Hello there! I’ve got a whole lot of crazy to blog one of these days, but we’ll get to that later. We’ve been a couple of weeks without a giveaway…did you notice? I think the fact that this one has THREE winners should make up for that, though.
Remember how I said that one of my goals this year was to improve my picture taking? I think this will help…
Katie, of Katie Evans Photography has written this book to help you make the most of your camera and improve your skills. She says:
Have you invested in a digital SLR, but can’t quite figure out how to get those stunning pictures out of it? You know what you want your pictures to look like, but you just don’t know how to get there. You haven’t dared to shoot in anything but automatic and when you do…well, let’s just say those aren’t the pictures you post on your blog.
You CAN get those beautiful, artsy, cool pictures you are imagining. You just need me. Okay, you don’t need me but you do need some information that I will happily share with you. The information that I will reveal in this ebook will help you understand your camera and beyond. Some of the things I will teach include how to achieve a proper exposure, how and where to find the best light, which lenses are the best and why, what the important settings on your camera are about, RAW vs. JPEG, how to compose a striking picture, the best editing software, my “must-do’s” in my editing process, and so much more.
Sounds good, right?
I’m especially excited about the section on lighting (aka the part I need the most help with).
Katie also gives photography tips on her blog.
What’s in it for you?
Well, first of all, Katie’s offering everyone $2 off the price of the ebook using code “CRAP”. This code is good for two weeks and you can buy the book here.
And, she’s giving away THREE copies of the ebook!
To enter:
Leave a comment ON THIS POST saying what your biggest photography challenge is.
Additional entry for following Katie’s photography blog. Leave a comment on this post saying that you did.
Like Katie Evans Photography on Facebook. Leave a comment on this post saying that you did.
Lighting. Definitely lighting is my biggest challenge. Would love to learn to take some decent shots, even with a plain old point-and-shoot.
I don’t have a ton of windows in my house so my indoor pics are always grainy looking
Following her on fbook
My biggest photography issue is probably thinking of not only what the composition of the photo looks like- but how the people look as well (if the chin is up, smiling right ect)
I also liked Katie Evans Photography on facebook! Would love to get my hands on this book!
This book looks amazing! I would love to learn more about being a better photographer!
I now follow Katie’s blog.
I liked Katie on FB.
My house has horrible lighting… so my pictures ALWAYS look dark. I so need to learn how to properly use my camera
I would love to win this. I need some serious help! My two biggest issues are lighting and getting all of my kiddos to be still for long enough to actually snap the shot!
My biggest challenge would have to be learning what aperture and shutter speed to use in different situations. Most of the time I am taking pictures in the daylight so I just keep it on automatic. I have a problem when I am indoors or when it is nighttime and I don’t even know where to start with those settings so it takes forever to get the picture just right.
I’m following her blog now.
Also, I started following the blog. I am very excited to learn more!
I currently do not own a digital SLR but hopefully I will SOON!! The only reason I don’t have one yet is because I’m overwhelmed and a little scared at the idea of learning how to use it! This book would seriuosly help!!
Fill lighting!! So many bad lighting situations to fix!! Thanks!!
lighting for sure!!
i liked her on fb
I just got a DSLR and this book would be SOOO helpful! I would say my biggest challenge is not knowing what the heck I’m doing.
I also liked her facebook page.
Hi! I’m still having problems with red-eye! I could REALLY use some help. I’m planning on buying a better camera and taking a class, but this would be even better!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My biggest challenge is learning to use my camera in manual. I want to, but have no clue where to start!
My biggest problem is remembering to take pictures!
I’m following Katie Evan’s Blog!
I’m following her blog.
I like Katie Evan’s Phototgraphy on Facebook!
I “liked” her on Facebook too.
My biggest struggle with taking good pictures is just plain understanding my camera!
I’m now following Katie’s blog!
lighting…i don’t know what to look for or what is good…i only know what is bad
i know alot about what is bad
My biggest photography problem is everything. I like to blam it on my kit lenses, but I think the problem is really me. I take really good snapshots!
Oh I am in dire need of direction in the photograpy area! I can NEVER seem to get my lighting right no matter what. I would love to actually be able to use my camera to it’s full potential someday!
Biggest challenge is people who don’t want to cooperate to have a natural photo!! Drives me nuts!!
My biggest photography challenge is taking photos that tell the whole story… I need to take less portraits and invest more time in shots that capture the stories of our life.
My biggest photography problem is that I don’t know how to use my camera
after reading through Katie’s blog though I’m excited to learn that we have the same camera and I have at least one of her favorite lenses. Maybe I can actually learn to use the silly thing with the help of this ebook! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow Katie on facebook
My biggest problem is lighting… and then knowing how to use my camera!
