Proof the boy ain’t right

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  1. Kermit~the~Frog says:

    Third child.

  2. oh my gosh this is so funny and makes me so happy to know we aren't the only one with a kid who could care less about the weather. last week when it was 4 degrees with 30 mile an hour winds my daughter came out wiht a sleeveles dress and didn't understand why it wouldn't work for school!

  3. porter family says:

    i fail to see whats wrong with that picture. but maybe thats because my kids wear sleeveless nightgowns and flipflops EVERYWHERE we go!

  4. Piggy's & Petal's says:

    I love it! I would wear that out to shovel if I didn't think my neighbors would stare! :) He is sooo "right"!

  5. Piggy's & Petal's says:

    I love it! I would wear that out to shovel if I didn't think my neighbors would stare! :) He is sooo "right"!

  6. Must be a boy thing, my hubby could wear a Tshirt year round!

  7. ROFL! I might very well have a similar picture of Kyle coming up in a couple weeks. And that kid is 8. 8!!
    And seriously, your kid knows how to rock the cowboy boots.

  8. WOW!

  9. LOVE IT!!!

  10. I love how your husband is in the background in a snowsuit, and gloves….oh and his clothes may be "off" but the boys hair looks GREAT!

  11. He's wearing his boots! I'd have the flip-flops on.

  12. Haha, too cute!

  13. Norma Lee @ Norma Lee Good says:

    I'm speaking for him: "What mom? Im not wearing my good shoes…I've got boots on." So funny.

  14. HaHaHa!!! That reminds me of my oldest. He would never wear coat outside – even in single digits. He'd probably sneak out in shorts, too, if he could.

    Too cute! Thanks for sharing.

  15. The Painted Home says:

    Have I got the girl for him!…middle (ish) child syndrome!

  16. MonsterMama says:

    Thanks for making me laugh tonight, too funny. He's too cute.

  17. Adorable that one! Send him down here, we never wear coats.

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