Who knew you could get red eye through sun glasses?

Not me, that’s for sure. Macy’s wax museum thing at school was today. Here’s a gratuitous pic for you lurking family members:

Macy came home last night and announced they HAD to have props. We made a quick trip to the DI for some dark glasses and some dead guy’s cane (you know that’s why it was there). She also found that battery operated candle and had to have it. We were trying to come up with something else, when she remembered the story of Anne giving Helen a doll and signing “D-O-L-L” into her hand. So, Kit Kittredge got to dress like Helen Keller and participate in the wax museum, too. I might have skipped Enrichment to get the doll dress done, but Macy’s giddy-ness about it this morning was totally worth it.

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  1. awesome. you’re such a good mom!

  2. porter family says:

    TOO cute!

  3. Helen Keller never looked so good. You’re the mom that makes the rest of us work harder- you know that right? ;)

  4. And how exactly does Helen know if that candle is on?

  5. Yet again you are putting us all to shame!! Great Job!!

  6. You deserve nothing less than an A+, Char.

  7. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    you are shameless.

  8. did they have sunglasses back then? love the matching doll dress!

  9. You are amazing! Love the dress. that doll dress is so cute. I hope Macy knows how lucky she is. If not I will tell her for you!

  10. You are frekin’ super mom! Yes, I said freakin’!!! LOL

  11. Very clever with the props. Macy should get an “A” for sure!

  12. The Weight Family says:

    Am I retarded???……………..Because I truly can’t say I know who Hellen Keller is. Is there anyone out there who is willing to admit that too??? Looks like I will be doing some Googling today. Either way, Char I’m pretty sure you did a great job making Macy look like her. Since every other thing you do in life is amazingly perfect. (you stink)but O luv your guts.

  13. You are my hero, Char! I stalk your blog occasionally and secretly admire all the so-called “crap” you’ve made(via my good friend Sheri’s blog). Thank you is not sufficient for you loaning me (a complete stranger…although Sheri can vouch for me) this amazing Helen Keller dress! I can’t imagine how many hours went into making it. What a super-mom you are. I saw your post as my daughter was preparing her Helen Keller report, and longingly admired it “from afar”, but never even thought of asking to borrow it. I mean, if I made something like that I would have it under 24 hour security. So when Sheri and I were talking at church about our kids dressing up for reports she asked me if I had seen your post about the Helen Keller dress. I said “yes and it is incredible …and Kara has to dress up like Helen Keller next week..and she’s going to look lame!” Sheri said she’d ask you if you would loan it to me, and I was hesitant, but she seemed pretty comfortable that it was an o.k. thing to ask. Any how, it arrived yesterday, thank you sooo much. Kara is so excited. She knows full well she’d be wearing something far less Helen Kellerish if not for your skillz and generosity! We will take good care of it and send it back as soon as she’s done her report (Mar.20.)
    PS~ the doll dress is too cute!

  14. Sooooo cute

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