I was SUPER excited when I got my latest Lowe’s Creative Ideas email. It said:
For June & July, your challenge is to make your outside space more appealing, more fun and more memorable. Give your backyard a little lift that will keep your loved ones laughing and smiling all summer long.
When we bought this house, we had some landscape plans drawn up. These plans included a lounge area in one of the corners of my backyard with a fire pit. Then we remembered we had 2 little kids (man, those were the days ) and a swing set that needed a home. So, the fire pit never happened and we put the swing set in its place. That was almost 9 years ago and the swing set has had better days.
The time has come to get rid of that sucker and install the fire pit…or has it?
I went to Lowe’s and saw this sucker right out front:
It’s a fire pit kit that includes the metal ring and a cover for under $200. It comes in 2 color schemes (with other pavers/castle stones/etc available, too).
They were in the back of the garden center at my Lowe’s.
I came home to make a final color decision and as I walked back into the house, I noticed this situation with my deck:
And then I looked closer:
Dude. My deck is about to collapse.
So, instead of the 9 years in the making fire pit, I’m fixing my deck. Woo?
And I’m making BC put this behemoth somewhere else
because I feel like it’s kind of to blame.
Stay tuned to see how that all plays out.
In the mean time, Lowe’s wants to give one of you a $100 gift card to make your own backyard memories this summer.
Leave a comment on this post telling me what your summer backyard project entails.
That’s it. Quick and easy.
Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Tuesday, July 3rd at noon MST. Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email. Winner has 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.
And while you’re waiting to see if you won, head on over for your FREE Subscription to Lowe’s Creative Ideas Magazine:
Or, check out the Lowe’s Creative Idea’s app (also free)! I have it on my iPhone and it’s delightful!
We really want to make some flower beds for our yard this summer. Thank you for the great giveaway
We just moved into our house & it has a broken hot tub. My goal is to get rid of that eye sore so we don’t look like rednecks.
Sadly, just getting it cleaned up!!
We are turning the corner of the yard into a fairy village for my daughter. She’s outgrown the buckets and becasue her thumb is greener than mine I’m giving in
I REALLY want to extend the patio I have in back! I want to keep going all the way to the edge of my house with paving stones, and put in a bunch of plants!! Thanks for the giveaway!
We’re looking to add a fire pit to the backyard…amongst other things!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I want to make a sandbox/raised garden area for combo kid play and mom work.
I would love to stain my concrete patio, and paint a rug! It just needs more color
I want to make a beautiful spot to sit & relax in our screened in porch & outside patio. We just moved in this house & need to spruce it up.
Lot’s of flowers. And cardboard stands of The Hoff.
I want to make a sandbox with a bench for mom and dad to sit on too.
Fence the back yard!
I need to do some weeding and put down new mulch in one area. Then I’d like to repaint our deck and replace some of the furniture cushions. Winning this fabulous giveaway would sure go a long way toward my goals! Thanks for the chance.
Attempting to build a deck! Wish us luck! Thanks for a great giveaway!
We need to pull out some trees (the developer put a ton of trees in our backyard and it just wasn’t necessary. I would love to put some pavers to extend our porch. I’d also love some stepping stones to my little raised bed. There are lots of things I hope to do someday when we have the cash.
I hope your deck is good as new soon.
This is a great Giveaway! I’m working on revamping a vintage patio set that was my Nannie’s, and we just finished staining our deck. Now we need some flowers!
We are finishing up our garden area this year. Garden boxes! Hooray!
My parents house is falling apart, so hubby and I are hoping to get rid of all the piled up crap in the backyard and fix the bathroom the contractors left behind 3 years ago!
My projects are to fix a deck of mine also – it’s about to collapse…but I would also love a fire pit (been to Lowe’s quite a bit this summer and did not see those pit options…plan to go ask for them the next time I am there)! thanks!
We’ve needed to dig a french drain so half our yard doesn’t flood and breed mosquitoes since we moved in two years ago…maybe this year? Then, I could build a playhouse for the kids back there.
We’ll be tearing out some old beds and putting in more grass. We also have 6 trees that need to go, but I’m not sure how we’ll pay for that, so I might pretend they’re not there for a year. I’m also going to be putting in seeds for the fall very soon, but luckily, that is super cheap.
Our plans have been put on hold since hubby got laid off. But the first thing we would like to do is get new patio furniture! Then an awesome fire pit just like the one you had your eyes on. ( btw, that is some grill!!)
we are removing a lot of grass, we would like to put in a fire pit too!
Oh dear, where to start?! I really want to get my backyard and lawn under control this summer! I have some rose bushes that need some sort of trellis and my flower beds are in bad shape. This summer will be a busy one!
I really want to re-do the large planter boxes in the back yard and get rid of a “garden area” that hasn’t worked out (it floods). Maybe I’ll make a raised garden…hmmm…
I recently bought a house that has been vacant for 1 1/2 years. My project this summer would be to get some trees and flowers planted. The grass is still green there just isn’t other plants in the yard.
