Jami’s back today to show us the rest of her nursery details!
This chandelier is another DI score…$2 whole dollars! I added some cream spray paint and these amazing magnetic pink crystals I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby and, voila! A dainty little chandelier!
It is screaming for some little lamp shades. I have been visiting Hobby Lobby weekly and buying them out of lampshades similar to these self adhesive, cover–it-yourself lampshades. Apparently they only stock 2 at a time?
This lamp is another DI find:
The lamp post was cute, so I spray painted it cream but the shade that came with it was pretty beat up, so I bought a “cover-it-yourself” lamp shade from Hobby Lobby and came up with this.
And of course, the name art.
Char actually did most of the work on this. (Char interruption: That is not true. Jami was the mastermind, I was just the man power.) I LOVE the way it turned out. Here is a better picture, minus the frilly iron decor above it.
The room is small and there wasn’t really room for a traditional changing table. My fabulous neighbor Decorator Wendy came up with this solution:
Handy to have a laundry basket underneath for all those newborn blowouts, right?
And then I hung the diapers and wipes bins on the wall above it.
Who wants to tell the cat her days of hanging out in here are numbered?
Most of the curtains are done, I just need to finish the valance portion. Look forward to that project next week!
LOVE the changing station! What a fabulous idea!
The Changing station is awesome! Great idea!
That room is turning out SO amazing. I just love watching it progress.
I am in love with this room!
LOVE the changing table. Wish I had a girl!
Char…you can order things from Hobby Lobby through their "rainchecks". You get the exact amount you need AND bonus if they are on sale! They show up at the store the next week. I love it when I am doing a project that is going to be in bulk. Saves me trips and $$$$.
Love it! And that changing table is a fab idea!
soooo cute!!!
I love Neighbor Jami's nursery! Keep 'em comin!
I am so in LOVE with that changing table, can I just move into the room please?
Wow what a cute baby room! Feel sorry for the kitty. I wanted to share with you a blog post I read the other day about making your own lampshades out of Yoplait yogurt containers. Might be perfect for your awesome chandelier?
and im not promoting myself, either lol
Have a wonderful day!
I love everything about this room! Great job and thank you for sharing!
I love the Lucy name sign! I saw it on the Silhouette blog but just found your blog when it was mentioned in the April issue of StudioKat Designs newsletter and I loved your blog name so came by to visit. Now I am going to follow you also. I have a Sil SD but I am a little timid at using it. Don't know why. Love your ideas!
So I've been following your blog for a while now…and I love it. And I saw this necklace on Etsy and thought of you immediately: http://www.etsy.com/listing/62604670/crap-necklace-all-sterling-silver
Also, super cute room!
Wendy is a GENIUS!! Doesn't she have a website, too? Anyway, I love LOVE the changing table/shelf thing.
This room is gorgeous. Baby Lucy is gonna be one lucky little girl!
I have to say though, Jami has 3 kids already and still hung the wipes & diapers within kid reach of the (awesome) changing station? Maybe it's just because I have an 18-month-old right now, but that seems risky
Such a pretty nursery. Lucy is a very lucky baby. =)
I Love the nursery! It was so fun to meet you and sit with you tonight! You are girl just my style. a little sarcasm never hurt anyone right?
The nursery is adorable!
this is the cutest nursery I've every seen. Love the colors the fabric and the creative changing table. Lucky baby girl! Adorable
As a mom of 4 boys and *suRpriSe* pregnant with #5 right now, I HAVE to know where you got the fabric for the bumper! I actually dreamed about the nursery you're doing for Lucy last night which I'm pretty sure means this one is a girl, right?
That’s adorable. For me, personally, I would have an easier time if the wall were on my left, so that the baby’s head was at the wall and the legs could hang over the end. Just the way I change diapers. For some reason, I can’t do it if he faces the other way! Love the supply things on the wall.
My son’s room was the cats’ room before, so they got booted, too. They passed away shortly after he was born, both of them.
Anyway, this is a lovely use of a small space!
I’m wondering, where did Jami find those cute little wall bins? I’m looking to get them for the changing table that is in our living room, and where would I find them??
Our other neighbor Wendy had purchased them several years before at Pottery Barn and donated them to the cause.
I believe with regards to furniture, you certainly get what you pay
for. I’d instead spend a little bit more to make certain
that I am receiving top quality pieces that should last.