Where Women Create Giveaway

Are you all familiar with Where Women Create?

The most recent issue showed up on my doorstep.


And because I was so excited, I didn’t get out my big girl camera so you get cell phone pics!  YAY!  Open-mouthed smile

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Right there in the The Business of the Studio section (written by Cindy, whom I adore, from Riley Blake Designs) is a list of “25 Inspiration & Educational Blogs”.


And if you look really closely, there amongst all the awesome is some Crap.

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So, on account of my excitement about being IN Where Women Create and my general adoration of their lovely publication, I’m giving away a copy!


Leave a comment on this post saying which publication you dream of being featured in.  WWC?  National Geographic?  Playboy?  Winking smile Doesn’t matter!  Just leave a comment!

Giveaway is open to US residents age 18 and over only and closes Sunday, June 24th at noon MST.  Winner will be chosen at random using a WordPress Plugin (And The Winner Is…) and notified by email.  Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

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  1. My dream publication? Threads.

  2. sangeetha says:

    Probably in Working Women or Fitness or Martha – heck it does not really matter to me!

  3. I’ve never read WWC but it looks like a very inspirational publication!! I also adore Martha!

  4. Congrats on the mention!! Too cool!

    I always dreamed of being in Playbill. I know it’s not what most would consider a traditional “publication”, but as a former musical theater performer that would have meant I had “made it”!!

    Thanks for the chance to win this great magazine!

  5. congratulations……

    i would love to have my work feautred in scrapbook trends!

  6. Jamie Pickett says:

    I used to dream of being featured in creating keepsakes…

  7. I would love to be in better homes & gardens. My mom would see it, & be impressed. Lol

  8. I would love to be in Papercrafts Magazine. Of course, I would have to actually submit something which will probably never happen.

  9. House Beautiful. I’m a long ways away from that!

  10. I think any Martha Mag. or secretly I really love Family Fun! btw I almost peed my pants over the playboy suggestion.

  11. I’d love to be in Better homes & gardens! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I dream of being featured in Hobby Farms Magizine.

  13. I would love to be in Creating Keepsakes, but National Geographic would be awesome too! :)

  14. . Congratulations! I’d love to be in Better homes & gardens! Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Art in America for me…and as long as we’re dreaming, it would feature a photo spread of me (15 pounds lighter) in my large, sunny loft studio, and highlight examples of my million-dollar works in the Met and in the collections of various billionaires worldwide. I dream BIG. :-)

  16. any mag that rocks awesome women and what they do to be awesome!

  17. Congratulations!!

    I would totally love to be in either papercrafts or WWC!

  18. I want to be published in the New York Times at some point in my life!! Also, Time magazine as an influential person, or something cool like that. I’d never make it into a Martha magazine… she is a goddess.

  19. Daffodil says:

    I think it’d be a kick to have a byline in The Atlantic… does that count?

  20. Bon Apettit – that would be amazing!

  21. Cool giveaway! I’d love to be in Better Homes and Gardens…but first I need to get a better home and start a garden.

  22. Dream publication? Sports Illustrated–swimsuit edition

  23. Real Simple or Rolling Stone.
    It’s a toss up!

  24. Any BH&G magazine would do. :) How cool for you! I see you are in excellent company in that list.

  25. Where Women Create, Real Simple, or Family Fun!

  26. Ohh great contest. Ihave been hunting this magazine.

    I would love to be featured in/on People magazine as the women who married George Clooney. :)

  27. Impressive! I’d say ny times book review reviewing my book.

  28. Nice! I wrote an article for Windows Vision Magazine, once (my mom was busy and asked me to do it for her). Unfortunately, since my mom is the windows professional, they used her name instead… But I know it was me!! :) I would love to be in BHG.

  29. Shelley D. says:

    Any of Martha’s mags would be a dream come true!

  30. real simple…i love that magazine.

  31. Id love to be featured in a Martha mag or The English Garden Mag.

  32. Camiele says:

    I’d like to get published in Popular Science!

  33. HOW Magazine or anything graphic design related. Congrats on the mention!

  34. Sherry@Ties2ThePast says:

    I’d love to be featured in Country Living or Country Sampler.
    Or Where Women Create….I have a really cool shop area, not fancy but it’s all mine!
    My husband & his best friend built it for me & I have THE BEST time creating there!!

  35. I think I would be in Heaven if I was featured in Better Homes and Gardens!!

  36. Theresa J says:

    It would be a honor to be featured in a Running magazine

  37. Margaret says:

    Hmmm. I’d probably have to say Better Homes and Gardens. It’s one of my favorite little splurges.

  38. Melissa S says:

    I would loved to be featured in this one if it meant that I had my dream creative space!

  39. Hmmm, how about Real Simple?

  40. Just found your blog because of the hot iron case tutorial and love it! The magazine I’d love to be featured in is Women’s Health.

  41. That is very exciting! I would sure love to be in Where Women Create someday….or American Quilting. Maybe sometime.

  42. Congrats on being one of the top 25 Inspirational Blog sites. Some time ago, I came across your site and have been amused, inspired and even gotten a bit more creative. Glad you made the top. You do have a catchy blog name, LOL. Thanks for sharing. Hmmmm. I will just settle for Runner’s magazine.