I also follow Katie’s blog
I now follow Katie’s blog – such beautiful pictures! Even if I don’t win the book I’m excited to gain some inspiration from her blog – thanks!
My biggest problem is probably getting myself off of auto…I know how to use some of the other functions of the camera, but I really want to learn how to use all the functions, so I’m not neglecting any (:
I’m following Katie’s blog…love her pictures!
I liked Katie’s facebook page.
I’m a follower!
I’d love to win this giveaway! My camera talks back way too much…
since i am a beginner it seems like everything is my biggest challenge!
i follow katie’s photography blog!
My biggest photography challenge is that I live in WA state and there is never enough sunlight for Natural Light pictures
I love taking pictures and would love to improve in everything, who doesn’t? I think this book would be a big help! I want to do better with low lighting.
Thanks so much! I started following her blog also!
My biggest challenge is definitely lighting. I have a simple point and shoot, but I know with a little help, my photos could be a million times better!
My biggest challenge is definitely lighting & I’d love editing tips too!
I’m now following Katie’s blog! She’s a stunning photographer!
I now follow her blog!
And I like her on facebook!
I like Katie Evans on facebook!
If I knew how lighting worked, I’d take more pictures that I could keep rather than having to delete ‘em. I definitely need help in that area.
Lighting and editing are my biggest difficulties!
My biggest photography problem – having a point & shoot! But that is going to change in the super near future. I would love to start off using my new beautiful camera the RIGHT way!
I follow Katie’s blog
I follow Katie’s blog.
I liked Katie on FB
My biggest photography challenge is that my pictures always look really staged.
My biggest challenge is that I just don’t know how to take good pictures, period! My husband is the photographer of the family and I would love to figure out some tips! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Judging shutter speed for lighting seems to be my biggest issue when I am in a hurry.
I follow her blog.
My biggest photography challenge is definitely lighting. And wiggly kids.
I like her on FB.
My biggest challenge is lighting. Some days I nail it but most times I’m struggling to get a shot to work because of the crappy lighting in my house.
my biggest photo challenge is the technical stuff. I have no idea how to properly use stuff like f stop, exposure!
I am following Katie Evan’s Blog.
I like Katie Evans of FB
Lighting has always been my biggest challenge. I often feel like the pictures would look great if only the lighting looked right.
Biggest Challenge – Lighting. Definatly.
I am following her blog!
my biggest challenge? lighting… definatly.
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FB fan
Marisa Meme
I cannot change my camera out of Auto! Please pick me!
Biggest challenge is figuring out how all the settings work together! Iso + what??? This stuff is crazy!
I follow!!
I SO need this book – my biggest challenge is EVERYTHING once it’s on manual
She nailed it with the comment “You haven’t dared to shoot in anything but automatic and when you do…well, let’s just say those aren’t the pictures you post on your blog”. I’d like my photos to look nice, but I just don’t know how to get there.
I’m a Katie Evans blog follower
Understanding my camera! and lighting would be another.
I “like” her on Facebook too
I’m a KE FB liker!!
my biggest need right now is to learn to use my camera beyond its auto functions
Lighting also seems to be my nemesis.
My biggest challenge is taking pictures in low light. My camera doesn’t do it very well, and I hate hate hate using the flash, even on snapshots!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I liked Katie Evans on Facebook and I’m also following her blog.
FB Liker here.
I’m now following her blog!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
My biggest photography challenge is composition. I always have too much sky or cut off part of someones head.
Lighting and NOT using Auto is my biggest problem!! I could definitely use the helpful tips from her book.
I also “liked” her on Facebook.
I just added her to my Blog Reader…I definitely need her book!!!
I’d have to say that getting the light right is my big challenge. And getting my 2-year old to cooperate!
My biggest challenge is figuring out how to use my dang camera!
I am following Katie’s blog.
I need help figuring out how to take better pictures during high sunlight times.
Ugly backgrounds and blurred focus points
I think my biggest problem is properly arranging the clients to where they get the best light and angle, but not where they look awkward or “posey”. I would love the book so I can learn more!
My biggest photography challenge is lighting. I’m ALWAYS crafting and making my cakes LATE at night (or EARLY in the morning so I can’t always (if ever) use natural light.
Like Katie Evans photography on FB
Shooting in Manual mode is my biggest dilemma. By the time I’ve figured out the right settings the ‘picture perfect’ moment is gone!
Lighting, for sure! I love reading about tips from professionals
my biggest photography challenge is taking my SLR camera off “auto” and trying to figure it out. i don’t know what my deal is but i leave it on auto all of the time. i need this book badly!!
i am now following her blog…and i hope i learn some great tips from it too
My biggest challenge is taking photos inside (lighting)! They always turn out horrible! Please help:)
My biggest photography challenge is PEOPLE! Oh goodness! I’m an avid nature macro photographer, but I would LOVE to venture into portrait photography. I hope I win this! (:
Following your photography blog (:
And I “liked” your photography page on FB!
