Today you can find me

sharing a SUPER easy shower curtain tutorial over on the Riley Blake Designs blog.


Go here for the tutorial.


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  1. Love Riley Blake and going to follow you now as well. I would make a quilt for my First and only granddaughter!

  2. Claudia B says:

    These colors would be perfect for a quilt for my 3rd granddaughter! I would love to work with them.

  3. That is just too darn cute! Love it!!!!

  4. With this fabric I would make a Disappearing Nine-Patch quilt for my 20th great grandchild.

  5. Lisa Harkins says:

    First let me say, great website name! I recently bought the Victorian home of my dreams. I would love to make pillows and cushions for our outdoor patio furniture with this fabric.

  6. Lori Morton says:

    I would make a quilt! And give to my 5 yr old Grandgirlie!! :) She will LOVE this fabric!

    Also wanted to tell you Thanks for the Shower Curtain Tutorial!!! I NEED a new one, and love that I can PICK my own fabric! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!! :)

  7. Lori Morton says:

    I just became a Follower of your Blog too! :)

  8. I am a new follower. Love the shower curtain. the colors are awesome!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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