I want to introduce you to Crap I’ve Made’s newest sponsor, Vinyl Crafts.
Becky is the owner/designer and she says:
I am happily married to one amazing man and mom to nine incredible children. My days are filled with all the wonders, joys and frustrations that come with a house full of people ranging in age from teenagers to babies. The creative outlet this shop provides helps balance out my sanity {and I realize “sanity” and “nine children” are not often used in the same paragraph}.
I have taken my love for home décor and my love of crafts and combined them to produce the items you see in my shop. I hope you will find something you enjoy and that can add beauty to your home.
In addition to her ready made designs,
there’s stuff you can personalize
and she’s happy to take custom orders, too.
I love the retro signage look of this piece. Plus, you know I’m obsessed with orange.
If you’re the mushy type…
If you’re the cooking type…
Tangent: Have any of you ever taken fenugreek in an attempt to up your milk supply? I did, and it just made me smell like syrup/crave waffles. TMI for ya?
So, what’s in it for you?
Becky is offering one lucky Crap I’ve Made reader a $50 gift certificate to Vinyl Crafts!
Click on over to Vinyl Crafts. Have a look around. Come back and leave a comment ON THIS POST (on the blog, not on Facebook or in response to your email subscription) saying what you’d use your gift certificate on.
Extra entry:
Like Vinyl Crafts on Facebook. Come back and leave a comment saying you did.
Giveaway runs through Friday at 10pm MST.
I would LOVE to have a custom sign made for my daughter’s best friend getting married in November – thanks for the chance to try to get it!!!
I like the sign about judging the fish on it’s ability to climb a tree… So true.
Thanks for the giveaway! Totally cute signs!
I just found out I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year – that sign would be perfect!
I would get the love languages wooden sign, although I would ask if she could change the “love” to orange since we are adopting but don’t know the genders (that’s right, we’ve requested a sibling pair) and I’ve decided to decorate their room in orange and blue for now.
With such a great variety to choose from a gift certificate would be great.
I really love the Chandelier one! I think it is so different and fun!
I love the “Your my happily ever after”.
I also tried fenugreek and my husband couldn’t stand that I smelled like syrup constantly so I stopped taking it -ha!
I love the “Quilting and Sewing Subway Art Wooden Sign”!!!! I don’t have anything hung up in my crafting area. This would be perfect!!!!!
I would love to personalize one of the subway art signs. Thanks
Thanks for the great chance!! I would choose any of the Christmas ones, the the house rules, or maybe a customized one for my 14yo daughter’s room!!
I liked her on face book – I also like the keep calm one!!
I like the family one! What a great gift certificate with Christmas coming around the corner!!
I would love the ‘I Fell in Love’ Handpainted sign. It is gorgeous! Awesome giveaway! I adore your blog!
I’d love the inspirational wall quote.
I love the house rules sign. Thanks for the chance to win
I liked her on Facebook
I would LOVE the custom one about falling in love and marriage….
I liked her on FaceBook too!
Torn between Inspirational Quoted and Bathroom rules. I just may have to have both!
I liked Vinyl Crafts on Face Book.
I want the Zinnia Flower Silhouettes on Handpainted Wooden Board. I would put it above my bed.
I liked Vinylcrafts on facebook.
What fun ideas you have come up with. If I had to choose my favorite, it would be a difficult task. I love the love/marriage plaque a little more than others though. Thanks for sharing.
I love them all! Right now I am loving the bathroom rules sign… but I also love the idea of customizing one for a gift
I like the Life is a Gift Subway art.
I like Vinyl Crafts on FB!
I actually like the mushy ” You’re my happily ever after”
I would use the gift certificate for the Quilting & sewing subway sign! I just started decorating my sewing room and it needs help! And had to “like” her on FB! ThaNKS
I would get the New Family Rules Subway Art. Just the reminder my family needs!
I would love the You Are My Sunshine Subway Art Wood Sign – Typography Word Art – Your Choice of Colors!
I’d get the “Choose you Again” sign. It’s so cute! Love their stuff!
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hehehe i found you thru vinyl crafts. i keep laughing at your name, its so great. following you now for more giggles..
i like v.c. on fb.
me again,, with website this time. i would love the orange signs, any of them. i also love her names collage.
If I *had* to pick just one it’d be “you’re my happily ever after”sign.
*liked* vinyl crafts and on facebook!!!
Without a doubt it would have to be the “Everybody is a genius” plaque. My youngest son struggles with ADHD and a learning disability that makes “typical” academics a challenge. But in him, I see the genius that comes out in his zest for life and his creativity and curiosity. This would be perfect for his room to remind him on a daily basis.
