
A belated birthday dinner.

A pair of these (not for me):


Some of this:


And some of this:


And some of these.

And also a set of these:


(Used this method plus some tiny little black vinyl pumpkin faces from my Silhouette and this for the top coat.)

And the rest of the Fall/Halloween decorations are up.

How was yours?

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  1. katskraps4kids says:

    What cute tootsies!!! My daughters will HAVE to see this and I am sure we will be polishing their toenails for Halloween. How festive!!!!!

  2. I love the pedicure! I must now found sparkly orange nail polish so I can do my own toes!

  3. Ha!! Love the toes AND the shoes. Are you sure they aren't for you??

  4. Cute toes!

  5. fun! I was in bed, sick as a dog, all weekend. Good times.

  6. Real Life Reslers says:

    I LOVE the halloween toes! Go you!

  7. Cute pumpkin toes…are you sure those glittery shoes aren't for you?

  8. Your pumpkin toes are so cute! I'm so jealous of your vinyl stuff!

  9. snippetsandyarns says:

    Cutest. Toes. Ever.

    You're really getting a lot of great use out of your Silhouette. Those little faces are brilliant!

    ~ Meagan

  10. Just this... Alice says:

    I simply must share those cute little toes with my daughter for her and my grandaughter for the Halloween season. Thanks!

  11. Now that is just mean! Tempting me with perfectly cute jack o lantern toes! The Silhouette is hard enough to resist!!

    Those toenails are SO CUTE!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.crapivemade.blogspot.com.
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