bags!

  859. lily_bug_boutique says:

    liked her on FB

  860. Diddy Jones says:

    I love the Hobo in almost any color so that is a tough one, but I also adore the Libby in that soft, beautiful gray…decisions, decisions!

  861. Diddy Jones says:

    I follow her gorgeous purses on Facebook

  862. David and Jackie says:

    i LOVE the B-Hobo in Pink (or any other color really!) I also really like the Juju in any color. :)

  863. I love them all but my favorite is the B-Hobo Bag in Canary but it's also beautiful in Azure and Coral and….
    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  864. Oh my garage, that purple one is amazing! I'd totally want that one!

  865. I'm a Kelly fan on Facebook.

  866. Pammiej2002 says:

    I love the Libby! My second favorite is the b-hobo bag in Azure. I love these bags, they are on the top of my wish list!!

  867. I liked Kelly MOore on facebook.

  868. Nicole M says:

    I adore the classic bag! Would love to win.

  869. Love the classic in cranberry croc!

  870. Hmmm.. I kind of love the B-Hobo in Coral.. it's amazing!

  871. I follow Kelly Moore Clark on twitter!

  872. I joined Kelly Moore Bag on FB!

  873. I think I love the Classic in either Brown or Grey the most! They look fantastic!

  874. Just liked on Facebook!

  875. I would choose the b-hobo in heather grey, what a great bag!

  876. Loving the B-Hobo in Fuschia!! Maybe my 4 boys won't touch it if it's hot pink!!

    Also liked Kelly Moore Bags on FB and following on Twitter @MrsFrecklequeen

    Thanks for such a fun site!!

  877. i like the posey bag!

  878. My favorite is the boy bag in brown

    stormyranew at yahoo dot com

  879. I follow KElly on Twitter (stormyinATX)

  880. I love them all, but I think the classic is my favorite.

  881. I'm already a twitter follower

  882. I liked on facebook.

  883. hash1712 says:

    My favorite is the JuJu, but I love all of them.

  884. KZ Embroidery says:

    I like the Juju in Teal, but I also really like the credit card holder in the Posey! Such a hard choice!

  885. KZ Embroidery says:

    I'm following her on Twitter too. So not fair that you are in AZ! I moved from there last year to WI and am missing the weather!

  886. How does a girl choose just one? I think it would have to be the B-hobo in Canary or Grass Green. My Nikon and I would be very happy. :)

  887. Erika Hill says:

    I love the posy bag in orange! And the b-hobo in azure! They're all beautiful.

  888. I love the b-hobo in heather grey! beautiful!

  889. Kate @ Our Best Bites says:

    Oh, dearest Char, I totally need the green b-hobo bag. Need.

  890. Kate @ Our Best Bites says:

    In fact, I need it so much that I liked Kelly Moore on Facebook. Do I win any extra points for living in Louisiana?

  891. Jennifer Weiss says:

    I love the Libby bag. I love that it will hold my dslr, multiple lenses AND my 15" MacBook Pro. All of which I could use a nice home for when I want to go around town incognito. =) Thanks for the giveaway!

  892. Jennifer Weiss says:

    I follow Kelly Moore on Twitter!

  893. Jennifer Weiss says:

    I like Kelly Moore on FB! That's actually how I heard about this fab giveaway!! Thanks again!!!! You are going to make someone sooooo happy! (I selfishly hope it's me!)

  894. "H" is for Heather says:

    I love the Gray Posey bag – SUPER cute & I love that you can wear it two ways!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  895. stefanie says:

    Bhobo in azure is awesome…but fuschia is good too! Tough choice!

  896. I love the classic in canary

  897. Danielle says:

    I *LIKE* the JuJu in Walnut….!! Beautiful.

  898. Danielle says:

    I *Liked* Kelly Moore's Facebook Page – YAY! :)

  899. following on fb!!

  900. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I like Kelly Moore bags on Facebook

  901. Blake & Anya Young says:

    I LOVE the classic bag!

  902. I love the BHobo in Grey.

  903. i love the kelly boy bag in brown. :)

  904. i liked km on fb.

