Baby Shower Present

I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed that I had all this at my house and didn’t even start on the present ‘til about 2 hours before the shower.




I rolled them up and packaged them in a galvanized bucket and then wrapped everything with cellophane.


My new favorite thing is these little key chains as gift tags.

The tie pattern and directions can be found here.

General applique tips here.

And I’ll try to get the Jolly Roger pattern scanned and up after the weekend.

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  1. Kristine Robinson says:

    I would go through the pain of another baby just to receive such a fabulous gift. How fun – and I LOVE the key chain gift tags!

  2. (un)Deniably Domestic says:

    A wonderfully fun gift! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  3. 2 things–
    LOVE that guitar one!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!

    And now I want to throw myself a shower…is that tacky?? LOL!!!

  4. Sounds EXACTLY what I ALWAYS do!!!! I have all the supplies, but end up making the gift day of the shower :)

    Thanks for your shout out too…..I was so excited!! I guess I didn't get enough attention as a kid…..

  5. CosmoGirl Carla says:

    Super-cute ideas! Especially love the "packaging". Thanks so much for sharing.

    Have a peaceful Sunday.

  6. Real Life Reslers says:

    That's an adorable gift. I think handmade is the best! I'm trying to think of something for my friend's wedding shower right now.

  7. Whatever Dee-Dee wants says:

    So cute! I really like the way you wrapped them too!

  8. Love it! When Tyler and Emily have babies I will let you practice all of your new designs on them.

  9. Sew It To Me says:

    What cute patterns (looking forward to trying them out for our little boy!)


  10. Liz @ LivingMySweetLife says:

    what an awesome gift!!!! i love seeing such cute boy gifts! (it's so easy to find awesome girly things!)

  11. Joni Walton says:

    I love the idea of how you wrapped them!

  12. Two hours? Sounds about right – maybe a little early :). Seriously, these are so cute.

  13. Al, Wendy, Max, and Lil says:

    I'm with Kristine. I would get another baby just for that gift!!!

  14. LOVE that guitar one! (ok, I love ALL of them)

  15. Thank you for sharing the tie pattern website…I had seen similar baby gifts on other blogs but no how-to's. Very nice baby gifts!

  16. brown paper packages says:

    LOVE!! Seriously, love.

  17. Me and Madeline says:

    Be proud. Be very, very proud.

    The guitar is my fav. So, so awesome!

  18. porter family says:

    i want to make one of each of the cute onesies for scooter. i think we need to have a sewing day at your house so that you can help me! amy is going to need some of these too so she might even join us.

  19. argh, you know i love me some skulls!

  20. rainylakechick says:

    Where did you get the awesome black shirts/onesies?

    Did you dye them yourself?

  21. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    I did dye them. I used Dylon…In my experience, it's better for getting nice deep colors than Rit.

  22. God I love this blog! So darned cute and informative! Love the followers as well….thanks for such an interesting blog….will be back for sure…

  23. I loved them! Jacques got the biggest, cutest grin on his face when I showed him the tie onesie! And, the bucket is perfect for his little rubber ducky bath toys or washcloths once he's here.

  24. You. Are. Amazing.

  25. rainylakechick says:

    "I did dye them. I used Dylon…In my experience, it's better for getting nice deep colors than Rit."

    I have a pile of onesies sitting around, waiting for projects. I am going to dye some now, so I have them ready for next time!

  26. I LOVE them! I was trying to figure out some things to make for a friend of mine who just found out that she is having a boy…

    Where can I find the guitar applique pattern?

  27. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    You can get a guitar pattern here:

    Mine's slightly different, but not different enough for it to be worth me scanning it!

  28. Char @ Crap I've Made says:

    OK…I looked closer and it looks almost identical, but that post wasn't even put up 'til months after I'd made my first couple. Bennett had one when he was 6-ish months old. And I made one for a friend's kid, too: He's wearing it in the videos on that post.

    Maybe we both Googled the same image for inspiration?

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