Killer Silhouette Promo

I got the fabrics for the nursery over at the DIY Blogger house yesterday and they are even better than they looked on my computer screen when I ordered them.  I’m seriously dying.

So, I’ll be sewing up a storm for the next few days.

In the mean time, in honor of CHA (which is happening right now), Silhouette is offering a KILLER promo:


That’s right…between now and the 21st, you can take 40% off of pretty much EVERYTHING (the CAMEO and gift/download cards are not included) using code “CRAP”.  This is pretty much the best deal you’ll see all year (right up there with Black Friday) so it’s a great time to stock up.  I need a couple of blades myself…and I’m sure that means I’ll spend five times that, just for good measure.  Winking smile

Go here to shop Silhouette.

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  1. I love those fabrics! Those are the colors I’m doing in my nursery! Where did you get them? Is there a website called diy blogger house?

  2. LOVE the color scheme!

  3. I love the patterns of the fabric.

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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