We are replacing a couple of dead plants and trying to get some color in the yard.
We very badly need to get our deck redone. It’s literally falling apart – the people who lived here before us didn’t do a very good job on it…
We are trying to update around our pool. It’s been neglected for 15 years so it will be nice to freshen it up.
We need to built a pergola to support our exploding grape plants, and I’d also love to add some nice landscaping plants by the back fence. Hmmm… and a patio table would be nice.
Isn’t that the way it always seems to work? That you have to do hidden fixes rather than adding something beautiful to your space…but I’m sure you’ll feel much better once you fix the deck.
Thanks for doing such a great giveaway! I would love to finish off our back porch / lanai …. I’m dreaming of lovely succulents, draped fabric, & lanterns to bring some coziness & romance to the area!
My backyard project is a sandbox for our boys. We’re planning on building one with retractable benches and a canopy. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to get some patio furniture, was actually just looking on lowes.com at some chairs
Building a deck
So far our backyard plans have gone pretty well this year. We planted grass, and it is filling in nicely. The swingset needs some seats, but the kids are excited about having grass to play on finally.
I am building a deck
My summer consists of trying to keep an almost 2 year old entertained…while cooking the twins in my belly! I am already measuring 35 weeks pregnant at (almost) 23 weeks…so I think it is going to be my only real accomplishment this summer!
We want to expand our paver stone patio a few more feet to add an outdoor dining space
We are moving this weekend, and totally starting over in our yard! We really need a new firepit!
I want to refinish some patio furniture!
I would love to re do all of the plants in my yard. The previous homeowners just planted nice looking plants without regard to how big they would grow and now it looks horrible.
I’d love to plant some color in our backyard!
Awesome giveaway! I love Lowes. We would love a fire pit, but right now we need to tidy-up our flower beds. Our landscape timbers aren’t looking so good and I’ve been wanting to make a path from the flower beds to the vegetable garden, so some stepping stones would be great.
I would like to make a paver patio!
I totally need a new power washer to clean up the deck and siding!
We just paid $1000 to have a busted sewer line fixed. Now our budget is busted. We just want to cover up the dirt!
We want to build a new deck!
I’m pregnant, so I don’t have many big plans, but I would use the gift card to buy some rocks to edge in a flower garden!
We built a firepit somewhat like that, but without the insert. The blocks can be bought on sale for A dollar a piece and you can always start smaller and then add more in when you can afford them again. Ours cost about $30.00.
Unfortunately we rent our house, so there are not many things I can do AND there is barely anything there to begin with. There is however half of it mulched so I would love to be able to get one of those nice canopies out there, so we can move all of the out door furniture off of the small back porch and underneath it so we can enjoy or big back yard more. Even better would be to get a new out door set of table and chairs so we can eat out side when we barbecue.
Yard work…ugh! We need to trim our trees and add some more river rock. For fun…I want a new barbecue!
Our backyard makeover is a complete overhaul! We just bought the house in October and knew that this was one thing that we needed to change as soon as we could get outside. We are still in process of getting rid of the dirt/weed mounds and expanding our backyard. We have so many things planned for it….cannot wait! This would help, but it is happening one way or another……just might take longer.
We just finished up a big backyard project. We extended our patio and added a flowerbed around the entire thing. Now that it’s crazy hot in Oklahoma, we’re turning out attention inside to convert the home office into a nursery for our first little one (due in November!). And that also means we’re having to combine our exercise room and home office.
You name it, we need it done in our yard! Probably the first step will be either ripping out the entire yard, or building vegetable garden boxes…
Backyard project I WANT to do: landscaping with trees, beautiful flowers… but backyard project we NEED to do: fix our sprinkler line that has a major leak. Boo!
Hopefully we will be adding a new deck!
I got a planter box awhile back and it has been sitting empty for months….I would get that thing greened out!! Thanks for the chance to win:)
I want some nice garden boxes. I also need to replace the swing set. I would love a good fire pit as well but that will have to wait a few years.
We have been wanting to build a fire pit in the backyard. I had no idea Lowe’s had kits! It totally cuts our work in half, how awesome is that!
Grass and flowers for my back yard
I want to make a few square foot raised garden beds for veggies.
Don’t know where to even start. Fix back porch railing, make brown grass spots greener, and add a fun outdoor fire pit somewhere.
I really want some sort of outdoor furniture so we all enjoy spending the time outside!
Our summer projects include relocating the duck house and creating new, raised beds in the veggie garden.
oh my heck…i would love to do something with our stained-up concrete front porch…thank you so much for the chance to win!
oh my goodness! This year my husband and I want to make a little patio extension, maybe 9 x 9 or so? Just to extend our current patio a bit and have some more room for our pation furniture and also our little portable fire pit!