My biggest challenge would have to be learning what aperture and shutter speed to use in different situations. I mostly photograph my kids, so I leave it on automatic – I’d rather have a decent shot instead of missing it altogether, but I know the camera is capable of so much more!
My biggest photography problem is really capturing the moment. I usually just miss it, the lighting is bad, or it just doesn’t have the “feel” of the moment.
I liked her on FB!
I would love to win this book! I am very interested in photography and have started to dabble in it and would love to improve my skills!
My biggest challenge……..Learning to use my new DSLR!! I’ve had it only 4 days!!!
and i left a comment on her blog!
I follow the blog
I am a follower of Katie’s blog!
I “like” Katie Evans Photography on facebook.
I am now a follower of Katie’s photography blog!!!
I also “liked” her on Facebook!!! YAY!!
the biggest challenge is getting the kids to cooperate!!
My largest stumbling block in photography is is being overwhelmed! I was given a DSLR for my college graduation gift – THANKS DAD! – and want to learn how to take beautiful pictures of my children – but am intimidated by the unknown. I am basically a brand-new photographer who has no idea of what she is doing – or how to do it well!!
I “like” Katie Evans Photography on Facebook. That is how I learned of you!
I’m even a follower of Katie’s blog.
My biggest challenge is trying to take pictures without being on auto mode. Whenever I take it off auto inevitably something is wrong with the picture like lighting or focus. I would LOVE this ebook!
My biggest problem is boring photos!
My biggest problem is getting the focus right the first time. I have the Cannon rebel and makeing the little red dots highlight the part I want is something I’m not great at.
My biggest set back is not knowing what half the buttons are. Cameras sure are complicated these days and the manual doesn’t tell you crap. LOL!
We got a DSLR camera and i would love to learn to use all it’s features. And learn to use lighting better – these two things would be my biggest challenges. Thanks for the giveaway.
Low lighting is my biggest challenge! Thanks for the chance to win the book.
I follow Katie on FB
I just bought a DSLR to take action shots of my kids playing soccer, football and wakeboarding. How do I get great focused pictures?
My biggest challenge is using my husband’s great camera properly! I’d love to win this book, and do more than just point and shoot on auto! Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m a follower of Katie’s blog.
where’s the button for everything?!? I’m still trying to figure out my DSLR. Thanks for the chance to win!
I liked her on FB.
and … follow her blog
Lighting is probably my biggest issue. I really want this book! PICK ME!
my pictures are ok – humdrum – need some sparks – i need help!
Lighting gets me EVERY TIME!!!!
I’m a follower of Katie Evans photog blog
I like Katie Evans on fb
My biggest challenge is actually my husband. he doesn’t like me taking pictures in RAW because we don’t have a program that we can download them in.
My biggest challenge is just figuring out my camera! I think this book would help me alot!!
I am a follower of Katie’s blog.
I “like” Katie on FB.
My biggest challenge is lighting!
(and getting a toddler to sit still, but I doubt that’s in the book.)
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I’m just venturing out of Auto, and that was my biggest problem for a long time. Now the trouble I have is terminology and I need a better lens.
I have no idea how to get decent shots in bright sunlight. Huge challenge.
My biggest challenge is posing people in portraits/group shots. Lighting can be difficult also in some situations. I would love to gander at her eBook!
i ‘liked’ katie evans photography on facebook!!
My biggest challenge is lighting – I think I need a better lens! I’m always brightening my photos in photoshop. This book looks fabulous.
i followed Katie’s blog too!
I need more help in choosing the right light for the best picture. I think this book could be the answer!
I also checked out Katie’s blog–beautiful pictures!
I follow katies blog.
I still lack the confidence to shoot in manual mode. I tend to stay in aperture priority.
I subscribe to her photography blog.
My biggest phot upset – getting my toddler to hold still long enough to focus.
Great giveaway! My biggest photo challenge . . . everything
I have no idea where to begin and I just get so overwhelmed every time I try to learn! I need Katie’s help!
Oh the natural light dilemma. It is the best, and yet I can’t always find it, so how do I shoot like I can always find it!
YAY! I love this book! I cant wait to buy it or even WIN IT!
My biggest picture problem is taking photos that are beyond poses and actually show the who story.
I just really stink all around at taking pictures. so I’m sure any help would be nice.
My biggest challenge is just remembering what all the options do and then getting them set correctly.
My biggest challenge is keeping specks of dust off the inside of the lens. Wish there were a little windshield wiper in there and with a push of a button it would clean the lens.
