Check yourself before you wreck yourself

If you entered any of the 1,000,000 hits giveaways, please please PLEASE go check the
Claimed items are in gray. Items that still need to be claimed are in red. Directions for claiming are in the post.
I’ll be back later with something good.
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  1. Erika Jean says:

    oops. bad link.

  2. Yeah, can't see the Big Winners. :(

  3. The link has an extra / at the end of it. Just click the "BIG WINNER POST" on the bottom of the left column of posts.

  4. SewCalGal says:

    Sadly, I concurr with others that have left comments.


  5. Girls, if you scroll down a little on this page, you can find a workable link on the right sidebar in the Archives. :)


  6. Happy to report my link works great! Thanks for this idea!

  7. Good luck with Girls Camp!!! I hope you don't get eaten alive by crazy Mia Maids!!!

    And now I will have Check yourself before you Wreck yourself in my head all day!

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