I would get “Our Love Story Subway art for my baby girl who is getting married. I love my new Son -in-love. They had their first date on my birthday.
I love the holiday ones.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I LOVE the “You are my sunshine” Subway art….so cute. I know someone I could give it to and it would make her year probably! haha
Liked Vinly Crafts on Facebook!!
I liked Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
I love the happily ever after sign, the bathroom rules sign, or I would do something custom for our new-to-us home we just bought. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Can’t wait to look thru “crap I’ve Made”. Since becoming a fan of Vinyl Crafts on FB, I look forward to the new subway boards that she comes up with and posts. I know one of this boards is coming to live at my house, just can’t decide which one is coming first!
I would use the gift certificate on the “If I had to choose again, I’d still choose you.” Love that saying
I love the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star board. That would look so great in my daughter’s room.
I am a fan of Vinyl Crafts on Facebook
Well.. tough choice! I LOVE the chandelier, but I also really love the zinnia board too! lol. So hard to choose!
I like Vinyl Crafts on FB!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
i’d love a family rules board
Love the family rules one and would probably get that one or the bathroom one!
I would totally use my gift certificate on a vinyl letter monogram (for a child’s room) Would be PERFECT for the makeover of my son’s room that I’m planning!
“Together we can do great things” would be perfect in our master bedroom! Wonderful reminder that my husband and I make a great team!
Everybody is a genius!!!!!
I like so many of them! The shabby chic wall vinyl, the family rules and the chandelier silhouette are just some of my favorites.
i just love everything she has. i’d have a hard time making up my mind between the christmas subway art, the you are my sunshine subway art and the meaningful places subway art.
wait…were we only supposed to pick one?
I really love the “Our Love Story Subway Art” that’s what I would choose
I “like” them on facebook
The bathroom Rules subway art is my favorite… or the you are my sunshine… or the christmas one. Ohhh the choices!
I like the I fell in love one. So cute! Great giveaway!
The “You’re My Happily Ever After” is so cute! Love it.
Not to be a kiss-up, but I would have a hard time deciding (and probably sound well over the prize amount!). LOVE the Thanksgiving, bathroom rules, Albert Einstein quote… I do believe my house could be ittered with her stuff!
I love the Laundry Subway Art wooden sign! Such a great way to make laundry a bit more fun.
“liked” on FB, too!
i really really love the chandilier. Really. nine kids, can not imagine doing anything except laundry and cooking!!!
Love the you’re my happily ever after! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the love languages, such a cool idea!! I also love Einstein’s quote about judging a fish to climb a tree. Gorgeous and so inspiring!!
Follow them on facebook!
I’d probably go with the “When I saw you…” board as that is the quote we used for our wedding. I used it on the invites and all that good stuff. It would be perfect with our wedding wall.
I liked the laundry subway art. toddler rules were good too!
What cute ideas she has! I love the family rules subway art and the regular family subway art. I love that you can put each family member’s name on it and customize is to your families personality!
Love the family rules subway art
Vinyl Crafts FB fan
my fav is your my happily ever after!!
im a fan of vinyl crafts on fb!
Liked on facebook.
I love the Chandelier Silhouette on Handpainted Wooden Board. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the new Subway family rules. That’d be awesome for over my mantle.
I would use the gift certificate on the -Culinary Herbs Subway Art Wooden Sign Typography Word Art- and gift it to a friend who knows the names of all the herbs you could possibly use in recipes, knows the names of all kinds of plants, and even knows the birds who visit her when she is working in her beloved little garden.
I would probably get the shabby chic name vinyl for my baby’s room
I like Vinyl Crafts on facebook (stormy waters)
I’m so torn. There are so many great things. I love the Chandelier Silhouette wall hanging but I”d also love a Family Rules sign.
I really like the HOPE, FAITH, LOVE sign. My sis-in-law would love it too!
First, thanks for doing the giveaway! I totally love the shabby chic name wall decal. It would be so fun in my little girls room. Thanks Char!!
Jenn M @
Build It Sew It Love IT. Blogspot
I love the simplicity of that chandelier on the handpainted board. I’d definitely get that for my office.
I would love the “you’re my happily ever after” sign! thanks for the giveaway!
All her stuff rocks! I would probably choose the meaningful places subway art. thanks for offering a giveaway
After looking at the site, I now know I need to bookmark and buy often. I think I would get family rules and a monogram to start with. It’s AWESOME!
Liked Vinyl Crafts on Facebook and am looking forward to seeing what comes next. :0)
I LOVE the everybody is a genius subway art! PERFECT!
always the Christmas pervert, i’d have to do with the Christmast subway art. or MAYBE the monograms for my girls bedroom. hmm…
I love the You are my Sunshine Subway art. I sing that song to my daughter all the time and even made a video of her with that song.
