In case you don’t follow on Facebook


This is the extent of my holiday décor.  Thanks Lara and Neil for saving my butt.

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  1. That’s more than I have done. :)

  2. Just wanted to say really quick that I LOVE those shutters… I know that wasn’t the purpose of the post but just had to tell ya! :)

  3. Love the color combo – especially the shutters! And since it doesn’t overwhelm with red, white and blue you can leave it up longer. You don’t mind if I borrow it, do you? xoxo michele

  4. I *DID* see this on FB and went right away to print it off. Then I moved, and I can’t find the picture frame I put it in :( Hopefully I’ll find it before the 4th!

    One quick question….did you ever pick a winner for the Heather Bailey Pattern?

    thanks :D

  5. I am wearing a shirt with a flag on it. Does that count?

  6. Barbara says:

    It’s more than I’ve done, too; I had a root canal yesterday and get a crown next week. I lost the whole weekend and don’t care about decorating my house, but I like to see what others are doing! Thanks for not making me go to Facebook! I don’t like it there. {Shudder} :-D

  7. So darn cute, and I love the colors. The shutters are super cute. winks-jen

  8. LOVE the Neil Diamond reference….thanks for a good chuckle and a good idea to boot!

  9. Holy crap, is it almost July???

  10. I second Sheri’s comment!!! I made a really cute paint chip garland for the 4th. Did a DIY post for the blog. Posted it. and now it lays in a heap on my desk! The garland that is. :(

  11. I knew you secretly loved Neil!!

  12. It is cute. :) I didn’t decorate for the 4th at all.

    I love your shutters and the garland!

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