We need to try to fix the lawn- my dog has run bare spots into the yard! We also need a new fire pit, ours is all rusted
My yard needs shade trees!
Making our backyard NOT look like it was just burned up. Which it was. We have some trees, plants (shed, fence) to replace. And that’s the short list.
My backyard summer project is to sweep the deck at least once.
We need a gate for our fence. The kids just can’t seem to stay in the yard without one!
This year we are planning to add a fire pit to our back yard. We live on a wheat farm so will wait til fall to proceed because of the high fire danger in our area right now.
Clearing out brush and finding boundary markers.
I wish I could insert a picture of what our “yard” looks like–it would speak for itself! This year, I would LOVE to get grass (sad that that is my top goal) and/or a patio–something to at least make a dent in all the dirt and mud that keeps tracking into my house!!!!
This summer we are starting to redo our whole backyard, since it was torn up when we added onto the house. We are putting in a patio, retaining wall, fire pit, barbecue, flower beds, arbor, new grass and benches. Well, we are getting as much done as we can anyway, some may have to wait until hubby returns from deployment.
We need to tackle the outdoor seating situation.
We’re tired of moving the rocks that are constantly sliding down the hill between our house and my neighbor’s. So, we are building up a little wall with some pavers and backfilling with dirt and more gravel. Yay! No more shovelling that rock. After, of course we shovel it out of the way to build our little support wall.
We are building a rock wall.
We are renting, but we do have a little back patio I would love to make beautiful with some chairs and lots of beautiful flowers!
I’m trying to pretty up the area around our shed with plants and mulch. Then, it’s time to paint the shed doors (they’re white and the shed is brown…and it’s all an eyesore!).
Thanks for the chance!
We had a walkway installed this spring. I am aiming for oversized planters of shrubs around the porch. Enjoying the veggie garden grow and swimming in the pool are the only others things I imagine!
I need to get my blueberries bushes growing more – I have 2 hungry kids that love blueberries and I don’t think my little shrubs will be able to keep up with them both this year!
I need to do some work in my back year!! I would love love love to win this!
I need to do some work in my back YARD!! I would love love love to win this!
what doesnt our backyard need done to it? First i think we are going to put down some pea gravel for a sitting area as grass seems to have an aversion to growing there. Then maybe some plants. Our big project we did early in the spring…replacing the fence. It was falling apart 10 times worse than your deck.
We have visions of a grand patio! Realistically though, I just want one of those hoses that creates mist so I can sit on my hammock in the fine mist, ignore my children, read 50 Shades of Grey (Lowes sells that, right?) and drink diet pepsi in a bikini so my neighbors will finally move away.
So dry and hot here, just trying to keep our grass alive.
We would really like to till up our flower bed and add a covered sandbox for our daughter to play in. Planting some flowers and bushes would brighten up our space!
If I have my way, we’ll be working on a paver patio (with pergola?) and some raised beds that double as benches around the space. Oh, and a fire pit too.
New outdoor seating and a flower bed!
family74014 at gmail dot com
I would love to put some nice bricks around my garden to close it in and put some mulch down also. And we desperately need new patio furniture or at least new cushions since we didn’t take care of the ones we have. Living in the desert with dirt blowing every.single.day isn’t good for a glass table. What was I thinking???
We are working on making the play area safer for the kids!
Keeping the grass green and lush.
I would love to re-plant my butterfly garden. I had just planted it and the lawn guy weed-whacked the whole thing. Sadly nothing came back and the area is over-run with weeds…
I’ve been taking standard box springs and turning them into SPLIT box springs. I do it in the yard!
Try to keep the yard clean by picking up trash that’s blown in and such.
More landscaping to hopefully attract buyers for our house that is on the market!
I don’t have to do much yard work, but manage to get stuck weeding…
We would like to extend our deck and maybe add a patio.
We’d like to lay down new sod and plant some flowers.
Installing a sprinkler system, planting grass, planting trees, and finishing off the fencing.
Restaining the deck -when it gets a bit cooler.
We really need to mulch and put in grass seed this fall where the contractor ruined the lawn while rebuilding a fireplace and chimney. Why do they never think to leave things as they found them i.e. clean up after themselves! Thanks for the give-away!
Just cleaning & fixing things up.
I need to fix a gate and reseed the lawn.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Our summer backyard plans include purchasing a backyard! We’re in the middle of trying to buy our first home and can’t wait to have a yard of our own!!!
I am not allowed to do anything, as I live in an apartment complex whilst in college, but my In-Laws have a great backyard, and my Mother-in-law wants a fire-pit, so I’d use the gift card toward getting her one of those lovelies. The Grandkids would have a blast with her, making ‘smores and sitting around the fire listening to stories. Awesome giveaway!
I’d love to clean up and refinish our picnic table my grandpa made 15 years ago!
