3 Years Later

Is this thing still on?

And has it really been 3 years?

No, I’m not making a come back…turns out I don’t miss blogging even a little bit.

Macy is almost 16.


(Basketball, shopping, driving, straight A’s)

Keller is 13.


(Football, wrestling, computers, straight A’s)

Campbell is 10.


(Football, wrestling, rugby, straight A’s)

And Bennett will be 8 this month.


(Football, wrestling, ladies, straight A’s except for handwriting)

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  1. Three years!?!? Wow, how time flies. But gal’s gotta do what a gal’s gotta do, right? Tough decisions can be the most rewarding though.

    Best wishes to you and your lovely family.


    P.S. I love Macy’s shirt. Where did you track it down? I cracks me up for all the right/wrong reasons. Tee hee.

  2. Love your family.

  3. Hey, you don’t know me but I really enjoyed your writing when you were blogging. It’s been 3 years?? Sounds like your life is good and such great kids are the icing on the cake. Best wishes to you in the future and if you get back to writing – no pressure – I’ll continue to be a follower of Crap I’ve Made.
    Accidental Hayseed

  4. Rhonda S. says:

    Beautiful family…..priorities……enough said!

  5. Jennifer Long says:

    It is hard to believe that it’s been 3 years. You, your blog, and creativity have been missed but I totally understand, family comes first. Your children are beautiful and I love the captions under their pictures. I hope you check back again and take care of yourself!!

  6. So funny. I haven’t looked at your site since about 3 years ago, a little bit after you posted that you were done. But I stumbled onto your FB page today, and decided to click over to see if you had really stayed away. Turns out I was *just in time* to see how awesome your kids are all doing! I am so happy that everyone seems to be doing well. It shows that your attention is in the right places :-)


  7. Long time lurker, first time commenter. It’s great to see those kiddos; thanks for sharing! I still follow your blog in case you do get some middle of the night hankering to show off your latest crafty endeavor or crazy events going on in your family. Be well!

  8. Love you!!! And those cute kids! Even if they don’t know what bats are!

  9. Stephanie says:

    So awesome. I was revisiting your pumpkin pie cake recipe from Pinterest and decided to see if you were back. I’ve decided to go down to part time at work and focus more on family and what I love to do…very happy I’ve finally got my priorities right. Kudos to you for knowing yours.

  10. ya, i’m blogging every day,,,

  11. foto macy is beutiful : )

  12. Beautiful Article! Thank you!

  13. Great post! Really enjoy it!

  14. Its very informative, interactive and quality content. I wish you all good luck for your coming blogs and posts. Keep sharing! Well done!

  15. nice article i like this post

  16. Looking beautiful after three years!! Love you!

  17. Lovely, all the kids got straight A’s.

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