I just bought a Nikon SLR and have no idea how to use it. Would love a good guide to learn how to take great pictures!!! Right now I am just shooting in Auto because I am not sure how to use the other options. Would love to learn how to take a picture where one thing is in focus and the rest is blurry.
I am following Katie’s blog!
I liked Katie Evans photography on Facebook.
I shoot with a Nikon D70 and D40. My biggest problem is consistently getting great pics. Especially when I have to be out on an extremely sunny day. I’m a self taught product photographer and am always looking for new tips and tricks!
lighting is my biggest challenge!
Mu biggest challenge is taking it out of the box! I got the Canon T2i for Christmas, and I’m terrified of it. This book sounds like a common sense approach to help me get it out and use it! Thanks for the chance to get some help with it-Lord knows I need it!
I just ‘liked’ her on Facebook : )
My biggest problem is using my camera out of auto mode. While I love my Nikon, I only use it auto because I have no idea, nor the patience to fiddle with all the settings.
My biggest problem is a toss up between blurry pictures (great shots if they weren’t so darn blurry and grainy
I also just liked her on Facebook!
I am now following Katie’s blog….
I keep going straight back to auto mode!! I have a great SLR but get horrible pictures?! I need help understanding the settings in ALL areas, thanks for the opportunity!
Lighting, lighting, lighting!!! Oh, and getting my kids to not to pull goofy faces, but I suspect that is more of a kid problem and not a photography problem.
Lighting is totally my biggest challenge. I have a hard time getting it right. Too bright, too dark, too warm… I need this badly! Thanks so much!
Lighting. Lighting. Lighting. Lighting. Lighting. Lighting. Need I say more?
I have all the equipment too. External flash. Top of the line SLR.
And the books I do have are absolutely intimidating!
Following her blog!
Liking her on FB…….can you tell I am jumping through hoops for this giveaway?!?!??!
I definitely need help with lighting and camera settings! So far it’s another language that I haven’t learned.
I cannot get aperture and shutter speed figured out…..my kids think I’m hopeless. Help!
Gosh…my biggest challenge in photography is me and my lack of understanding my camera and how to use it. I admit I am still running everything on AUTO. EEK! Lighting is an issue for me as well as understand F-stops, etc. I also just “followed” Katie Evans Photography as well.
I am now a follower of Katie!
I struggle with posing… and lots of other things… :0) And the fact that I haven’t taken pictures in forever… inspiration??
I would love to take better pictures. My biggest problem is definitely the lighting. My kids either look to dark or to washed out. thanks
liked on FB
I think my biggest challenge is understanding how to best use my camera (aperture, ISO and stuff)
My biggest challenge, besides having to take my pictures quickly with 3 active children, would be lighting. I always get too much light that overtakes the picture…
I follow Katie’s blog!
I like Katie on Facebook!
My biggest challenge is getting my whole family looking at the camera and not getting eyes closed! Or even getting everyone together!
My biggest challenges are lighting and getting my kids to cooperate!
I’m a complete newby, so my biggest challenge is just being overwhelmed and not knowing where to start!
I am an intermediate photographer, and I am ready to take my photography to the next level. I need a good boost to get me where I want to be next: shooting professionaly.
My current challenge is my camera. I am in the market for a new one, so this could really come in handy!
Following Katie’s Blog
I am a FB fan.
Lighting for me too.
My biggest challenge is shooting indoors. While I can get good shots outside, often the great photo ops are inside. While not ideal, I would still like to know how to make them better.
I would also like some pointers on picking lenses- balancing price (for an amateur photographer) with quality.
My biggest challenge is getting the right exposure when shooting in manual.
I am following Katie’s blog
I “liked” Katie on Facebook.
I also added Katie’s blog to my favorites. Just browsing through it, it looks like one I am going to enjoy having in my queue.
I know follow Katie’s blog.
I want stunning pictures of my kids. You know, the beautiful up close ones where you can see every freckle.
I think my biggest challenge is accepting that I’m not a professional! I’m so visual, but I know nothing about using my camera properly, so I tend to envision what I want a photo to look like, snap it, and then end up taking a million more because I was disappointed! I definitely need the boost from Katie’s book!
I just followed Katie’s blog, and I’m glad I did–Katie, you’re my neighbor! (in the we-both-live-just-north-of-Austin sense!)
Hello neighbor!! Are you as sick of this dreary weather as I am? I just want some sunshine! I would never make it in Seattle
I’d have to say child #2 is my biggest challenge.
My biggest challenge is that I never read any information that came with my Canon. I just click away and hope for the best
I would love to learn more about editing once I have the pictures taken!
I am following Katie’s blog.
Apparently I’m unable to take pictures without chopping off a person’s head. My children all laugh at me and never let me take photos.
My biggest photography challenge is that my 2 year-old absolutely does not want to hold still for pictures. Even the sports action setting on my camera hasn’t been of any use…everything is just blurry!
