Thanks for sticking with me through this WordPress migration! I’ve gotten some emails about things that aren’t working, and I appreciate them. I think everything is working now, but if it’s not…you know where to find me. I’ve also gotten some feedback that people don’t like the truncated posts at the bottom of the page. I’ve got it set now so that there are three full length posts and then 3 truncated posts on the main page. If you’ve got strong feelings on that situation, shoot me an email with what you’d prefer to see (i.e. how many full length posts on the home page, how many truncated). If there’s enough of an uprising (just kidding…you all would never cause an uprising, right?), I might make a change.
So, about that giveaway.
Let me introduce you to sells new condition slipcovers from pretty much THE most well known company out there. They refer to them as “Brand X”, in honor of the X they put on the tags to prevent returns to said company. I’m going to refer to them as Lottery Yarn, if you catch my drift. And I think you do. Right?
You start by determining if your ugly sofa has square cushions
or T cushions
and then you get shopping.
On many of the covers, they show you a real life shot of the cover on a couch, no catalog magic involved.
So, what’s in it for you? is giving THREE of you a slipcover (up to $179 retail value) of your choice!
Click on over to Have a look around. Come back and leave a comment on this post saying which slipcover you’ll pick if you win. (Entry #1)
Extra entries:
Go back to Sign up for their newsletter (left hand column). Come back and leave a comment on this post saying that you did. (Entry #2)
Like on Facebook. Come back and leave a comment on this post saying that you did. (Entry #3)
Giveaway will run for one week. I’d also like to point out that is running a ridiculously good sale right now where all one piece slipcovers are $29.99 and all separate seat slipcovers are $49.99. (If you’ve ever priced slipcovers before, you know what I’m talking about.)
I would love to get the loose fit square cushion for large sofa cover! With my two dogs, its, pretty hard to keep my sofa clean
i would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa in natural twill
mychancetowin at gmail dot com
Oh how I need the loosefit t cushion slip cover for my front room couch. Its not so cute and I’ve been on the look out for one. Perfect giveaway!
I’d love the Tailored Loosefit T cushion for a large sofa in natural or stone. Thanks for the giveaway!
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Please pick me! My sofa’s are so dang ugly! I never invite anyone in because they are so embarrassing! I would choose the Loosefit T Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa…..or Small Sofa. I have both.
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Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa… although let’s see if it would work on our enormous sectional… Hopeful!
I’d choose the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Natural. Our couch cushions are getting pretty sad looking after years of abuse from the dog!
Oh wow, great site! I need the ink blue t-cushion, still browsing styles!
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Oh my gosh! I need this so bad. THe first thing I was going to buy with my yardsale money was a slipcover. I would get the loose fit square cushion boxpleat slipcover small sofa.
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I would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa- my sofa is in desperate need of these!
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I would pick the tailor t cushion items. I have a really UGLY floral sofa that is in good condition – just really UGLY! Would love to win-fingers crossed. Thanks for the giveaway.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the T-Cushion separates in cranberry!!! Signed up for the newsletter too!!
I would love the Seperate Seat T Cushion slipcover.
would love the Loosefit Square Cushion Slipcover for a Large Sofa & a loveseat
I definitely have an ugly sofa! The Loosefit Square Cushion Corner Tie Slipcover Small Sofa in the Montgomery Stripe is my favorite! I can not believe how inexpensive these slipcovers are, they are beautiful!!
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My couch has been torn up by cats and toddlers. I could use a quick makeover. The best one for my couch? Definitely Loosefit Square Cushion Corner Tie Slipcover Large Sofa (in cranberry!)
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I would love to win the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover. What a great website!
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I would get Loosefit T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa. I think that’s the shape of my craigslist couch. I can’t believe they have such great prices!
Thanks for the giveaway!
i would get “separate seat square cushion sofa large” in cream twill…because i can wash the gogurt out of that baby! thanks for the chance to win some free crap
I would choose the seperate seat T cushion in natural!
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I would love the separate seat T cushion slipcover in sage twill!! We SOOO need to recover our furniture!!
I would choose the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover for Large Sofa! In Walnut Twill!
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I have been wanting a new couch for so long..this would be perfect..
Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Natural Twill.
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I couldn’t wait for the giveaway & already ordered some white pleated ones. But wouldn’t mind winning another!