I liked them on FB!
I guess my other post didn’t post… I love the You Are My Sunshine Subway Art. It’s a favorite song of mine that I sing to my daughter all the time. I even made her a video with it.
Hello. I would LOVE the Love Story board! Since me and my husband have 4 yr old twin boys (who are 150% boy), we could use a reminder of the days when it was just us … not that they were better, that it is about the two of us also!
I like the You’re My Happily Ever After Wood Sign with a marigold yellow background and white vinyl.
I already like vinyl crafts on facebook!
LOVE the new family rules subway art. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the LIfe is a Gift sign, but I’d have a tough time choosing! The surfboard sign would be perfect in our surf themed nursery!
I would LOVE to win her Inspirational Quote Board – Do More Than. Loved the colors used in the pic on Etsy
I just “liked” her facebook page
I like the bathroom subway art-I even pinned something very similar recently!
I love the our home subway art – so cute!!
I love the special places one
I would use my certificate on the Our Love Story Subway Art. Simply love it!
I liked Vinyl Crafts on FB!
Thanksgiving subway art I don’t have enough for that holiday
I “liked” vinylcrafts on facebook!
I LOVE the Christmas Nativity sign!!!! It’s perfect!
I would use my certificate either on the “Life” subway art, or maybe on a custom made board with “run” on it, if possible!
Wouldn’t you know it, the first one I saw was the one that stuck with me…the: Our story.
I love Life is a gift subway art. Also the bathroom subway art.
I liked viynl crafts on facebook.
I love the “Our Home Subway Art Handpainted Wooden Sign” it is so sweet!!! I have always tried my hardest to make my house a home for friends and family alike
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Words that insipre and Love life are my two favorites… But i also think it would be neat to customize one with our wedding vows.
Custom, fer sure!! There is a scripture passage that I want to hang in our homeschool room. I’m also digging the bathroom rules!
I love Family Subway art!
My favorite is the Our Love Story Subway Art . Beautiful!
I would choose the Laundry or the Chandelier one.
I am now a fan of Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
I really like the family rules subway art and would be proud to display it in my home.
I’m also a fan of Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
Wow, as a grandma with my own library room I would love something
to decorate the wall.
I love the Do More Than board.
I have an obsession with subway art so that is my pick.
I love the Our Love Story Subyway art. I would get it for my daughter and son-in-law for their first anniversary. Sweet~
I’d love one of the subway art designs – possible the Playroom one or Quilting & Sewing one. Awesome stuff!
I would get a custom sign. She has some great stuff. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I Like “Vinyl Crafts” on Facebook!
Those are pretty cool! I like the bathroom rules!
I love this sign– “If I Had To Choose Again Wooden Sign – Typography Word Art – Your Choice of Color” because I am the mushy type.
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Such a tough choice!
I would have to go with the school days subway art, love it!
Liking Vinylcrafts on the FB
I might get the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Subway Art Typography Word Art Sign if I won.
fastkat at gmail dot com
I like Vinyl Crafts on FB
(Katrina Fries)
fastkat at gmail dot com
Wow Becky you are a very talanted lady…….i really like so many of them it is hard to say which one but I have an up and coming granddaughter and I think this one hits my heart the best for her…
LDS Young Women Values Subway Art…I just love it…Thanks for a chance…
I did “like” your fb page…..
I liked the FBpage for Vinyl!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the custom Love story sign! I must have one!
I Liked the FB page for Vinyl as well!
I would love to do a customized Love Story Subway Art or Custom Family Rules with our family’s mission statement.
I LOVE the Family personalized subway art!! the Large one… I NEED THIS!!!!! lol <3
I liked Vinyl Crafts on FB.
BATHROOM ROOMS!!! My children need to be reminded every single time what those rules are.
I like the zinnias.
I haven’t been able to see or talk to my husband for 6 months and 3 weeks BUT we are madly in love with each other and write every day…I would love Our Love Story Subway Art Wood Sign. I would take a picture and send it to him. : )
Thank you for the chance to win!
I love the Toddler Rules Subway art. Very cute!
I Like Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
Thank you again, for the chance to win. I really love your products!
I love the Bathroom Rules Subway Art Typography Word Art Handpainted Wooden Sign !!!
I like on fb!!
Enjoyed the Vinyl Crafts site – my husband and I have been married 37 years – would love to have the storyboard or perhaps something for our grandsons’ room! Thanks for the opportunity!
Trotted over to FB and clicked “like” on Vinylcrafts page! Entry #2!