I would love to be able to quickly assess the lighting and know what setting to put in my camera to get the perfect picture and then know how to do some quick editing.
I liked Katie on Facebook
I have a new Nikon D3100 and I’m trying to learn all the manual settings. I would love to learn more about ISO, Aperature, and Shutter Speed and how they function together.
I really struggle with lighting. I would love to get pictures that look good when I take them, not just after editing.
I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.
I have a new camera and I have no idea how to use it. I just keep it on automatic and hope the pictures come out okay.lol.
I follow Katie Evans blog.
I have a new DSLR and lighting is very challenging!
I love taking pictures! Lighting frustrates me. I try to take advantage of cool lighting but mostly I just try to avoid it and get mad!
I have always had trouble with lighting.
What a great giveaway! I would love to learn how to use different settings on my camera other than AUTO!
My biggest photography challenges include taking pictures in low light, using the correct ISO setting, and selecting the correct shutter speed. It’s difficult, but I am still learning! Thanks for the giveaway!
my biggest *issue* is definitely lighting…
and pretty much how to use every button {except for AUTO}
oh and I am a facebook Liker <—not to be confused with LICKER!
I’m addicted to “auto”. I’m too chicken (and I haven’t had the time ) to try out the other modes on my camera. HELP ME!
Getting mt subjects ( 1 and 3 yr old) to cooperate is my biggest challenge!
I added her blog to the ones I read. I can’t wait to learn more from her!
Photographing my mixed media art work is challenging and I think that lighting is the biggest piece in this. I have poor lighting indoors so I take a lot of my photographs outside. With all the rain we’ve had the last three weeks, I’m getting desperate for decent light! Anne, yourmainestamper
my biggest challenge other than having a point and shoot is getting the kids to actually be in the photos. thanks for the chance!
Love this giveaway!!! Lighting is definitely my biggest challenge.
My biggest challenge so far is still learning manual mode. I’ve got it mostly figured out but I still take some photos that make me say to myself, “What was I thinking?” I would love to become more adept.
My biggest challenge is taking pictures on a bright, sunny day. It’s hard to get rid of those awful shadows!
I am following Katie’s blog!
And I liked her page on Facebook!
I follow Katie’s photography blog.
I FINALLY just got a new fancy shmancy camera and NEED to learn all the ropes.
I’m following her blog.
I like her on fb!
We just got a DSLR so we’re totally new to non-auto. Biggest challenge might be figuring out the settings to capture an active 2-year-old in motion!
My BIGGEST issue is remembering to take all of the pictures off of my camera!!! Then, when I finally do remember, I have 2000 pictures to go through!
My biggest challenge is my CAMERA! I desperately need a new one. But oh how I would love to have this book to help me take beautiful pictures of my children!
I follow Katie Evans blog!
I like Katie Evans Photography on facbook!
My biggest photography challenge is taking pictures of RED things. Why I have NO idea – but they never turn out the way I want them too!
I followed her blog!
definitely lighting here too. and just learning how to use a function other than auto! thanks for the giveaway
I’m following her blog
and liked on FB!
Following Katie on FB.
subscribed to Katie’s blog!
Biggest photography challenge is figuring out the manual settings to use!
lighting! Pictures in my house also look dark or shadowy
lighting! and how to figure out manual settings.
I suppose it is focus. I have been in manual for a year now and still have a hard time nailing focus!!
My biggest challenge is trying to figure out how to capture the details of the subject while not worrying about the rest of the picture.
I have a super nice Canon 7D and external flash, and my biggest problem is that I often just throw it in auto if my random *GUESS* at settings doesn’t turn out (most of the time). My husband has tried explaining all the tech terms to my and how they affect each other but I just can’t seem to absorb it. UGH! I have a nice camera and the cutest boy ever, I need this book!
Follow her blog!
My biggest photography challenge is taking indoor photos
I like Katie Evens on Facebook!
I’d love to win! I need any tips I can get!
I just liked her on FB!
I’m following her blog!
I really have a hard time getting crisp focused pictures. I would love to improve my photography and gain any new skills I can.
I like Katie on Facebook
I follow Katie’s blog
I would love to win..I have a slr i have no clue what I am doing!
I liked Katie on FB!
I think my biggest photography challenge is framing.
Honestly, I would love this ebook for my daughter, who got a beautiful new Canon for Christmas and is still mastering the fine points. This would be a really nice graduation gift. So, “pick me, pick me,” she says, waving her hand in the air furiously.
My biggest challenge is just taking the time to learn my new camera. I just keep messing with it, without really knowing what I am doing, hoping I will have awesome pictures turn out, but they don’t. I just want to learn my how my camera works and be able to take great pictures to treasure.