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Haha! I was just looking at slipcovers for a sofa in my office! What perfect timing. I want the loose fit slip for T cushion.
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Oh how I would love this! We have hand me down couches with the Native American print and they do not go with my decor (or style) at all! I would love the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Small Sofa (and Large Sofa!) to make my couch feel like it’s supposed to be there!
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This is amazing! My hubby and I were just talking slipcovers the other day. Even if I don’t win, I’m going to buy the Separate Seat Square Slipcover in Walnut for my small sofa. Thanks!
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Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Cranberry!
love it, thanks for the opportunity!
OH! I soooo need this! I would love to ask my really talented neighbor to make a slip cover for my ugly couch BUT I still want to be friends with her. I MUST WIN!!! I would like the separate seat square for a large sofa. I think. I’m still debating. VERY good prices!
Sheesh, even if I don’t win .. this is such a great deal! I would love the boxpleat one.
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I’d love one of the tie ones for an arm chair! My couches are okay, but I have some chairs that needs serious help!
I signed up for their newsletter. Yes, I did.
I need this desperately! I love the box pleat, but really need the separate piece for ours. Any jewel tone that will not show I have kids that run rampant in my house would be nice.
Wow! I would go with the
Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa (after checking with my fashion conscious hubs, of course. ;-))
Thank you!!!!
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My floral couches are so ugly! But you get what you pay for, right? I would get the Loosefit T Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa in Natural or Honey Twill.
I liked on facebook! New looking couches would be nice!
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I would choose the walnut twill separate seat small square cushion cover for the truly heinous sofa we’ve had since my husband was in college. This poor sofa is desperate for a makeover!
signed up for the newsletter, too!
I was *just* whining to my husband about hating our couch…but not really wanting to sit on the floor, so I’m crossing my fingers for a little synchronicity. I’d probably choose the loose boxpleat T-cushion in a light color.
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And liked on fb, too!
What a great site w/ great prices too! I’d choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in
Natural twill. Would be perfect for the hideous blue monster that lives in my living room!
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I could really use a slip cover! Our couches are hand- me downs since we’re still newlyweds and saving up for nice furniture.
I love the boxpleat one in white or honey. Makes a huge difference!
We need a new slipcover badly! I’d get the square cushion box pleat for a large sofa in natural, I think. Anything is better than what we have!
Oohh, I soo need slipcovers for my couches..I’d choose the loose fit t cushion large sofa.
I would love one! I just inherited a great t cushion couch that needs a cover.
I need to win. My ugly furniture could be an example on their site. lol. They do look a lot like lottery yarns covers. Love!!!!!! I would pick Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in natural
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i would get the Loosefit T Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa in cranberry. i’d get an extra one – i have two ugly identical couches that need help. desperately.
oh – and i signed up for the newsletter!!
I am hyperventilating right now! We’re moving out of a tiny campus apartment and into a house (hooray for graduation!) and will need a real sofa. Now I can find any old ugly, comfortable thing and make it be-you-ti-ful! Thanks for letting me know about UglySofa. If I win, I’ll cover my current ugly sofa with the large box pleat slipcover.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I would love the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa.
Thanks for the chance to win.
love this! i would choose separate seat t chusion, large sofa. if i don’t win i may just buy one!
I would get the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa
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I would love to have the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Walnut Twill. Very nice to change out our icky couch.
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Loosefit Square Cushion Tie Arm Slipcover Small Sofa in Honey Twill!
I NEED THIS!! I have an UGLY love seat in my sewing room/playroom/office and I would LOVE to cover it’s ugliness up!
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This is EXACTLY WHAT I NEED!! I really need the loosefit T cushion Slipcover LARGE! 2 year old twins love to get my sofa dirty and this is exactly what we need!!!
Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa, sage green.
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I would love the Loosefit Square Slipcover Large Sofa in Sage Twill.
Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa… although I really need it to work on our enormous sectional. Thanks for the give a way!
I would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa in natural twill. It would look so nice on my super ugly couch from 1972!
I would get the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa. I’ve tried a few different ones over the past year with not so good results – so here’s hoping this is the winner – haha.
I would love to have the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Cream Twill! Thanks for the great giveaway!
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I really like the Loosefit T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in either stone or natural. This is a great giveaway!
I’ve signed up for their newsletter, so here’s my second entry! Thanks!