Wow, this would be great!! My husband and I just bought a fixer upper house a couple months ago and we are still working on it, doing a lot of it ourselves, but I’ve also been dreaming of what all I want to do outside, like a fire pit, bar b q area, dress up the back patio, add a swing and some chairs, make a bunch of garden beds and vegetable beds, add some windows on top of some beds to act as greenhouse to have extended garden time, garden paths, a small pergola up front with vines growing on it, wildflower beds in front and lots and lots of blue Hydrangeas and redo the concrete path to the front door which is boring. and so the list goes on and on.
I would love love love to build my kids a playhouse! It’s gotta happen soon or they wil be too big.
Chain link fence!
I havean old flower bed that needs to come out and would like to put in a new flower bed that has alot more curb appeal. Something real eyecatching.
Lawn “repair” and FLOWERS!
We just got a new house and our immediate priorities is the flooring and the garage conversion into a studio for crafting/sewing/guest overflow. Our dreams for the backyard is many things one of which is to replace the patio roof with something more substantial. Thank you for a chance to win.
We are in need of building a sandbox for my two little girls! Gift card would be awesome, thanks for the chance!
I would LOVE to stain our concrete patio… we would love to do a full remodel, but that would spruce it up for now!
Can my summer backyard project be in my front yard?????
We want to put in a fire pit.
We live in the woods and could spend all our time picking up sticks, limbs and clearing fallen trees.
Wow I hope it’s an easy fix, that’s no fun at all to be sidetracked by home repairs!
Our plans well…it was overcast and rainy most of the season so we never caught up on weeding, and we paid for it this year, my plan is to put in a lot of ground cover that will keep us from having as many weeds as we did this year.
I think I would create a lounge area. We desperately need some outdoor seating in our yard!
My husband and I are in the process of buying our first home, so what projects don’t we have lined up?! Vegetable garden, deck, painting, landscaping, you name it!!
My patio; it is in desperate need of seating & more planters!
We are building the freestanding trellis
I hope things with your deck turn out ok! So glad you caught it before something awful happened.
My husband and I have a new home and have a mile long list of things that a $100 gift card could help with.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I’d love some patio furniture.
I think I would fix up the back patio. Maybe some plants, or new furniture…so many ideas!
I don’t have a yard, just the front porch of my townhome that needs a bistro table and some plants.
We are redesigning our entire yard by building a two car garage with pole barn, moving the driveway, fixing the drainage issues with ditches, swales and terraces so we will be planting a new lawn and installing beds and shrubs in the fall!
I’m trying to find a place to make a grandbaby play area outside. not a lot of flat space out there. I need a road grader!
We need to put some concrete or stones down under a gazebo we built last summer.
We are working on area that will be great for the kiddos!
We need to build shelves in the garage for storage
I have made plans to deck over the garden area. It takes too much work and too much water. It’s not a huge area but will give me space for a table, chairs, fire pit and a few planter boxes. I’m psyched.
Well, when we move into our house, there will be no backyard unless you count dirt, so really, we could put that towards lots of different things!
We need to remove a dead tree and then hope to do a small patio area there. We’ll see if it happens but I hope so!
Just the usual garden and flowers
I’d love to add some plants and flowers by our front door!
My next backyard project is to plant a bunch of hostas, the Sun and Substance ones that can handle the sun. I just never have enough money to be able to buy them!
Our patio is in a sad state… it has several cracks, no border, and no potted plants. I would love to spruce it up! Thanks so much for this chance to win!!
We moved in about 7 months ago and desperately need to do some landscaping, repair our fence (it literally blew over in a moderate wind storm). Our to-do list is forever growing!!
I would love to do some landscaping in several areas around the house. I’d also love for my hubby to work on somesmall indoor building projects while it’s too hot to be outside anyway! Thanks for the opportunity!
Love the fire pit idea!!! we hve a nice space, but never use it! This would give us a reason to go out and partake more!!!
I need to get some garden boxes put together.
My backyard project is finishing the concrete stone patio that we started 2 years ago!
My backyard project is ongoing. I’m revamping my flower and vegetable garden.
First I need to get loung chairs for our pool. I would love to start our outdoor kitchen we want to make, or at least make a shaded seating area for company to sit in!
We need new grass sead in our back yard! When we lived out of state we rented our house out. Lots of yard fixes need to be done!
Does weeding count as a summer project? No? Dang. How about bark and ground cover so I don’t have to week NEXT year!
We’d like to pour a cement patio.
Hummmm…. Sprinklers, sod, fence, $100 would make a dent!
Would love to add a fire pit
Thanks for the chance to win!!
We’re planning a new deck and some flower beds.
hi! We would use it to finish up the treehouse we’re building for our kids in the backyard.
sorry about your deck! I would totally blame the grill as well.