I NEED the sign that says, If I had to choose again, I’d choose you. Mush Away!
I “liked” on facebook. Also, I second the fenugreek smell. I did it when I nursed and I SMELLED like breakfast and WAS breakfast at the same time!
If I won the GC, I would use it for a custom quote. “And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.” – Kurt Vonnegut
I liked VinylCrafts on Fb. Can I just say that I would be cuckoo with 9 kiddos. I have a hard time getting dinner on the table with 2 ankle biters. Kudos to Becky for raising 9 kids and starting her own business.
How FUN! Oh my goodness…she has so many awesome ones. I would have to say either a the Silent Night one or the “Do more” inspirational quote board – which would be perfect, it lists all the things we are trying to teach our 7 kiddos
I also liked her on facebook!
i like them on fb!
I would love the our home subway art.
I like them onFB
Vinyl Crafts is very inspiring….love the signage fonts!!
I like them on FB!
I would either do monograms for my boy’s room as we are going to redecorate it or the family subway art. Thanks for the chance to win!!! Great shop!
I would get the “I’d still choose YOU” sign. Lurve that saying….important to say to spouse:)
I love the twinkle twinkle little star one. Thanks, [email protected]
What beautiful work! I would love a sign for my new sewing/quilting oom that I am finally decorating/painting this week! I finally get a room of my own! I used to use a corner of the living room or anywhere I could fit. My son and I made 100 quilts for charity that way for the elderly, I cant wait to have my own space! I would chose a sign with my favorite quote on it: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give”…Sir Winston Churchill Thank you and good luck everyone!
I really like the You are my happily ever after and a family rules sign. Thanks!
I really like the culinary herbs sign. I am itching to re-do my kitchen and this would look AMAZING on top of one of my shelves!! So cute!
i “liked” on facebook!!
I loved the Chandelier or the zinnia flowers. I need some vinyl to make some decorations for my living room.
I liked Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
So many cute signs! I’d love to have the “You are my sunshine”.
I love the family rules subway art!
So, I have only one tile in the house that has vinyl on it, I would LOVE some more. I would probably get one of the sayings boards to keep me perky throughout the day!
And I liked vinyl crafts on Facebook.
Love the “Bathroom Rules” Got the perfect spot for that!
Definitely the :Love the Beach” sign. My home is decorated with all my treasures from growing up in Cali and Western Samoa.
Good gravy…where to begin!? So, I might special order a subway sign for Texas A&M University for my hubby’s office. He would totally dig that. However, I do love the bathroom rules, given that I have 3 boys I’m willing to try anything! But then I also love the “you are my happily ever after”. This is much harder than it should be. If I had a FB page I would like it, but I don’t, sorry!
Our love story
My granddaughter (who spent half her life through the age of 9 with us) LOVE “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”….we would recite it together countless times throughout the day and evening. It followed her nighttime prayers. When she was about 15, she was looking through my Company Store catalog and saw a quilt that had stars & moons appliqued on it…throughout the quilt, the poem was embroidered in different patches. She drew an excited breath, and said “Look, Grandma!” I bought the quilt for her. She used it the remainder of her high school years. It now resides in my closet, waiting for her daughter to be old enough to use it. So, obviously, I would get the PINK “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” for my greatgranddaughter’s room! Thanks for sharing…
I liked Vinyl Crafts on Facebook.
I would love the New Family Rules vinyl!
I’m a follower of VC on facebook!
I’d have a hard time deciding between the New Family Rules and the Toddler Rules! Love them both!!
I’m following vinyl crafts on facebook!
I like the “Do More Than” inspirational quotes and the Family Rules!!
I would love the Zinnia Flower Silhouettes on Handpainted Wooden Board! It’s so cute and would look great in my bedroom!
I absolutely adore the zinnia flowers!! I think its about time i hang something nice in my bare bedroom…and i can totally relate with your fenugreek experience!
I would love custom vinyl for my front room wall display. But also love the “our story” signage.
Liked vinyl crafts on fb.
I like the Our Love Story – totally sappy and wonderful!
its so hard to choose, all of the designs are SUPER cute and unique! I would choose the family rules, or a custom one for my husband and I Our Love Story! I LOVE IT! GREAT work!!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this gift certificate! I love the subway art for a child’s room. I just had a baby girl and would love to hang one of those in her room! So so cute!
I love the “I Fell In Love” Handpainted Wooden Sign. It’s just like what happened with my hubby seeing me!
I “like” vinyl crafts on FB.
Oh man I LURVE these signs. I would fo sho pick the “You’re my Happily Ever After.” I love it!!! Ok, or maybe I’d pick “Love Languages,” ….or maybe “Love the Beach.”