  905. Classic in fushia! bethey12 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  906. I'm a twitter-er! bethey12 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  907. I follow on facebook too! bethey12 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  908. followed on twitter :)

  909. liked on facebook :)

  910. i'm having a super hard time deciding on the hobo, the libby or the juju! so if i won, i'm gonna freak out because i'm horrible with decisions! also, my dear sweet husband has been secretly (not very well obviously) saving his "lunch money allowance" to buy me a bag for mothers day. so if i won, what a relief that'd take off of him and i'd be glad that he can start eating lunch again! ROFL!

  911. CarolandKyle says:

    The JuJu is the best in Muted Teal. Love it!

  912. Laurie Wisbrun | Scarlet Fig says:

    The Hobo in Canary. For sure. I have a super duper weak spot for anything yellow and a sassy yellow bag to keep my camera and goodies snuggly safe in such style would be fantastic. Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!

  913. I love the Libby Bag in Caramel – beautiful!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    tv608gm at gmail dot com

  914. Follow Kelly Moore Clark on Twitter as @tv608


    tv608gm at gmail dot com

  915. I "like" Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook


    tv608gm at gmail dot com

  916. Can I have your bag? After looking at all the bags, the B-Hobo in Canary is still my fave.

  917. I LOVED your bag and I LOVE you to. Random number generator should pick me. That is all.

  918. The Adventures of Ordy and Joon says:

    OMG! I LOVE the posey- but i can't decide in yellow or orange!!!! I can't believe I was eyeing your purse all weekend and had NO idea it was a functioning camera tote! (my camera was shoved in my big purse -no dividers- i'm an awful owner!!!!! I would love to win this!

  919. I like Kelly Moore on facebook!

  920. The Adventures of Ordy and Joon says:

    i've been following her on twitter- sad I didn't win the previous opportunities- but hopefully my lucky streak is still going strong! I'd LOVE to win!

  921. And I'm following her on Twitter! Thanks for sharing such a cool resource!

  922. The Adventures of Ordy and Joon says:

    I liked her on facebook and now i'm just tortured with all the cuteness!

  923. Lauren Merrill says:

    I love the hobo bag in yellow!!

  924. twelfthzodiac says:

    There are a lot I like! If I had to choose a fav, it would have to be the b-hobo in grassy green though! Awesome colour!

  925. 3 Little Birds Boutique says:

    I LOVE the classic in pink but I am also in love with the Libby.

  926. 3 Little Birds Boutique says:

    I follow Kelly on fb.

  927. 3 Little Birds Boutique says:

    I follow Kelly on twitter [email protected]

  928. Shelly L. says:

    Ohhh I just love the Classic Bag in Brown!!

  929. Shelly L. says:

    I am a FAN of Kelly Moore on Facebook! :)

  930. My girlfriend has been eyeing the Posey in Slate Grey for weeks!

  931. The Strong Family says:

    I love the B-Hobo Bag in Grassy Green.

  932. Luren Lane says:

    Love love the Posey in Grey!! Oh what a miracle if I win! :)

  933. my favorites are the mustard bhobo and the sapphire libby. GORGEOUS.

  934. bluekaeru says:

    I love the classic in green. They all look like such lovely bags.

  935. i like kelly moore bags on facebook. wish there was a "love" button.

  936. I like the Libby in Sapphire! thanks for the chance!

  937. I'm between b-hobo in canary or azure. I'd figure it out soon. Love.

  938. Following on twitter!

  939. I love the posey in orange! Sooo cute. I need one of these.

  940. I'm loving those bold colors! I like the Bhobo and the JuJu the best, although the "adult" side of me says the Libby would probably fit my laptop in there too, lol. :)
    mommy saves at yahoo dot com

  941. I love the canary hobo bag or the libby bag in caramel. They are beautiful! Thank you for the great giveaway!

  942. Maxwells says:

    I like the classic in grey!

  943. Maxwells says:

    I follow on twitter

  944. I love the B hobo! All the colors are amazing!

  945. I am now a follower on twitter!

  946. Joined Kelly on FB!

  947. I love the b-hobo in grassy green or coral!!

  948. Beverly @ says:

    Despite the fact that there are 950 comments on this giveaway I am STILL entering because I am in love!!! It's hard to pick but my favorite bag is the B-Hobo in Teal or Coral. Gorgeous!!

