Silhouette Advent Calendar

Did you survive Halloween?


3/4 of my children enjoyed it.  And, we had quite possibly the best Utah trick or treating weather ever.  It was so pleasant that I took the kids around wearing a cardigan.  No parkas and thermal undies this year, baby!

I wanted to pop in quickly this morning to tell you a couple of things:

Fun giveaway tomorrow!


There’s a new Silhouette promotion starting today.  They’ve put out a limited edition advent calendarThrough November 11th, you can pick the calendar kit up for $29.99, a $10 savings, using code “CRAP”.


You get the white wooden frame and a download card that includes options for drawers


or boxes.


The nice folks at Silhouette sent me one to play with.  I’m working on the drawers option.

photo (15)-2
(Crappy weirdly colored cell phone pic)

I’ll be sure to post a finished pic as well as some tips in the next couple of days!

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  1. Last night was the best trick or treat weather we’ve seen since we moved to Utah – but I heard we may get snow today, Yikes!
    And – Yay! I’ve been eyeing that advent calender, now I have no excuse not to pick one up. :o)

  2. kerri ward says:

    Love, love, love the advent calendar, but no silhouette for me. :( However, you have given me inspiration. I will have to see what I can do with an unfinished advent shadow box I saw at AC Moore.

  3. I am confused – what is this calendar made with? cardstock?

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      You can make the boxes/drawers out of whatever papers or card stock you want. The white box is wood (MDF?) and is what you get from Silhouette.

  4. Who knew fiiremen wear cowboy boots? Too cute! Only one of my kids would actually dress up for Halloween, but not until he was about 16…. sheesh.

  5. Your kids are so cute!! – and so is your calendar!! The papers are super cute!

  6. Thanks for the discount code… bought one for myself and 2 gifts.

  7. I do not have the silhouette either! But, Love the wooden shadow box thingie and it looks amazing!! Maybe I can find a shadow box and come up with something to go in there!

  8. Which 1/4 didn’t survive? They are all SO darling! Frank is my fave – but I am kind of partial. I love them all!!

  9. That is so creative! Surely beats the stale chocolate advent calendars!

  10. I’m guessing football player was the unhappy one :)

  11. I’m on here for this:
    The link does not take you to the product on Silhouette’s web site. Know how I can get one of these sectioned boxes to make advent calendars for my kids?

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