Where do we start??I am literally afraid to step off the back deck into the jungle!!I have a huge yard and it is so overgrown and uncared for. I would love to clean it up, put a family area off the deck and unless my dh gets busy, I will need a tombstone for him in the yard!! He has promised every year to do something back there so we can use it!! This might be the inspiration he needs!
We desperately need new patio furniture.
Thank you for the giveaway.
We would love to get new grill. Thanks.
Lots of fix ups, new mulch, lots of plants overcrowding each other that need new homes, spray paint for the patio furniture and trampoline. I would love some solar lights and a fire pit.
I don’t have a backyard — but I would love to add some garden color to my patio and balconies!
Reseal our deck.
We have started,about a year ago, to dig out a walkway from the patio to the driveway and still need to fill it in with pavers. The sides are already done with the decorative block, all is left is leveling it off with dirt/sand and the pavers. The $100 would really come in handy for this project!
I would love to buy some pavers to extend my patio a few feet more. Thanks!
I need to build a new deck for my family.
I’m house hunting right now, so my backyard project consist of finding a decent backyard for kids to play in . I’d love to have patio furniture that made it comfortable to hang out in.
Flowers and plants
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
My backyard summer project is to paint the exterior of the house and find some comfortable patio furniture for the screen room. We live in So Fla and just about live outside all summer.
I wouldn’t mind re-doing my back deck. It’s dreadful!
I want a fire pit too! Not high on the real life priority list, but my husband doesn’t need to know that…
New fence!!! New fence!!! New fence!!! New fence!!! New fence!!! New fence!!!
I will be building a new deck and walkway…with the help of the hubs, of course!
I need patio furniture so badly! It would make a huge difference!
We have been wanting to make a fire pit forever, would be perfect :). Thank you!!
We need to replace some wood on our deck.
We’re adding on to our deck. The project starts next week. Yikes, I’m glad you found that little issue with your deck before you had some really big issues!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Our back deck needs some serious attention. It is simply a “catch-all” I would love to get it straightened up and get the old grill GONE!!!
We will be putting in some trees later this summer. We also plan on putting in a border around our yard with some flowers and shrubs. It would be so helpful to win this.
I would love to get some plants for my little deck.
Funny! My husband and I were going to build a fire pit this summer! I have also been spending $$ on raised garden beds.
We just bought a house and it has a cool fountain but it doesn’t work right now cuz it needs a few parts, so if I won I would fix that up to make my yard even more magical!
We plan to FINALLY mulch our backyard, which should keep us from weeding so often!
We have 4 big dogs. We just put in irrigation. Our goal now is it jud
t try to get some grass growing. Eventually we want a big patio
I want to add a gate to my back yard .
We built a new deck last year and I need to pretty it up. There’s nothing but brown out there. I absolutely love Lowe’s over the orange guys ‘cuz they give a military discount! Woo hoo to Lowe’s! Hope you get your deck fixed.
We are putting in our lawn, seeding, landscaping, gardening…the works!
I want to repaint our patio furniture and get a new umbrella
No one in this house is smiling about the backyard. The neighbors might be laughing, though. We could really use some tools to help take down all the maple saplings that are growing in the “flower beds” and some of those may require a small chainsaw.
I have a swing in one corner of my backyard that I love to read/nap in on sultry afternoons. Some evenings, my husband and I have a glass of wine or a frozen margarita and enjoy a cool breeze while we rock. Unfortunately, as comfortable as the swing is, the surrounding area is rather blah. I would love to block out the space with some wood and bark chips to cover up the half dead crab grass and mud that surrounds my beloved swing. Thank you Lowe’s for offering us a chance at making our swing the focal point of our yard.
To build raised bed gardens in place of the eye-sore of a faded pink shed we tore down.
I hear you on the Deck issues!! We need to power wash, & re-stain & protect our back deck! also the trim around the back door is flaking off so we need to scrap and paint that too!
I want to stain my concrete patio. I have been wanting to do it for 2 years, my goal is to get it done this summer:)
making a little mini wall around the backyard – just to make it look “finished.” lots of work!!
I also need to repair my deck but it is a little too far gone for that so we need to tear it down and start from stratch. I have been trying to get this done since I moved into the house 7 years ago. It had become so dangerous that we cant alllow the children out back. So this gift card might be the incentive to get going on it!
Just purchased a townhouse and the yard has potential, putting it nicely. It needs everything. I’d like to start with that fire pit first.
Our main outdoor summer project is our garden, adding new plants to it for a fall crop (as well as ongoing weeding), & trying to learn how to harvest & store our produce (we’ve never had a real garden before because our yard was super tiny & my container gardening NEVER worked out as hard as I tried). For our garden, we’d really like to buy some paving type stones to make a path through the garden & around it so we stop stepping on the garden plants and the weeds, killing our plants & making the weeds harder to pull out because they are getting compacted into the soil.
