Wrapping up Get Organized…for now

Hopefully you all got some good ideas! I know I found a few in the comments that I want to utilize. I’ll add to the series in the future, I promise. I’ve put some quick links over in my left (totally had to look at my hands to figure that out) sidebar.
Is my house organized all the time?
Nope. You should see my sock bucket. Seriously. I’m going to post a picture one of these days so you can all gasp in horror. And the theater room in the basement. YIKES. The point was to share some of the things that help me keep sane in the middle of all this chaos.
And I’m not a clean freak by ANY means.
My mom had a sign on the fridge when I was a kid that said,
“A home should be clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.”

I didn’t understand it then, but it makes perfect sense now.
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  1. I think I need to make a sign that says that. I love it. My daughter go me a sign that says a cluttered house is a sign of a creative mind.

  2. LovE your quote!!!! i need that sign too!

  3. Love the sign. I think I've seen one that said something to the extent of "A clean house is a sign of a misspent/boring life"… Thanks for all the organization tricks.

  4. Michelle aka Mommy says:

    okay, totally going to use that saying from now on. especially when the mother in-law comes to visit :)

  5. I absolutely LOVE that saying! That's EXACTLY how I feel and now it's been put into words for me. WOOT!

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