  949. Love the posey in orange!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  950. Beverly @ says:

    I'm following her on Twitter! :)

  951. Joined Kelly Moore Bags on facebook!

  952. Beverly @ says:

    I liked their facebook page!!

  953. Ohhhhh I LOVE the b-hobo in mustard. I would love to have one! Thanks!

  954. Alice (fa11enan9e1) says:

    My favorite is the Classic in Fuschia!

  955. Alice (fa11enan9e1) says:

    I already follow Kelly on Twitter

  956. Alice (fa11enan9e1) says:

    I like Kelly on Facebook

    Alice C.

  957. I need the b-hobo in muted teal. So Pretty!

  958. I "liked" kelly too!

  959. SarahJarnagin says:

    I love the hobo in grassy green though the boy kelly bag is handy too!

  960. SarahJarnagin says:

    I followed Kelly on Twitter.

  961. I love the Orange Sherbert Posey bag.

  962. Just liked Kelly Moore Bag on FB.

  963. I love the Bhobo in grey!

  964. I like kelly moore bags on facebook

  965. Sharon Stone says:

    Oh! Those are pretty! I like the B-Hobo is grassy green. So much prettier than the black bag I'm using now!

  966. The Warrens says:

    I love the b-hobo bag 1 in coral! so cute.

  967. Just found your blog – love it. I would love to enter this giveaway, my favourite is the Kelly Boy Bag in black. x

  968. I think you have it right! The B-Hobo bag in canary would be my choice, too!

  969. I'm following her on Twitter now. (kristajahnke)

  970. Weedwacker says:

    I spent way too long making a decision, but love the Hobo bag in grassy green. Would love to win this bag for my new camera!

  971. Ryan Ann says:

    I <3 the Libbby in sapphire :) 1 bag to rule them ALL :)

  972. Ryan Ann says:

    I also followed her on twitter (simplifying_me).

  973. Ryan Ann says:

    And … liked her on FB rawhite2000 (at)

  974. amycornwell says:

    I follow her on Twitter

  975. amycornwell says:

    I like her on FB

  976. amycornwell says:

    I've been wanting one of her bags for SO long! My fave is probably the Juju in Walnut. Thanks for the opportunity!

  977. I've been coveting the B Hobo in Heather Grey!

  978. I'm a twitter follower! @AllisonWaken

  979. I'm also a Facebook fan :)

  980. OMGOSH!!!! I am in love with the bags!! I have been looking for a blue purse for a while now, but haven't found the "right blue". The Libby Bag, in Sapphire is THE color, I have been wanting!! It will go with everything! :-))

  981. I now follow her on Facebook!!

  982. I follow her on Twitter!!

  983. AshburnMom says:

    Wow! I'm not a photographer but I would love any of these bags to use as a regular purse! They look perfect for Spring/Summer. I am particularly wowed by the Hobo, though I'd be hard pressed to choose between Canary and Orange! Hey….Mother's Day is coming up….I'd take a multi-colored gift card too! :)

  984. Michelle says:

    I joined on FB

  985. Michelle says:

    I follow her on twitter

  986. Marnely Rodriguez says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter! (nella22)

  987. B-Hobo! LOVE that bag!

  988. Michelle says:

    I love the hobo in muted teal!

  989. The Libby in grey! And my middle name is Libby too…fate!

  990. I love the b-hobo bag and have been lusting over it forever!

  991. Following Kelly on FB.

  992. I'm a twitter follower as well.

  993. I tweeted!

  994. Lauren Murtha says:

    I LOVE the Kelly Moore Classic!! & of course I'm following on twitter…that's how I heard about this fab giveaway!!

  995. Marnely Rodriguez says:

    I joined the facebook group!

  996. I follow Kelly on Twitter! @lindseystorm

    Wish I could enter through Facebook but I gave it up for Lent :)

  997. mojamala2 says:

    I follow kelly on twitter (@mojamala2)

  998. I am always up for a new bag… and, I'd take green. :)

  999. Marnely Rodriguez says:

    And I'm in LOVE with the Libby Bag in Grey. Amazingg!

