Pressing Words

This weekend (late Saturday night when all of you are out doing something way more fun than reading my blog and/or sleeping), Crap I’ve Made will be moving from Blogger to WordPress. will still be the place to find me and everything should transfer over smoothly, but I just wanted to warn you all in advance.


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  1. Leslie Hanna says:

    Oh, sure, now that I've found you, you move. Pthfthf.

    :) I'll just re-up this weekend. Please let us know how the move goes!

  2. I hope you didn't make those Blogger-inspired pillows. :)


  3. Two Dollars says:

    A lot of people seem to be moving to WordPress lately, any reason why?

  4. I've been considering a move to WordPress for my blog. I only have a handful of followers, so I was worried about losing them. Do they transfer over too…?

  5. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    I have the same questions as Madison. My current sight has become slow and cumbersome, to the point that I no longer just sit down and write.

  6. Good luck! I felt like puking the whole time it was switching. Now I think I am over the initial shock and I just feel dumb cause I can't do very many things by my self…

  7. Congrats!!! I did it last weekend and I'm so excited! you'll love it!

  8. Laura and Kelly Allen says:

    Such an excellent choice. WordPress is so powerful, so wonderful, and so user-friendly.

  9. Stephanie says:

    I've been seeing a lot of people switch to WordPress lately. What makes it better? Is it pretty easy to switch over or do you need to be a pro to do it?
    Well, I hope everything goes well. I will be the dork sitting at home reading blogs and waiting to see your new site!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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