I am following her blog! FUN!!!
I liked her on FB…
I struggle most with lighting and exposure.
Biggest challenge…. hmmmmm… Probably managing the light like so many others said. I am learning all of it so I also think just managing all of the settings in different picture taking settings is also challenging! It looks like a GREAT book.
I think my biggest challenge using my DSLR is lighting. I’m getting better at it, but not there yet!
Trying to keep my subjects still!
Getting my subjects (ages 5 & 9) to cooperate!
I’m now a follower of her blog. Yay!
…and a fan on FB.
My biggest challenge is taking night pictures!
I’m a follower of her blog!
And also a FB fan
My biggest photography challenge is just not knowing what to do!
Trying to figure out all the manual settings with the lighting.
I am a blog follower.
I like her on Facebook.
My biggest challenge is staying away from the auto and not having enough fun with my camera. I keep forgetting that I can delete what I don’t like it’s not like film.
I liked Katie Evans Photography on FB.
I am stuck in auto. I don’t even know where to go from there. I need this!
I need this! I don’t know much about my new slr. I really need to learn it all
My biggest challenge is using lighting with my photography.
I also became a follower of her blog!
AND I “liked” her on facebook!
mine was when I decided to buy a 35mm SLR. I made sure I got EXACTLY what my sister had, because she turned out such perfect photographs. Guess what, it also took skill which I didn’t have. She said the camera taught her. Mine didn’t say a THING. I just botched film after film and the more that didn’t turn out, the sadder I got until I finally just put it away. My hubby rescued it, but I was no longer interested. Eventually I got an amazing digital camera and my pix are turning out so much better I am taking interest in photography again.
nice giveaway
My biggest challenge is indoor lighting. During the winter months taking pictures outside is just not very practical and the photos taken inside often have issues with colors
Hey. My biggest issue is getting people to warm up to the camera. Thanks for this giveaway!
I’m a new follower of Katie’s blog
I like Katie on FB
Julie Jones
Is it absolutely horrible that I like shooting in auto? Is it true that ignorance is bliss. Okay, okay, I actually hate my pictures, but it seems like the ONLY ONES THAT COME OUT SOMEWHAT NORMAL are the ones I shoot on auto.
I shoot in ap mode and I REALLY want to go manual, but I’m chicken! Help!
I like katie on fb
I follow Katie’s photography blog
I “liked” Katie Evans Photography on facebook.
Lighting is my biggest challenge.
my biggest challenge getting my settings adjusted with each lighting change. it’s hard to remember that moving to a different area or angle can change the whole ap/iso/speed situation! i need lots of practice and tips so thanks for the giveaway!
i follow katie’s blog
i follow katie evans on fb
Light is also my problem! I feel like I don’t take advantage of natural light as much as I can.
Great giveaway!
being fast enough to get those sweet kid moments!
Nailing exposure is what I need to work on for sure! Fingers crossed!!!
Following Katie’s blog!
Liked her on FB!
I find portrait photography difficult.
my biggest challenge is lighting
I about have a panic attack everytime I turn the knob from “auto” to anything else. HELP!!
My biggest challenge is getting off of auto. I’ve messed with aperture a tad, but that is as advanced as it gets for me lol.
I follow Katie’s blog!
My biggest challenge with photography is trying to understand all of the settings on my DSLR camera. I bought it to try to capture amazing photos but I just can’t quite get all the settings! I would love this book to help me figure them out.
I am now following Katie’s Photography Blog
I liked Katie Evans Photography on Facebook
My biggest photo challenge is being able to recreate an angle on a shot. I take a really pretty photo and then I try it again and I can’t figure out what I did. So frustrating.
I follow Katie Evan’s blog
Definitely lighting. Flash on, flash off-i don’t know!
As so many have already said – LIGHTING!
My biggest challenge is lighting. My pictures are either washed out or gloomy and lifeless. I also have problems taking group photos. I find it hard to decide on how the group should be posed.
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Like so many others, my biggest photographic challenge is lighting.
I’m now following Katie on FB and on her blog. Thanks for making me aware of her! I hope to learn a lot.
I’ve been trying to take my pictures in manual mode but get so frustrated when they don’t turn out! I’d love to learn out to really USE my camera to take great pictures of my family.
My biggest challenge is take good photos of my girls
I follow Katie’s blog
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My biggest photography challenge is being scared to buy a DSLR. Scared because it’s a serious chunk of change, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t use it right and would just shoot everything on auto, and then I’d be mad because I’d laid out all that money for a fancy camera only to use it on auto when I am currently doing just fine taking “auto” pictures with my crummy little point-and-shoot.
My biggest challenge is getting everything “just right” to get the perfect shot!! I have ventured out of auto and tried to play with the manual modes, but when I need a picture fast of my little 16 month old doing something cute – he doesn’t like to sit still, or do the same thing over and over for 15 minues while mommy figures out the correct settings!!