  43. I would love to be amazing enough to be featured in Interweave Knits.

  44. Martha Stewart Living. I like to refer to myself as the ghetto Martha Stewart sometimes. I wonder if she’d be offended by that? ;)

  45. Oh that’s so cool! If I could be published anywhere, I’d hope it’d be for finally making a beautiful quilt, so I wouldn’t care too much WHICH magazine ;) They are right about your blog rockin though.

  46. Marth Stewart

  47. I’d have to go with Real Simple….

  48. I would REALLY love to be featured in Better Homes and Gardens one day….after I’ve cleaned up my house.

  49. Martha

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  50. Thanks for the great giveaway! Real Simple is one of my faves & that would mean I’ve finally gotten organized too! A never-ending project ;-)

  51. Shirley Lupton says:

    Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway.

  52. Connie Kersten Haack says:

    I hadn’t heard of Where Women Create. I would enjoy this magazine. Being featured in WWC or Martha would be fun.

  53. Kathy H says:

    You must be busting at the seams seeing your business listed in such an awesome magazine! I don’t own a copy but I have flipped through and love it!! I think perhaps being featured there would do it for me. My ultimate goal is to leave lots of myself in the work that I do to hand down for generations. That is what I think about when I work on something new…. that many years from now someone may be wondering who made that lovely bit of stuff!! Be especially blessed, Kathy

  54. Scrapbook trends! Thanks, [email protected]

  55. I’d love to be mentioned in Midwest Living for some fabulous tasting recipe I’ve yet to create. I love reading that magazine with all the places they feature around the Midwest because all those destinations are reachable for us on a day trip or maybe an overnight/weekend trip to get away.

  56. Congrats!!! I’d flip a lid if I was in Bon Appetit, or better yet, Cook’s Illustrated!

  57. Would love to be on the cover of Country Living.

  58. Becky N. says:

    I would love to be in Martha or in People… a celebrity’s kid wearing something I made :)

  59. I am a retired nursery school teacher. When I was teaching, I always wanted to have an article published in an educational journal. The Journal of the Young Child accepts unsolicited articles, but I could never manage to come up with anything I thought was new and different.

  60. I’d love to be somewhere in People magazine, amongst the fabulous people of the world :)

  61. mary norman says:

    Country living or american cake…. thanks for the chance,

  62. Would love to be featured in Runners World. Yep, part crafter, part runner. thanks!

  63. Carolyn Windley says:

    Most likely I would end up in Real Simple for reasons I am sure anyone who knows me would divulge, but the magazine I would love to be in is Garden & Gun. OK I was just kidding but I do like that magazine… Hey it’s all for fun right?

  64. How exciting!!! Congrats!!! I would love to be featured in Home & Garden! Or Where Women Create!

  65. I would love to have photos published in National Geographic or Digital Photography!
    someluckydog at gmail dot com

  66. I’ve been looking for inspiration for my work space for a long time!!! Thank you for making me aware of this site.

  67. Nicole G says:

    I dream of being featured in the Ladue News!

  68. Oh, Paper Crafts, CardMaker or even Martha! But I don’t have enough confidence in my creations yet to submit. Maybe some day!

  69. Wow! this is awesome! I used to subscribe to a few scrapbooking magazines, but my hobbies change all the time, I like to do a little bit of everything, crafts in general from crochet to knitting, to paper craft, painting you name it, and seems like this one has it all, wish me luck, I would love to have it :)

  70. Michele R says:

    I’d like to featured in DO IT YOURSELF.

  71. I’d be happy to be featured just about anywhere!

  72. Caroline says:

    I’d be happy in BH&G or Real Simple, two of my favorite magazines! Anywhere would be just perfect, too!

  73. Congrats at the mention!!!
    I’d be happy to have my name in the local paper…and I live in a town of 3368 LOL

  74. heather f says:

    good job! I’d enjoy being in a Martha Stewart magazine showing off my fabulous (if I had one) collection of something

  75. Congrats!!! Any Martha mag or Creating Keepsakes or Rachel Ray. :-)

  76. Bon Appetit?!

  77. Carole BB says:

    Sewing matters or Nursing Times! Thanks for sponsoring!

  78. Melinda T says:

    LOL, I don’t think I’ll ever be published in a mag…but who knows?!? Hmm…maybe in Creating Keepsakes or Shape or Self, or Glamour or Family Circle! Those are mags I subscribe to!

  79. Sheila Laurence says:

    Congratulations! That’s exciting. I can’t think of a place I would want to be featured – I am not that creative.

  80. So cool you were featured, it’s with good reason, of course! I think it would be pretty amazing to be featured in a Martha, BHG or any good food magazine like Bon Appetit or Cooks Illustrated.

  81. This old house is all I can think of. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  82. National Geographic, WWC…..

  83. I think if I was in even the ward paper I would cry!! It takes so little!

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