If I win, I would use the Lowe’s $100 gift card on buying some beautiful outdoor seating for our front porch and a few potted plants!
If I win, I will buy some seating for my backyard patio. We are trying to use our backyard more and sitting on a broken chair while I watch my kids run in the sprinklers isn’t my favorite. I could really use a comfy new chair!
Ummm, I really need to rescue my lawn from all of the ants!
Re-seeding this year!
Re-seeding my lawn!
I need some crepe myrtle trees, mulch, stepping stones and gravel!
oooh. we really need decking and fence mats. the dog needs a space to run. separate from the boy and the trampoline. LOL… and the deck could use some work. we have a new grill. and nice adirondacks that need only a new coat of paint… and hubbs is building my picnic table top my specs. (love ana white!) so yea…. the deck and fence mats….
$100 would just about cover what we don’t already have…
I have lots of beds that are in desperate need of mulch. I’d buy mulch with the $100 and maybe a plant or two and spend lots of time weeding and prepping the beds for it. It would improve the look of my yard immensly!
Thanks for a great giveaway…Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute
Would love to find an arbor for my little picket fence out back! Thank you for the giveaway!
Keeping up a garden for the first time! And moving plants around until we get them in an arrangement that looks good!
I live in an apartment so I don’t have a backyard…bummer. I do have a patio though and I have tried to so some gardening and would love a fire pit or a bbq area to grill!
I am looking at buying my first house this summer, so my front and backyard will need some flowers!! Exciting times!!
We’re continually expanding our veggies!
Because I can no longer work in the yard/garden due to hand infirmaties, it’s time to remove a flowerbed and hang a swing from the backyard tree. I’ll need new sod laid, a nice swing, and a new bench or chair to sit in, sip a cool drink, and watch the grandkids play. And maybe sometimes I’ll sit in that swing, too!
Oh…have my eye on that same firepit! just pulled up everything in a bed…due to a water issue!! Thanks for a great giveaway!! :0
We built a deck early this summer and now we need something to fill it up. Table, chairs, new grill, patio furniture, the works!
I need to resod my whole back yard Or put in a deck to cover most of it. LOL
My backyard plans include filling the crack in our patio and adding some hanging flowers. Simple, but MUCH needed!
I’d just like to make my outside space a little more homey… it’s kinda hard right now… lightening it up would be great!
I need to treat my deck and by an umbrella. Great giveaway!
We plan to build an addition onto our existing deck. Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I plan to build a fire put like you have!
Rachelmarietravis at gmail dot com
There is one sad little tree we got last fall and it needs brothers and sister and cousins to keep it company
Grass. Either by seed or roll, we need actual grass in our back yard.
My backyard is crying out for some plants and a swing!
Need to redo our porch and then get some new out door funiture.
I really want the privacy fence finished.
Well, because the heat has already set in, our backyard fixes have come to an end until fall. For now, it’s enough just to keep the gardens watered, pick tomatoes, cucumbers and squash and then head back in to the air conditioning! Be especially blessed, Kathy
We just bought our first house (yay!) and the backyard must have been neglected for years. We are totally redoing it by removing the three tiers (one is a gigantic sand/mulch pit!), filling it with dirt to make an even slope, and sodding it. Then we need to plant a bunch of flowers, remove piles of yard waste they threw by the shed and trees, and do A LOT of weeding. Last weekend I was removing literally 2 inch thick moss from the sidewalks! So there are many projects for us this summer.
I like adding some new flowers to my bed each summer. I haven’t done that yet. I would love to add a water feature also.
Our backyard project this summer is to put up a wooden playset for our grandkids!
Our backyard project is sod, trees, new plants, and to spruce up our outdoor furniture. I know, there’s a ton on our list!
Our backyard project is to build the kids a sandbox. Thanks!
We really need to clean up the landscaping this year.
I would do some curb appeal projects…touch ups, paint the front door, and fix up the leaning mailbox!
We would love to put up a wood fence in the backyard to keep our family rest and play (especially with two small children) private. Thanks for the chance to win!
Unfortunately, just cleaning it up! My family has been through a series of illnesses for the past four years, so it was the last thing on our mind. Hopefully, we will be splitting some tall grass and creating more of a wall with it-that’s my favorite part of the backyard “to-do” list!
I’m hoping to just catch up on the crazy grass that’s growing where it shouldn’t.
I’m moving in August and have no idea what condition the yard will be in when I get there. I’m sure I’ll have many, many projects from there on out.
Our backyard is currently unlandscaped unless you count the “farm” (aka garden) my husband has turned half of it into! Our first project is a deck and $100 would really help with that!
Lots of mulch, pea gravel and moving/breaking up plants. My fire pit needs a make over as well, I will have to check out this kit!