  1000. The bags are all fantastic, but I think my favorite is the Classic in Purple.

  1001. mojamala2 says:

    I am in love with the B-hobo heather grey bag

  1002. J's Girl says:

    I love the b-hobo in green or teal! I already follow her on Twitter and FB! Have a fabulous day!

  1003. I'm following Kelly on Twitter.

  1004. Sarah Carper Photography says:

    I love the Coral B-Hobo! :) But they are all pretty fabulous!

  1005. And I liked Kelly Moore bags on Facebook.

  1006. I like the B-Hobo bag but can't decide which color I want.

  1007. My favorite is the mustard yellow Kelly-Boy bag!

  1008. Sarah Carper Photography says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter!

  1009. I follow Kelly on twitter.

  1010. Sarah Carper Photography says:

    I like Kelly Moore Bag on Facebook!

  1011. I liked her on Facebook…so excited, b/c I want to win this for an awesome new photographer in my area!

  1012. I'd love the b-hobo in either canary or coral! I love her bags!!

  1013. I follow Kelly on Facebook too. Love her bags.

  1014. I love the teal b-hobo bag.

  1015. Susan C. says:

    My friend just got the b-hobo in green and it's fantastic! I'd love the same bag in pink. Totally fabulous.

  1016. B hobo in Azure.. sweet

  1017. Susan C. says:

    I follow Kelly on twitter! :) @spcase

  1018. I love the B-Hobo, hands down. Mustard or Canary yellow? That's a tough one :)

  1019. Grassy green and muted teal b-hobo. So fricktasticly awesome.

  1020. I follow Kelly on Twitter! @kwalk106

  1021. It's so hard to choose just one. I love the Grey Libby AND the Canary B-Hobo.

    [email protected]

  1022. Following kellymooreclark on twitter.

  1023. Ohh my, I love them all…picking one, I would have to go with the Classic in muted teal!

  1024. Susan C. says:

    I just "joined" Kelly on facebook (is that the same thing?). Thanks!

  1025. I follow Kelly on Twitter as @naptimeismytime

    [email protected]

  1026. Following on twitter. Have been for awhile. She's fabulous.

  1027. I like Kelly on Facebook too!

    [email protected]

  1028. Jan at The Diamond E says:

    Love the classic in any color! Great bags!

  1029. And I like her on FB.

  1030. I like Kelly on fb!

  1031. Full Of Fluff says:

    Libby Bag in Sapphire is perfection.

  1032. melissity says:

    I love the b-hobo bag in gray!

  1033. meatlessmouthfuls says:

    I love the b-hobo in Grassy Green!!


  1034. Jeannine says:

    I love the Libby Bag l Grey

    mellanhead74 at

  1035. Jeannine says:

    I follow her on twitter @mellanhead

    mellanhead74 at

  1036. Jeannine says:

    I like kelly moore on twitetr @mellanhead

    mellanehad74 at

  1037. marykoster says:

    I love the Libby in sapphire. One bag for camera gear and laptop – awesome! And room for my compact and wallet too – wow!

  1038. melissity says:

    I follow @kellymooreclark on Twitter. (@melissity)

  1039. The bags are so gorgeous. It's hard to pick a favorite, but the b-hobo reflects my overall style the most. Love!

  1040. I would get the Posey Bag in Slate Grey, but I would give it to my mom. She's an excellent photographer and needs something for her camera.

  1041. I am a CLASSIC kinda of gal…. and I like the muted teal color…. or maybe the gray…. and really… you can't go wrong with classic black. And the fuchsia is nice for a splash of color. In other words, I liked them all.

  1042. I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  1043. melissity says:

    I also like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook!

    melfaluhelyi (at) gmail (dot) com

  1044. meatlessmouthfuls says:

    I follow Kelly Moore Bags on Twitter!


  1045. Well, I did it — I now have a Twitter account and Kelly Moore Bags is the first and currently only account I am following.

  1046. Senekal Familie says:

    Ive been wanting the Juju bag in walnut for ages! thanks so much!

