Melayne, Amy, and sorahart

Check your emails, because you are winners!

I’ve been running myself ragged solo parenting.

We’ve had broken dishes

(I don’t think he feels bad)

and fun with a watermelon and bowling balls.


(cleaning up = not as fun as the smashing)

Some of us are even making crap.


(origami courtesy of Macy)

I labeled a couple of water bottles with the old Silhouette.


That *almost* counts, right?


Huh.  Maybe tomorrow?

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  1. Was I the winner??

  2. Crap! If labeling water bottles with the Silhouette doesn’t count, then I haven’t done a single craft project yet this year.

  3. Okay, what did you do with the watermelons and bowling balls?

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      Um, my kid and her friends dropped them on top of the watermelon. They like to smash stuff with bowling balls. There were also an old faucet and a DVD player that met their maker that day.

  4. Hi Char,
    I’m one of your lurking followers. This is only the second time I’ve commented. I love your blog. I love that you make me feel inadequate. I have an award for you on my blog. Thanks for the laughs and the crafts!

  5. That watermelon seemed a little messy

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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