Ouch! Sorry about your deck. My backyard plans for this summer are to get a kiddie pool, a sandbox, and a fire bowl. Nothing too permanent, since we’re renters. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to get some nice seating on our patio. Since there is no where to sit, we don’t go out there much
We are putting in a paving stone pathway and patio in our backyard this summer! We could definitely put this $100 to good use!
I’d love some color in the form of flowers and I think we need a fire pit too!
I would love to be able to put a roof over our porch, but I think this year, I’m just going to have to stick with plants…..
Well, thank you! I would have to buy some comfortable patio furniture and maybe a couple of big pots to brighten up our patio. Can’t do a whole lot since we’re renting, but that would sure make a difference!
Mother Nature has dictated our next backyard project… The wind blew over part of our fence, so this summer we will be working to replace that.
Definitely will be repairing my deck/porch too. 15 years…3 kids…2 large dogs…sad porch.
I think my summer yard project is going to be buying more watering cans & hoses & such, in an effort to keep my plants from dying in 100 degree heat that never quits. My project after that will be buying new plants to replace the ones I couldn’t save. But my dream project is to build a little clubhouse on stilts type of thing for my son.
We want to put in a firepit.
I don’t have a back yard, but our courtyard and front yard could use some sprucing up. Lots more rocks are in my future, and some plants in the courtyard need to be replaced.
I need to lay out a paver path in my garden, just have weeds there right now
Making an outdoor storage house for my husbands canoe so it gets out of my workshop!
I’d love to get it cleaned up and some flowers planted.
We recently bought a house and have many, many, outdoor projects. This gift card would likely be spent fixing up the deck or installing the patio area that we want to build. Thank you for this giveaway!
I have a truly pathetic backyard. weeds. one Bradbury Pear tree (with broken off limb lying in front). storage shed. small concrete pad (3′ x 8′). more weeds. a few blades of grass. a drainage/sewer hole on one corner. standing water on the other corner (doesn’t quite make sense does it? what were the builders thinking?) I so need a fire pit!
A patio and patio cover for some much needed shade. Our house faces east so our backyard gets super hot in the afternoon/evening. Thanks for the giveaway:)
We just rented a house from people who are not outside people. Our summer project is to fix all aspects of the yard – but particularly weeding all the flower beds and fill them with flowers.
Power washing and re-staining the shed are on my agenda. Fun, fun, fun!
Our (or really my husband’s) grand idea for a backyard redo is ripping out our deck and putting in a sunken patio with a fire pit and a wall and planters (I don’t know how to explain it as I can’t really picture what he’s wanting). And he thinks he can do it all himself but I’m not so sure!
Believe it or not what we want to do is build a fire pit in our backyard. No fooling. My teen-aged son even plotted it out before he left for scout camp. This would be a huge help.
We just built a house, so our backyard is bare (with the exception of the walnut trees we kept). We need sprinklers, lawn, and landscaping. We also “need” a pool.
Although I think it’s too hot to start planting anytime soon, I’m hopeful we can get a head start on making our 3+ acres as lovely as can be.
I’d like to get some patio furniture to actually sit outside besides on the concrete steps!
re-staining a deck and (shudder) the rails!
Our next project will be that exact same firepit. I saw it a couple of months ago and have been making plans for it ever since!
Moving to a new place soon and my goal is some small vegetable garden boxes.
We have a sad little patio that needs some color! I’d love to buy a quality outdoor tablecloth and maybe some chair covers. And, some tangerine colored paint for the adjoining screened-in porch
My parents just bought a new house after living in the same one for almost 20 years. I’d love to help them recreate the perfect backyard that they left!
We just moved into our home last fall which had been vacant for a while. So our grass (weeds) is dead. We just need some grass right now so that my kids can play outside!!
We have tons of plans for the outdoors and I think my boyfriend is going to be overwhelmed. We have a rather large yard with a pool and need some landscaping done. Our goal is to build about three retaining walls from the pavers at Lowes. Lord help us….LOL….I already feel my back muscles aching..
I want to put in some pavers for a little patio
We live an a moderately busy street. The cars speed by more often than not. So, when our Son (13) asked for a basketball hoop we knew it wouldn’t be safe to have one in our front yard at the road like most people do in our neighborhood. We would like to have a nice little court in the backyard for him instead. We are thinking that pavers might work for this project.
We would like to build some pool toy storage in our backyard!
Fixing our fence. Nothing too exciting, but needs to be done
Nothing exciting here either – we are in desperate need of a new grill!
we’re working on the landscaping in our backyard… it’s just taking much longer than anticipated!
Hmm, we are currently looking for someplace to live but when we do find a place I’d love to put in a firepit for fun backyard adventures!
We’re in the process of buying our first house and there are a TON of projects to do! Move the 15 rose bushes that are all along the front of the house, Tear down a hobo village collection of sheds and enclosed decks are the first projects we’re going to take on. And by we… I mean the hubby.