  1047. I have liked Kelly Moore bags on FB.

  1048. meatlessmouthfuls says:

    I liked Kelly Moore Bag on FB!

  1049. Senekal Familie says:

    also follow Kelly Moore on Twitter!

  1050. Senekal Familie says:

    im on the fb group as well :)

  1051. Lauren V. says:

    I love Kelly Moore bags and would be SO EXCITED to win one for my new DSLR and all the other crap I normally carry :) I'd love the JuJu bag in Muted Teal or the Libby bag in Caramel. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  1052. Sandy a la Mode says:

    how to pick a favorite?! i love them all! but if you insist, i LOVE the b-hobo in mustard!


  1053. The canary hobo is calling my name as a must have this summer…I sooooo want to win this giveaway!

  1054. Lauren V. says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter already!

  1055. Lauren V. says:

    I'm now a fan on Facebook too! Hurrah for these bags!

  1056. HOBOOO!!! I love this bag. I am fan and follower on Twitter
    pia @

  1057. Fan on FB :)
    pia @

  1058. My favorite is HOBO! I just love and and would be thrilled to have it!!

  1059. Miss Indi Pop says:

    Wuu, well I love the B-Hobo in Almost black, perfect classic with a modern twist!

  1060. McGillicutty says:

    I already follow Kelly on Twitter and one day my dream of winning the giveaway will come true!!! Canary B-Hobo I heart you ;0)

  1061. Just say Julie says:

    I am a fan of kelly moore bags on facebook!

  1062. Lauren Murtha says:

    OMG I just discovered the Libby…LOVE!!!! That may be my new fave :)

  1063. Lauren Murtha says:

    I joined Kelly Moore Bags on FB!

  1064. Just say Julie says:

    funny story: I went to jr high highschool with Kelly. So exciting to see how far she's come since our softball days!
    My fave is the grassy green b-hobo. Though I am digging the new slate grey posey too.

    would love to win one :)

  1065. I love the Coral B-Hobo Bag.

  1066. I love love love the classic Kelly Moore bag!

  1067. Just say Julie says:

    and I follow KM on twitter (which is how I found out you were doing the giveaway!)

  1068. WOWEE! I've been wanting one of these! Definitely the classic in PINK!

  1069. I follow Kelly on twitter

  1070. I also liked her on FB!

  1071. The Powell Family says:

    I love the hobo…I've been thinking about adding some teal to my style :)

  1072. The Powell Family says:

    I already follow her on twitter (I keep trying to win a bag!)

  1073. The Powell Family says:

    I like her on FB. Thanks for the chances!

  1074. heavenlyginger says:

    I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  1075. heavenlyginger says:

    I love the libby!!

  1076. heavenlyginger says:

    I'm pretty sure I follow her on Facebook – no access at work!

  1077. Following Kelly on Twitter.

  1078. The kelly moore classic bag in rich fuchsia is just SO pretty! And it will brighten up my normal black photography attire! *dreams on*

  1079. I saw Kelly's bag b-hobo bag on a blog I follow and was so excited to finally see a camera bag that looks like something I would enjoy carrying around. My favorite is the b-hobo bag in coral!

    I follow Kelly on twitter and joined the FB group.

  1080. alison s says:

    Ohhhhh the things I would do for that b-hobo in grey!

  1081. alison s says:

    I follow Kelly on twitter (@snarkitechture)

  1082. I love the juju bag in walnut, so big and love the look of it! I could carry my camera, laptop and chargers :)

  1083. Tricia B. says:

    I follow Kelly on Facebook and Twitter! I LOVE her bags, but if I had to choose I would go with the Classic in Grey, thanks!!

