I shouldn’t admit this

but last night I ran in the house to use the bathroom and my long flowy shirt got stuck in my zipper.  And I was stuck.  And I REALLY had to pee.

What was I to do?

photo (28)

Rip a hole in my shirt, apparently.

At least I didn’t pee my pants.

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  1. Thank goodness that happens to other people too! :)

  2. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Er, uh, I mean, I’m sorry, that’s really sad. :)

  3. Just spit out my coffee!! LOL

  4. Aw man. What a bummer. Sounds like something I would do.
    Is there any way of making the shirt still useable? There has to be some crafty solution!

  5. Oh man… I feel your pain… and it just gets better with age.. so much more to look forward to.

  6. Oh goodness, that’s never happened to me, but because I laughed it probably will now…karma…! I’m sure you can find a way to fix or reuse that shirt, right? ;)

  7. Thanks for the laugh.
    Sorry about the skirt :(

  8. Almost choked on my coffee! Sorry. Guess you’ve got a new paint shirt now.

  9. Get the mighty Silhouette and cut a pretty patch and applique that baby. I killed a shirt that way once too.

  10. At least you can laugh about it! I probably would have cried if my shirt had been ripped. It makes for a funny story though, that’s for sure!

  11. laura @ on{thelaundry}line says:

    it’s the little victories like not peeing your pants that count. Shirts come and go, but dignity lasts… well, okay, you’re a mom, so it’s kind of only a matter of time until something takes that. ;)

  12. Good thing to know you have your priorities straight.

  13. I foresee some fun applique work on the shirt in the future. Or cut it off and add a band of contrasting fabric.

  14. I got my pants down just in time once. And then realized too late that I forgot about my unders. :)

  15. Oh My! That is so funny! A friend of mine once had to go so bad she went in and sat on the toilet before realizing that the seat was down. Yes, she peed all over the top of the toilet! So, yes, you did very well not to pee your pants.

  16. hhahahaha!! Now you have to find some cute fabric to patch it up :)

  17. Thank you for the laugh. :) I have been there and done that, but there comes a time after 3 kids and age creep up on you and both the shirt would have a hole in it and you would have peed your pants anyway!

  18. I shouldnt admit this either but since having kids I have had to speed into the driveway leave them in the car and sprint to the bathroom more times then I can count, once even hitting my husbands car. My shirt would have been a casuality of war as well!!

  19. Hmmm- If I LOVED the shirt I think I would have just peed right through the jeans. You are a much better woman than I am!

  20. You just made my day Char. Make it a tummy shirt now.

  21. I feel your pain. I had to laugh though. Does that make me sadistic?
    Today I have a pair of slacks on with 4 buttons not 2 but 4. I almost didn’t get them unbuttoned fast enough after having to wait for the bathroom. Sorry about your shirt.

  22. Dawd, I love when you start a post that way. Thanks for being a human. :)

  23. Shirley Lupton says:

    Way to go you are normal! It happens to the best of us.

  24. When you gotta go… and after having babies… we all know it’s an emergency.

  25. Omg, this is hilarious! I would of done the same thing :) Then I would of cried after ripping my skirt >.<

    Talitha xx

  26. Why didn’t you lift it up?

  27. So sad!

  28. This is something that would totally happen to me!
    RIP to your shirt

  29. Anya has the same question as I did while reading your story……. Why didn’t you just LIFT UP your skirt???

  30. can relate. thanks for being real and oh, soooooo honest.

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