First let me say, great website name! I recently bought the Victorian home of my dreams. I would love to make pillows and cushions for our outdoor patio furniture with this fabric.
I would make a quilt! And give to my 5 yr old Grandgirlie!! She will LOVE this fabric!
Also wanted to tell you Thanks for the Shower Curtain Tutorial!!! I NEED a new one, and love that I can PICK my own fabric! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!!
Feel free to link to or feature (no more than one image, please) any tutorials on this site, as long as credit is given. Tutorials are for personal (non-commercial) use only. For more information, see the details of my copyright way down at the bottom of the page!
Love Riley Blake and going to follow you now as well. I would make a quilt for my First and only granddaughter!
These colors would be perfect for a quilt for my 3rd granddaughter! I would love to work with them.
That is just too darn cute! Love it!!!!
With this fabric I would make a Disappearing Nine-Patch quilt for my 20th great grandchild.
First let me say, great website name! I recently bought the Victorian home of my dreams. I would love to make pillows and cushions for our outdoor patio furniture with this fabric.
I would make a quilt! And give to my 5 yr old Grandgirlie!!
She will LOVE this fabric!
Also wanted to tell you Thanks for the Shower Curtain Tutorial!!! I NEED a new one, and love that I can PICK my own fabric! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!!
I just became a Follower of your Blog too!
I am a new follower. Love the shower curtain. the colors are awesome!