Now I’ve “liked” them on facebook – so here’s #3. Thanks again!
If I win, I think I would choose the loose fit, square cushion corner tie for a small sofa in cranberry twill. I have a really UGLY couch …. and it would really make me feel better if it was covered up. lol
Thank you!!
Hi there… I have signed up for their newsletter! Thank you for 3 chances to win!
I love the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa. My sofas are in bad shape
I’d choose the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Small Sofa for my hideous square cushion small sofa.
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I would choose the loose fit t cushion slip cover large. Thanks
You don’t know how badly I want a new slipcover. A separate seat slipcover. In fact, I have been toying around with the idea of making my own, which is something considering I’m a sewing novice. I hate it when people sit on my couches because the slipcovers move around and don’t look nice. My husband thinks its ridiculous how often I smooth and tuck those darn things in. Separate seat covers would minimize my asking my kids to sit on the floor!! This is probably the giveaway I want to win the most!!! Please??!!!!!!!!
I’ve signed up for the newsletter.
I like the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover . Thanks!
I would love to win a separate seat T cushion slipcover for a large sofa in cream. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I’ve been needing a new slipcover! I would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover in Natural Twill.
Oh. My. Gosh. I would LOVE a Loosefit T Cushion Slipcover in Natural Twill. With two dogs and a baby due in two weeks, we could use some extra protection for our couches!
I think I would go with Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover . Not sure of color!
I would definitely pick the box pleat loose fit slipcover
Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in green
so now i’m their friend
and i’ll get their newspaper or whatever
I’d choose the Loosefit Square cushion slipcover without the pleats for a small sofa! Fingers crossed…
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I need this so bad. I have a sofa, loveseat and chair T-style and was given to us and looks incredibly bad. If I won, I would choose the Tailored T-cushion in Honey twill.
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This sounds awesome! My apartment complex claimed the couches in my apartment would be “neutral” – maroon is not neutral!
Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Small Sofa is the one for me! I love it in the Honey Twill color. Thank you for offering this giveaway. It would completely change my husband’s man-room which currently has the most hideous plaid (think cranberry, navy, green & white) with a modern rug in olive, honey, cranberry & black! Oh, yeah.
Liked them on FB. Hoping for the best.
The Box pleat Loosefit T cushion in the Large and Small sofa Size, in Cream Twill. Oh I would be so happy to win, I have some SERIOUSLY UGLY Sofas!
I liked UglySofa on Facebook!
I would love to get the box pleat slip cover.
Oh man do we need this! I would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover for a Large Sofa in Sage green to cover my ugly sofa!
I like ugly sofa on Facebook.
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I have an ugly sofa! My cat destroyed it. I would love to win, but even if I don’t I will still end up getting one
I like the Loosefit Square Cushion Slipcover for a Small Sofa. I can’t decide which color though.
I would definitely get the T cushion box pleat to go over our couch since we have dogs and they like to sneak on the furniture when we are gone. Thanks!
I love the Loosefit Square Cushion Tie Arm Slipcovers. It would look amazing!
I would pick the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover for a Large Sofa in Walnut twill. Great site!!
LOOOOOVE this giveaway! SO FUN! I would pick::: Loosefit T Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa
Thanks for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
i would so pick the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Small Sofa. Having 2 dogs and a bird it would be so easy to wash the slipcover
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I am NEEDING the seperate seat in Walnut (or darker for the young crazy kids). Great stuff!
Probably the separate seat square, but I would have to bust out a measuring tape to make sure. This is an amazing giveaway, I so need this with 4 kiddos and a couch we love but is showing its 12 year wear.
Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa – Sage would be perfect for my sofa. My twins, while twice as nice as we say, are still kids with the power of destruction! Great give away.
I would love to win the Loosefit Square Cushion Slipcover. I couldn’t see a picture of the colors. Thanks
I would love the Separate Seat Square Cushion cover in Honey. What a great website!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Small Sofa in White Twill. Totally devine! Thanks for the chance to win!
Signed up for newsletter! Yay!
Liked on Facebook! This is FUN!
I like the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Honey Twill.
I like the separate seat sqaure for the t. Thanks for the giveaway!
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I would love the box pleat t cushion large sofa slipcover….love the pleats!!!
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I would love the Seperate Seat Square Cushion for Large Sofa in Cream Twill!
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I like the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover for a large sofa in walnut twill.