  1084. I have been coveting the B-Hobo in Heather forever!

  1085. Following Kelly on Twitter

  1086. Also following on Facebook :)

  1087. I love the muted teal B-Hobo, but I also adore the grey Kelly Boy.

  1088. I follow Kelly on Twitter.

  1089. I also follow Kelly on twitter.

  1090. Maïa Taïeb Photography says:

    Hi ! I think I don't have favorites, i love the b-hobo in muted teal, love her new one, love her old ones, all of them ! my google account is not with good infos, my email is [email protected]

  1091. I follow Kelly on Twitter! : )

  1092. Maïa Taïeb Photography says:

    I love her on FB

  1093. I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook.

  1094. Maïa Taïeb Photography says:

    I love her on twitter too :)

  1095. Lindsey Walpole says:

    I adore the posey bag in almost black! :)

  1096. Susan ~ Killam Creative says:

    Hands-down my favorite is the Classic in Muted Teal… or Cranberry… or maybe black. Love it!

  1097. I don't think my first comment posted. So…
    I like the Kelly Boy Bag in Brown. No, I'm not a boy but I love Messenger style bags the best. And it looks like I could fit my Macbook in it too! :o) I am already following Kelly on Twitter. :o)

  1098. I love the Juju bag in Muted Teal. These are great bags!

  1099. Kelly Boy Bag in brown is my favorite and I LIKE Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook and "joined".

  1100. Liked on Facebook!

  1101. Susan ~ Killam Creative says:

    I am a Twitter follower, too! Yay! Oh, and I love the Libby bag in *addition* to the Classic. Oh, the choices!


  1102. Jennifer Stuart says:

    Following on Twitter!

  1103. Jennifer Stuart says:

    Like (or more like LOVE LOVE LOVE) Kelly on Facebook!

  1104. hmmm..tough deciding on just one…but, if I have too, I would go with the classic – in Fuchsia!

  1105. Katie @momslrb says:

    Follow her on Twitter.

  1106. been a follower on twitter forever!

  1107. Susan ~ Killam Creative says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook now, too. Love it!


  1108. the B-Hobo in canary & the Posey in Orange are my faves for sure!

  1109. Jennifer Stuart says:

    I have the original Kelly Moore bag and it's proven to be quite amazing. I would love to have the B-Hobo in canary for portrait session shoots with lighter loads of camera equipment!

  1110. Katie @momslrb says:

    I am craving a B-Hobo the yellow bag. I would love to be able to carry my camera in style!

  1111. I've been following on Twitter and now I am on FB too!

  1112. Sarah Nicole says:

    I love the libby bag as well as the posey bag! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  1113. Sarah Nicole says:

    I like Kelly Moore on facebook

  1114. there wasn't a place to 'like' but I joined the group!! YA!!

  1115. I LOVE the look of the Posey bag. Very trendy and cool! Would love to carrybmy gear in it!

  1116. Sarah Nicole says:

    I'm following Kelly Moore's twitter

  1117. I follow Kelly on twitter @blstudios

  1118. I liked Kelly Moore bags on FB (seracmm@sbcglobal(dot)net)

  1119. Janice Guazzo says:

    I love the Posey Bag Fushia…Awesome!

  1120. My fave bag is the Posey! Love that it is named after her daughter as well. :)

  1121. poogenaris says:

    I already follow her on twitter…

  1122. I 'liked' Kelly on FB!

  1123. poogenaris says:

    I "joined" her fbook page…

  1124. I lloooooveeee the Hobo!! It's gorgeous/fun/adorable. :)

  1125. poogenaris says:

    my favorite is definitely the JuJu in walnut! One day I will own one…

  1126. Liz Weiler says:

    Like Kelly Moore Bag on FB!
    Liz W

  1127. I'm already following her on twitter. And I LIKED that smell when I opened the box…. Smelled all new to me. ;)

  1128. Liz Weiler says:

    I Love the Juju Bag in Walnut..but they are all adorable!

  1129. Jamie Dulock says:

    I already follow her on twitter :)!

  1130. Jamie Dulock says:

    I love the Posey in orange sherbet… but if I was being a kind person… I would get the Kelly Boy for my husband, he would be so excited!

  1131. Jamie Dulock says:

    I am now following Kelly on Facebook too!

  1132. Meaghan Elliott says:

    I like the B-Hobo in Heather Grey :)

  1133. Shalynne Imaging Photography says:

    The Libby! I was in line at her booth for over an hour trying to decide. I almost bought two, but left Libby there. I miss that bag. It was perfect in gray. Wow. Love it!