So now I definitely have to win so I only have to buy 2 instead of 3!
My favorite is the Our Home Subway Art. The colors are perfect for my house and I love the little bird!
I like Vinyl Crafts on FB!
I like the “keep calm and carry on.” I need this in my face reminder.
I love the I fell in love sign with the black background. I just put up some new frames with pictures of our family and this would look great on the same wall! Love giveaways like this! Thanks!!
I already follow Vinyl Crafts on FB!
I just love their signs.
If I were lucky enough to win, I’d pick the happily ever after sign. I just love the romance behind it – and I’m so not a romantic sort of girl!
I like the “Family Rules”. I also have friends who recently got married who would love something personalized for them them and their relationship.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the House Rules sign. So sweet.
I liked Vinyl crafts on facebook.
I took fenugreek…totally agree with you! Love the home picture! These are all so great!!
For sure – Life is a gift subway art – love your signs!
I love the faith/love make our house a home! So sweet.
I “liked” Vinyl crafts on Facebook
I liked Vinyl crafts on FAce book!!! Love thiese designs…new to the site
I “liked” Vinyl crafts on Facebook.
I love all the boards…. especially the In Love one. Beautiful work!!
The signs are way cute but I must admit IF I WIN, I will have a one of two custom wall decals made…either Dream My Girls Until ALL Your Dreams Come True or Simply I am a Child of God. And prehaps their names…. Isabella, Grasyn and Josie. Thanks for the chance to have my dream girl’s room wall decals.
I liked you on facebook…..here is to a second chance to win my girl’s wal decals
Boy, what a great site, or siteS I should say…yours and Vinyl Crafts. If I was lucky enough to win I think I would chose the Sewng and Quilting Subway. Although, there were soooo many others I loved! That’s what’s great about a blog hop. That’s how I found you, and through you, I found Vinyl Crafts. Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.
I have Liked both you and Vinyl Crafts on Facebook. Thank you again for a chance to win.
Ummm, can I have one of each??
I think I’d have to go for one of the mushy sayings to put in my bedroom. Although I am madly in love with subway art….
I like Vinyl Crafts on FB
I “Love the Sea”
I am in love with both the Michael Jordan quote and the culinary herbs print!
I also Liked Vinyl Crafts on Facebook!
I love, love, love the Our Home Subway Art Handpainted Wooden Sign!!! It would look perfect in my re-decorated living room!
Also just “liked” VC on facebook!
Loved her stuff! My favorites were the alphabet subway and the Our Home Subway Art.
I’d choose the “You’re my happily ever after” piece!
i love the LDS YW sign, the quilt and sew sign, and the family subway art.
it will be hard to choose!!
Like Vinyl Crafts on Facebook
I love the “Our Home” subway art! So glad You posted a link to this site-love it!
SO…I just found your blog last week ( and Love it) than upon looking around on etsy found VinylCrafts…I ordered a sign yesterday for my cousin and his soon to be bride. BUT….IM JEALOUS and want it for myself among MANY other ones. I would choose the Toddler Rules sign…since I have 2 boys under the age of 5 and all those things on the sign are ALL the things they do….and should much to my dismay!
THanks….love you both!!!
I would use it on SO many things I can’t even decide
So many beautiful things. Could I choose if I win?
really? choosing one is so hard! ok, first off, i not only liked her on facebook, i’m probobly going to be stalking her page and also her shop! aaah. i think i’m already addicted. i LOVE the new family rules. i love the toddler rules….they are literally the complete opposite of the rules i have posted! haha i love the one that says that joy and patience make this house our home, love love love the one that says if i could do it over i’d still choose you…who doesn’t love the words that inspire??? i mean literally they are all very very good!!! they tug at my heart strings and inspire me to want to make something! i really hope she does well in her shop!!!
I love the Our Home Subway Art, so cute! Thanks for hosting such great giveaways!
I’d probably request a special order that has “Masterpieces” put on a board so that my son can show off his artwork on the kitchen wall and not put stuff on the fridge.
I would love to have either the chandelier art or the personalized family topography.
I love the NEW family rules sign…so cute!
I like vinyl crafts on facebook.
i like the shabby chic name decal. actually, i have just the spot for it picked out already.
facebook fan now
I was at work one day and a mail co-worker started sniffing around saying, “I swear I smell maple syup!” That was me…. using fenugreek.
i just received my first order from Becky @ vinyl crafts. AMAZING! even if you don’t win this certificate, but something from her site. you will not be disappointed.
i am friends with vinylcrafts on FB.
i would order the family rules for a friend of mine…thnx