Coming Monday….

Super freaking awesome giveaway.

Tell your friends.

Tell your mom.

Sign your kids up for Google accounts.

You’re going to want to win this.

Here’s a hint:


See you then?

Please follow and like us:


  1. Molly @ Me and Madeline says:

    Oh my. I have been salivating over this. Must. Win. !!!

  2. SHUT. UP. That is AWESOME! I agree with Molly- I want!

  3. SQUEEEEEEE! So, totally see you back here Monday then. If I can stop hyperventilating…

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!

  5. Suddenly I am not such a fan of your "followers" climbing in number!

  6. Eeeeeeek!!!!

  7. I had better win that or I will cry.

  8. Lovely Lizzy says:

    That's amazing! I've wanted one for months, but they are a little pricey! I can't wait!

  9. So cool! I saw one at the sewing and craft show…Love it!

  10. looneymom says:

    AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Is that what I think it is?!?!

  11. Rugrats & Royalty says:

    Uhhh…dang! I'm going on vacation on Monday & won't have a chance! Unless…perhaps you can keep the contest open for a week? For me? Purty please? ;)

  12. Rugrats & Royalty says:

    Uhhh…dang! I'm going on vacation on Monday & won't have a chance! Unless…perhaps you can keep the contest open for a week? For me? Purty please? ;)

  13. Crappy! I am speechless. But I will be back on Monday and do whatever it is to enter!!! Whahoo!

  14. I am so excited and I just can't hide. I am not going to sing the rest of the song……..
    cant wait!

  15. cheeksb says:

    wow cant wait

  16. I love your blog!
    I gave you a 'Beautiful Blog' Award!
    Ashley @ No Apologies

  17. GO! Rose of Sharon

  18. GO! Critters

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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