  1134. Shalynne Imaging Photography says:

    When I say in line at her booth I mean at WPPI in Las Vegas. That booth was packed! It was crazy. =)

  1135. I LOVE the posey bag in Slate!

  1136. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    I like the Classic in Grey

  1137. I already follow Kelly on Twitter.

  1138. I also follow Kelly on Facebook!

  1139. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    I "like" kelly Moore on twitter

  1140. Moore Musings says:

    Classic in Grey… Boho in yellow. It's the exact opposite of Sophie's Choice.

  1141. Ashlee @ I'm Topsy Turvy says:

    I follow kelly moore on facebook

  1142. I love Kelly Moore and her bags! I bought the classic last year, and have really enjoyed using it. I've been eyeing the B Hobo in grey for a while.

  1143. I am following Kelly on twitter.

  1144. Shalynne Imaging Photography says:

    I will have to copy my friend Jarrod and write a review of my bag on my blog because it's my new best friend…but she's lonely. She needs a Libby. Lol. =) Oh, and Kelly, you're amazing in every way. Photographer, mother, entrepreneur, designer… I read you blog all the time and your house-tales and redesign makes me green with envy. You're just awesome. xo

  1145. I also like KMB on facebook :)

  1146. What a GREAT idea! I love all the bags. Posey bag in Orange is probably my favorite but I also really like Libby bag in Grey! I think I might give it to a great photographer friend of mine! Thanks, love your blog.

  1147. I love the Libby in Caramel and I adore the classic in rich fuschia – the two sides of my brain are colliding!

  1148. I follow Kelly Moore Bags n Twitter (504 Main)

  1149. My favorite is the B-Hobo Bag l Canary.

  1150. I follow Kelly on Twitter (as @maliciouscandy).

  1151. I like Kelly Moore Bags on Facebook (as Irit Caspi).

  1152. 'Joined' you on FB!

  1153. jasonandjannafamily says:

    I love the hobo and the Libby bags. Thanks for the website
    [email protected]

  1154. 0d6c581a-65ef-11e0-85fa-000bcdcb2996 says:

    My fav is the Posey in rich fuchsia. Such a fun look for a classy bag.

  1155. arwilson87 says:

    I love the entire Kelly Moore Collection! I have my own Classic Grey (loooove it) but since the boy and I do some shooting together, I'd love for him to rock a Kelly Boy bag! And not only are the bags gorgeous and INCREDIBLY functional, Kelly has great customer service!!! <3

  1156. Mama's making ... says:

    I like the classic bag in rich fuchsia!

  1157. smart mama says:

    the canary b-hobo is so cool as is the grassy green
    man i need something enw like that

  1158. Mama's making ... says:

    I follow Kelly more bags on facebook

  1159. Mama's making ... says:

    I follow Kelly Moore bags on twitter

  1160. I follow Kelly on Twitter!

  1161. I love the grassy green hobo! Too cute! Augh! So excited, hope I win!

  1162. I follow Kelly on Twitter!

  1163. Wow. Where to start!! The Juju bag in Walnut is my absolute fav – devoted to the camera as there isn't much room for anything else! Love the classic in Cranberry Croc too though! I don't have enough accessories in such gorgeous deep colours! That canary yellow is very "WAAHH" in your face! Love it.

    Twitter: Metalgurrrl – already follow you!
    Facebook: Metalgurrrl – already like you!

  1164. I like the Libby bag in grey.

  1165. I Follow Kelly on Twitter.

  1166. I would seriously give my left arm for a Kelly Moore bag…seriously! :) I loving the Sapphire Libby bad and the Muted Teal Juju Bag! :)

  1167. I liked her on Facebook! :)

  1168. I am following her on Twitter (as Silverscape Photography)! :)

  1169. Shanna Page says:

    I LOVE the Juju bag..and the Kelly Boy bag in mustard would be a dream to have!

  1170. Shanna Page says:

    I follow Kelly on twitter!

  1171. Shanna Page says:

    I like Kelly Moore bags on facebook!

  1172. Minutes to spare! I love posey in slate grey.

    [email protected]

  1173. I also follow Kelly on Twitter!

  1174. And I jointed the FB group!

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