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The folks over at Ugly Sofa have a lot of fun at work, I think. Love the sense of humor that comes through! Love that really ugly pink sofa on the top of the page! Guess if I won this prize, I could finally buy that ugly sofa I’ve had my eye on at a local resale shop. I certainly would never attempt reupholstery when their covers are so good! Anne, yourmainestamper
If I were to win, I would pick the “Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa to cover my “ugly sofa” – which was nice until my 2 littles puked, drooled, and spilled on it. Thanks for the giveaway
If I won I would pick the separate T cushion slipcover. I would love the opportunity to have a “quick change” on my couch.
I liked them on facebook. And THANKS SO MUCH for this giveaway…I have two TRULY ugly sofas.
I love the separate seat T cushion slipcover. So classy!
I am on their mailing list as well.
I love this company! Ahh-may-zing!! I am getting ready to move and have been dreading what to do with our “basement” sofa. Now, I can get one of these (hopefully I’ll win)… The Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa is the choice for me
In Cream Twill. And if I don’t win, I hope it will still be on sale next week! Thanks for the giveaway Char.
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This is exactly what I’m looking for to cover up my black chair for my cream/sage/blue colored bedroom! I would pick the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Arm Chair!!
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Funny, I think the slipcovers are super ugly!!! I’d take the brown couches anyday!
I would love to win the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa. I love my sofa, but it really needs a makeover.
I’m a subscriber!
I liked on FB! Woohoo!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to slipcover our sofa! I like the Loosefit Saure Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa.
Loosefit square boxpleat small sofa . . . whew! I’m pretty sure but don’t put a gun to my head.
I want the Separate Seat T Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa…our sofa desperately need this!!!
I’m now on their mailing list!
Oooh, I would love, love, love the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover for a large sofa!
If I win I would love the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa in Flax Linen!
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I certainly want to buy one of these puppies! I am starting to redo my front room. I really wish I could see a swatch of each color selection though. I’m thinking white but maybe honey…Hope I win!
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Newsletter now coming to my inbox. Yay!
Love the loosefit square! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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I have reviewed the website and I would love to win the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleast Slipcover in either Large or small in the Sage Twill color.
Thanks for the contest.
I have signed up for the newsletter too!
I would love the loosefit for the square cushion, we are moving and I would love to switch the colors in my living room, and rignt now my couches are dark red.
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i need a white slipcover for my denim couch! i love the denim but at this point it’s so dirty and will not get clean anymore! pick me to win!!
i would get the loose fit t cushion tie arm slip cover. so cute!
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I sooo want a white slip cover! Even if I don’t win, I think I’ll have to order one from them. I had never heard of the website before. Thanks for letting us know about it.
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I’d get the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa! Thanks for the great give-a-way!
My couches are hideous and need help after continual abuse from my 1 year old! I’d take two of the Loosefit Square Cushion Corner Tie Slipcover for Large Sofas, in either stone or natural twill. Thanks for the chance!
I subscribed to their mailing list!! Pick me!! :):):)
I would choose the small loosefit T cushion in sage… I think I need a small…I should go measure the sofa!
I’d probably choose one of the loosefit covers…they look wonderful! Slipcovers are a must w/ plentiful children!
I just joined their newsletter email list!
I would love the Separate Seat Square Cushion Sofa Large!
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I would get Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa!
[email protected]
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I would choose the Loosefit Square Cushion Boxpleat Slipcover Large Sofa. Thanks!
Our lottery barn couch has fallen prey to two babies, three cats and a snacking husband. We are moving next month and I’d love to give my t cushion couch a facelift!
Love Love Love these! I would choose the loose cushion tied one! OMG!
My ten year old couch really needs these! Love the loosefit!
My ugly couch really needs the square cushion tie arm slipcover for a large sofa.
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I’d love to win the Separate Seat Square Cushion Slipcover Large Sofa in Parchment. I know it would transform my ugly couch into beautiful. Thanks for the introduction to this site.
I don’t necessarily have an UGLY sofa…. just a stained one! I love the one with the separate seat for the large couch.
OH MY GOSH would I love to win one of these slip covers. I have a hide a bed sofa I CAN’T get rid of because it’s our “GUEST BED”. It’s not SUPER UGLY but it’s bad. I would love a two piece square cushion large cover for it! YEAH. Thanks for the give away.