I would love to put 100 dollars towards a back-yard fire pit. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m getting my backyard ready for some new trees to be planted this fall. I’m digging up the soil, adding some manure and mulch and trying to convince the grass and weeds that the area is off limits to them. Also, having to develop a new mowing pattern for the yard…which is the most complicated part.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My backyard could use some love!
We want to put gravel stone around our privacy fence. My husband is tired of weedwacking.
Our backyard plans for the summer revolve around getting one – we’re buying our first house!
I would like to add some flowering trees and some more potted plants to my patio. Thanks!
We seriously need to strip and stain our deck.. ickypooppoo
We are in the process of refinishing our deck and I am wanting to make a patio pad off of the deck steps to put the kids pool in the summer and our fire pit and new patio furniture in the fall/winter.
I’m hoping we can extend our patio in some way sometime soon.
We hope to be able to finish putting up a vinyl fence in our back yard.
My summer backyard plans are to make my garden more fertile!
I’m planning to put in a fire pit, the gift card sure would help!
We have a big concrete patio slab and it’s empty! We need seating, table, plants, flowers, you name it!
We would love to extend our patio with pavers, then add a fire pit with a seating area. A $100 gift card would be awesome! *fingers crossed*
I have a few areas that I am turning into garden areas. What was a huge stack of lumber in between my wood shed and garden shed is now vacant and ready for a new flower garden.
Furniture for the deck. One of my kids moved here with her family and we need more seats!
One of my summer projects is decluttering my closet and my sons closet! Some new organizers/shelves would help!
I would LOVE to make a simple fire pit just like that one. I love smores, and I love going to bed smelling like smoke, but not having to sleep on the ground.
i’d love to diy a raised vegetable bed! thanks!
Wonderful give away. We would like to put a gazebo in our back yard.
I’m moving into an apartment with a teensy little deck. I’d love to spruce it up with some plants, lights, and other decor to make it cuter!
Where to begin…..Definitely need to restore the deck floor and paint the railings!!! Yuck!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Summer is miserable in Austin without a pool. My 4 and 6 year olds wouldn’t go outside. So, we installed an Intex easy set pool (16′) for $269, and then I (alone!) installed a 5′ x 25′ paver patio (using pavers that were $1.27 because we are on a SERIOUS budget), landscape border stones and gravel to make our backyard below the deck an extension of the deck and a summertime paradise! Now, they swim several times a day – getting tons of exercise and filling their days with mermaid fun!
I could really stretch that $100 gift card by finishing around the pool and really making it nice out there with a firepit area to link the trampoline, playscape and pool are with a gathering area for friends and neighbors during our impromptu evening swims!
We have several little projects that need to be tackled this year. One is to shovel gravel from one bed to another and relandscape a bed. The second (more exciting) is to expand once more our raised veggie garden. While I miss the little kid years, I am enjoying recapturing a bit more of my yard for more adult purposes.
To many projects to list. With 3 kids and 4 dogs my backyard is always in need of something. Right now it need mulch and alot of it.
Our summer project was mainly to make the garden larger. However, now that we have completed that we want new patio furniture!
Our summer project is our deck redo. After relocation of gas meter, we now need to redo the deck it sits under.
I know your dilemma. . . we just had to have our deck replaced a couple of months ago (due to poor carpenter work from previous carpenter). . . however, I have a lower cost solution to the firepit until maybe you can get the one you want. You would still use the stacked stone but just use a string and draw off a circle on your grass and dig down about 6″ – that’s how we have our fire pit. Also, in that same Lowe’s magazine I was able to make the 4×4 bench from leftovers from our old deck.
We have an area that is grown up with weeds that is actually a concrete slab/patio with a brick fire pit/grill? that I would love to clean out and make useable. I’m just a little scared of snakes! We inherited it and its the one spot that really needs some tlc.
We have some bare patches in our backyard that need some serious attention. I’d love to be able to get some grass growing again
What I mostly want is a screen to go on our french door even though I can’t open my doors for longer than two seconds because of the heat. Maybe I will be able to in September.
My backyard project is getting lawn furniture for it…we are bare as bare can be. Thanks for the chance to win.
I need to stain the back porch/deck and put a roof on it. The giveaway would really help.
We are going to stain our fence.
Building a swingset for my 2 year old.
I need to waterproof the deck.
I would love to build a fence around my yard so my children age 2 and 4 can go outside and play.
We are trying to finish up some painting and molding in our house that we started a remodel with, so the gift card would come in handy.
My husband and I are remodeling our home office/studio room at hoe this summer. It seems that the termites have been holding the whole thing together for far too long. We need everything construction-ish for this project. I hope we’re not crazy to do this ourselves!
We’re redoing our backyard porch – no more splinters!
I rent so nothing major, but do need to buy something to trim the hedges and replace the swing that was stolen off of our patio.