Snap!: The Conference

So, here’s your announcement:

I am not pregnant.

I am, however, involved in a whole bunch of awesome coming your way next April.

Snap-Date Logo-lg

Check out the Snap! conference site for more info as it becomes available.  We’re still under construction, but there was no way we could keep this under wraps one more second!

I’m going to strongly suggest that you go check out the AWESOME women involved.

You can also follow along with Snap! on Facebook and Snap! on Twitter.

And now I’m going to plead for some help:

Part of the idea behind Snap! is that we’re all better together…as part of a community.  And, because of that, we want to DO something together during the conference to make a difference.

Do you know of an organization that could use our help?

Email me at [email protected] with the info.

See you at Snap!


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  1. Sims Family says:

    Oh Char, you guys are killing me! Make my way up to Utah or stay in Chandler! hmmmm. Maybe both? :)

  2. Jessica @ My World - Made By Hand says:

    Wow…and I live in Utah. I would love to be involved somehow…

  3. Jennifer V. says:

    You should check out Samaritan's Purse. I am sure that there are some things you ladies could make or donate to that would touch children all over the world!

  4. Woot woot! This is awesome….

  5. lauren@warmandfuzzy says:

    I wish I knew of a group that needed yall help but I am in New Orleans and can only think of local groups here.

    PS: Why oh why are all the conferences up north? I wanna go but there is no way I can afford to get to SLC! :(

  6. This sounds wonderful! I wish I had the funds to go! I don't know of any particular groups but I thinks something that effects woman/children would be good (i.e. Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence, Pregnant/New Moms that need assistance, or a Children's Hospital)

  7. Heidi @ Mom's Crafty Space says:

    This sounds fabulous! I only wish it wasn't over my son's birthday :( I think it would be awesome to be able to support an organization that was somehow related to the arts and education…I just can't think of anything in particular off the top of my head :)

  8. Oh sounds interesting!

  9. Marianne, aka Ranger Anna says:

    At a time like this, I'm thinking RED CROSS. They always are the first on the line, and help everyone who needs it. There are tons of ways to help, from hard cold cash, to blankets to stuffed animals for kids to clean up kits–you name it, the Red Cross can use it.

  10. darcymae says:

    I always have to plead the case for Primary Children's and/or Shriner's hospitals. They were super awesome when Lucy was sick. We were lucky enough to have good insurance and so didn't have to worry about the financial aspect of it all but so many people aren't. And they don't charge anyone that can't afford to pay!

  11. How weird is this—I had a dream two nights ago that I was trying to get to the airport for a conference about, of all things, *crafting*, and things kept holding me up. (You know, the usual "OMG my flight is in two hours and I'm not packed yet and somehow I'm already at the airport and that line is going to take two *days* to get through" dream—that sort of thing.) And the conference was in Utah. And I've never even *heard* of a crafting conference…

    I think this means I may have to sign up. :) xoxo

  12. heather {WhipperBerry} says:

    Char my dear… sooooo excited about this!! Tell Tauni we would love to help in anyway that we can!


  13. Char,

    You know that I am kind of in love with you, right?! I am so grateful to have gotten to know you and to get to work with you on this fun project…even if you are dreading all the work you're going to put in.


  14. This sounds very cool. And way to switch to WordPress. The thought still terrifies me a little. How bad was it?

  15. Caitlyn says:

    You could do it for JDRF. They’re a great organization really dedicated to helping people with Diabetes and hopefully finding a cure!

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