I would like to learn the settings and how to take much better pictures, and faster!!
I’m a follower of Katie’s blog!
I “like” Katie’s facbook page!
Oooooh, I’m going to get an SLR soon… this would be such a great help to learn it!
I’m getting a new camera soon, and I need all the tips I can get!
i have a digital slr and my biggest problem is figuring out how to get the “accidental” really good shots to happen more frequently. haha. that and using the camera past its auto setting…
Following her Blog.
Liked her on FB.
I have trouble finding good locations. I am always wanting to know more about photography. I would LOVE this book.
I’m new to photography so I’m trying to learn the concept of F-stops.
I am following Katie’s blog via my email.
My biggest challenge is shooting in bad lighting conditions. I would love to win the book
My biggest issue is lighting and generally I need to learn more about my camera. I feel like I’m wasting many oporutnities for good photos by not uncerstanding my camera’s abilities.
I think my biggest challenge is getting a 3 year old and 1 year old to sit still. No, seriously the lighting and whole auto thing. We have a great camera and would love to put it to good use. Thanks for the discount code!
right now our biggest problem is shopping for a new camera. i’m worried that i’ll be overwhelmed with anything other than a point and shoot because my husband took a photography class in college (and i didn’t). so once we actually buy the new camera…this would be a huge help!
I just liked Katie on Facebook!
My biggest challenge is taking photos of my cats and dog that look like the ones in calendars. It seems like they know when I am trying to take a picture and either start licking themselves or walk over to me so I get great, out of focus photos of their faces closeup. I have a beautiful black cat Miles and taking photos of him is a big challenge because of his color.
I just got a new fancy camera and would love to know how to use it properly (stop using it on auto mode!). Great giveaway!!
Love it! I so need help figuring out how to manage aperture AND shutter speed to go fully manual. I have mastered one or the other but not both at the same time. HELP!
I’m no professional so I need all the help I can get, I guess aperture, and F-Stops? I just got a vintage camera from the 40′s and would love to learn how to use it properly. It’s a Bell and Howell.
I follow her blog!
I’d most like to learn how to get the different color effects out of my camera- aka artsy pics.
I have lots of challenges when I use my camera!! I would love to learn how to NOT USE auto mode.
I’m a new follower
OK I now “LIKE” Katie Evans on FB
For me, the biggest challenge is timing the shot right. You just can’t get the shot unless you have a DSLR. Automatics have too much delay, and I can’t seem to get a pic of my oldest daughter when she isn’t closing her eyes… even with the flash/red-eye off. I borrowed a DSLR from a friend, and BOOM! Even a trash can looks good with the right timing. I think the better lenses help a LOT too. I sure could use some pointers! I haven’t shot with an SLR since film went out of style. Send me that book. Nice blog, by the way…
I am a beginner so any tips would help!!! My biggest challenges are learning all of the features and lighting in general.
My biggest challenge is getting 3 children to sit still with eyes open and mouths closed, all at the same time. Maybe when they are 20 + years old, it might happen lol.
(and I follow Katie’s blog)
My greatest photography challenge is moving targets (I have twin boys who still do not know the meaning of one sec or sit still )
I struggle to find the right exposure. Help, please!
I struggle with everything, but most especially, taking photos that aren’t blurred, of my squirmy 13 month old.
I’m following Katie on facebook!
I’m following Katie via GFC!!
Thanks for the giveaway; i really hope I win!
My biggest challenge is figuring out my camera. I want to do cool stuff, but cannot. This book would be AMAZING!
I follow her blog
My biggest challenge is trying to figure out the manual mode on my camera.
My biggest challenge is LIGHTENING. I am following her blog and LIKED her fb. YAY! I hope, I hope, I hope I win!
I have many challenges
I’d say lighting, photographing movement (it was so much easier when my son was a little baby), and the time consuming uploading and editing!
I like her on FB!!!
I follow her blog!!!
My biggest issue is knowing my camera and what it all can do. I’m hoping to win, however if I don’t I’m definitely going to be getting her book!
My biggest challenge is having good lighting.
My biggest challenge is the editing. Oh, and getting a picture of my 4yo son without him sticking his tongue out at me!
My biggest challenge is editing. I have a great DSLR and the cutest, if not fastest, subjects in the East, but I do them no great service when it comes to editing. Would love to know more!
Feeling like I have an inferior camera and can’t measure up!
Added her blog to my google reader
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I must! I must! I must increase my… Oh wait…I mean I must win this prize!
My biggest challenge is that I have no idea how to use my camera! I just push the button. That’s all I’ve had time to figure out!
I liked her!
