Flickr Feature Friday

Did you know Crap I’ve Made has a Flickr group? You can find the link at any time up on my menu bar under Crap You’ve Made. Go add your stuff! Please?

Projects from the Flickr group will be featured on Fridays.

And, there’s now a Flickr stream widget over in my left sidebar. Click on over from your reader and check that out.

The subtitle for this post should be “Mad for the Plaid Fad”.  And here’s the part where I admit to actually writing that on one of my folders in junior high.  Apparently I was destined for weirdness.

Both of today’s features use my appliqued tie onesie tutorial.  And they’re both plaid.

First up, we have this one from MrsEFP.  That baby is almost cute enough to make me reconsider the ban on residents in my uterus.


And then there are these hilariously awesome matching ones from Alysa @ Inspired Results, blogged here.  She made a matching shirt for her daughter, too, so be sure to go check that out.


I’ve got an exciting day planned with lots of email responding.  If you’re waiting for a response, today’s your lucky day!  Have a great weekend!

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  1. Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. says:

    "Ban on residents in my uterus"–LOL!

  2. Jenn @ WestSacHoney says:

    Aw now that's just too cute with the matching ties!

  3. SewCalGal says:

    OMG I love your comment on a ban on your uterus. Of course, I'd welcome this little guy (out of mine) anytime….I just doubt he'd ever have survived in mine.

    Very cute. Love this onsie outfit. I help to make baskets for Operation Homefront, where a basket of goodies is given to wives who deliver while their husbands are away serving in war zones. We had quilts, onesies, and various baby items. I prefer to decorate onesies and this is a great idea. Love it. Thank you so much for sharing.


  4. OH! CHAR! I was in Vernal, UT last week, and they were having a rodeo, so people had tons of booths set up, and I was all sorts of excited, because I saw someone with these tie onesies, and I thought I'd get to meet you, but alas, it was someone who'd either taken your idea, or had independently come up with it on their own and was selling them.

  5. That baby is absolutely adorable! I totally need a tutorial on how to use Flickr. Apparently I'm dumb as a doorknob and can't figure it out. ;)

  6. Michelle says:

    This would be such a great replacement option for the big brother, little brother shirts for my little guys when we come home from the hospital. How cute would it be to put Daddy and the three boys in matching tie shirts. So cute it makes you gag doesn't it. ;)

  7. I just now saw this post! Thank you for featuring my matching tie shirts. I love your template because I can change it to fit any size shirt. No wonder my blog had so many hits that day! :)

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