Riley Blake Designs

Are you all familiar with Riley Blake Designs?


We’ve given away some of their fabric before, and based on the number of entries, I think you loved them.  Open-mouthed smile


Short version:  Riley Blake is a delightful new fabric company.  And, they’ve asked me to be a part of their Project Design Team.  (Go here to check out the rest of the delightful ladies involved.)  What does this mean for you?  It means that every Wednesday, you will find a fabulous project from one of us over on the Riley Blake Designs blog.


I had the opportunity to check out their warehouse and their offices on Friday…I want to move in.



And I’m feeling inspired, for the first time in ages.


Pom pom trim can do that to a girl.


Now if I could just settle on a paint color…


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  1. You had me at Pom Pom trim!

  2. Obsessed with Riley Blake. I just got a truck load of the new Fly a Kite fabrics to make quilts for my little girls. I am in heaven. The pom poms make me salivate.

  3. Those prints are so pretty! I’m just starting to learn to sew, so I will have to keep their fabrics in mind. Congratulations on the new opportunity!

  4. Ooooh! Love Riley Blake! Can’t wait to see your projects!

  5. Love the look of the fabrics. Hope we can get them in the UK!

  6. Ho. Ly. Gorgeous.

  7. I love Riley Blake fabric!

  8. I am supremely jealous!!! I was excited to see you were on their project team, though. I have a quilt planned for that Fly a Kite fabric, I just need the fabric now, ha ha!

  9. I think that you posted photos of the pom pom trim just to make me cry real tears. And I am. Crying real tears. You could have at least stolen some for me…


  10. I needs me some Riley Blake fabric to dress our new baby granddaughter who will arrive sometime in April! I love these fabrics. I just love them.

  11. pom pom trim ROCKS

  12. I just finished a strip quilt, for my baby-on-the-way, using Riley Blake’s “Scoot” fabrics. I LOVE Riley Blake!

  13. I think if I were allowed to visit Riley Blakes’s warehouse I would have be so excited they would have to sedate me. Love their fabrics. I’m really happy that you will be associated with such a creative company.

  14. So fun to meet you last week and chat! If I end up coming to snap I’ll stalk you there :)
    That warehouse was amazing… so much to take in all at once…

  15. I love the fabrics, and pom pom trim is one of my favs.

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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