I’m a follower. Well…not really. Normally I’m a leader, but in this case I’m a follower.
My biggest challenge is the same as Kelly, I am only able to use a point and shoot camera and I want them to be good pictures. What camera is easy for me to purchase that will give me the bang for my buck and good resolution pictures? HELP
I’m just starting to learn how to use the manual settings on my camera and I’m definitely floundering. I would love to win this book!
Liked on facebook!
I struggle with lighting and getting the perfect angle. just takes practice, but i could REALLY use this book!
I’m just trying to learn the manual settings on my camera….like ISO and when to use it.
I am now following Katie Evans Photography blog!
I am now following Katie Evans Photography blog!
thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize!
I would say that shutter speed and focus is my biggest challenge! This book looks great!
liked on fb
Now following Katies blog!
I can’t seem to get any good night shots. I would like to learn how to shoot in the manual mode.
I really need help with my camera. I would love to win this. Thanks
Lighting is my biggest issue and the fact that my kids never sit still for more than a second : )
I like Katie on fb
I follow Katie’s blog.
And I really hope I win this book!
Lighting – and getting a consistent result with the lighting.
My challenge is composition and trying to figure out my Nikon ‘nice’ camera. I got it as a gift and wish I could make my pics look a little (a lot) better!!!
Follower on FB. ☺
My biggest challenge is composition. I can mess with the lighting digitally, but it’s tougher to set it up right to begin with.
My biggest challenge is making my photos visually appealing yet capturing the moment.
My biggest challenge – getting my 2 year old to stop and smile at the camera. Seriously, she see’s it come out and RUNS the other way. Or refuses to smile. Turkey.
I really need to use how to use my DSLR correctly. You would think spending $1200 on it would entice me to learn more, but I really need something SIMPLE that outlines the process.
Getting great shots of kids! Definitely my biggest challenge
Scale and focusing are big – i sware something happens between my looking through the lens and snapping the photo were things are magically added or removed from my frame (aka who is that guy that i had no idea was there or where is the corner of the quilt?)
thanks for the chance~
annaliese (dot) kalista(at)gmail (dot) com
Action shots are my hard spot, always turn out fuzzy…
Oooh, great giveaway!!!!
My biggest photography challenge is taking a wider photo… I tend to zoom close to snap photos of my dear one’s face and then miss out on the context of the moment (background stuff). And when I take context photos I rarely love them because they are so visually busy. Would love some ideas on that!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Lighting and posing are my biggest challenges.
Shutter speed/getting blurry pictures & depth of field!?!
Great giveaway!
nhume at aol dot com
I LIKE Katie on Facebook!
nhume at aol dot com
Biggest Challenge: EVERYTHING!!! Help, help, help!!!
Lighting and exposure are big problems for me… Especially since I only take pictures at night, in my horribly-lit kitchen!
Lighting can be a challenge for me as well. Especially indoors . . . ugh.
I follow Katie’s blog
My biggest challenge is having batteries that aren’t dead. Second one is getting my shy 14 year old daughter to stop hiding when I try to catch her with my camera. I would love the ebook…thanks!
Biggest photography challenge- learning to utilize all the settings on my camera
i just became a follower of Katies’ blog, it looks real cool! Thanks
I liked Katie Evans photography on facebook!
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I’m just starting to pick up the camera for more than just memory shots and can’t wait to learn more about using the manual features on my camera! The biggest challenge for me is working with lighting. Thanks for the giveaway!
I became a follower of katies photography blog!
Definately lighting. Bought my DSLR in April…and cannot find time to take a class!! This book looks awesome.
I’m now following her blog! Love that she is in the great state I am!! Woo hoo!
….and now I like her on FB!!
Besides keeping our son from breaking cameras through curiosity is just understanding how to best use the camera’s different functions to produce good pictures. Thanks!
Lighting is tough. And trying to understand and properly use aperture and shutter speed.
Lighting is my biggest struggle. This is a great giveaway, thanks!
I am so excited to find her blog and am a follower.
I’m following Kate’s blog!
I am a fan of Kate’s on FB!
Definitely lighting!
My BIGGEST photography issue is setting the correct apeture/shutter speed it gets me EVERY time.
My biggest photography challenge would have to be the lighting. I don’t like the look of a flash, so I’m always looking for natural light.
I just followed Katie’s photography blog! Excited to learn new things!
I just liked Kate Evans Photography on Facebook. I would love to win her book!
I try to get creative on things like angles, lighting….but it always looks like my 5 year old took the picture! help….!!!!
I’d like this for my husband….our family photographer, plus he’s a nerd always trying to figure out how to make things work “better”!
My biggest photography challenge is definitely catching my kids in action (two boys, ages 2 and 6 yrs). By the time I wrangle my camera into place, the moment is gone. Rats!