Magazine Storage Solution

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Did your husband order every. single. thing. in the $5 subscription section on Amazon?


Mine did.

And suddenly that little crate from Lowe’s just wasn’t cutting it.

I was thrifting this weekend and came across this:


Covered in stickers and crap, but definitely worth the $10 they were asking for it.

I got some Goo Gone and a razor blade and went to work this morning whilst chatting with a friend. I also installed some casters to give it a little height.


So, so, SO much better….except for that little spot on the wall where I need to touch up the paint. Oops.

And because it’s my house…


Much improved,right?


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  1. Amy @ Increasingly Domestic says:

    Briliant! Now I need to find myself one of those:)

  2. Deanna Jane (cullenkidsmum) says:

    Very cute! Love it!

  3. LOVE!

  4. much!

  5. lol love the whole idea but especially the random crap file. haha very nice

  6. Live, Love, Craft says:

    I def need one of those. My craft magazines are all just in a box :( so sad…and so hard to find what I want!! So jealous of your thrifty find!

  7. I want that!

  8. Love it! Now you need to paint it orange! Lol.

  9. Madigan at madiganmade says:

    Perfect reuse for it!

  10. I have a dental appointment tomorrow. maybe I should just wait for it at your house?

  11. Um, coolest thing ever!

    We don't have magazines anymore, but I can see all my husband's hotel brocures in something like this. What was it, originally?

  12. What a perfect solution for magazines. I totally need to find one of those… whatever that is! I think it looks like something you would find hanging on the wall in the office of a school for teacher mail boxes.

  13. what a great find1 I love being organized

  14. What a great idea!! I need one of those!

    I wanted to give you an award! Please come on over and pick it up :)


  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a category called "Random Crap"!!! Awesome thrift store find and remake!!!

  16. This makes me want to order magazines I don't want just to do the cute stand.

  17. That is AWESOME! Now I KNOW I need a bigger home just so I can find a place to put something like this.

  18. OMG I LOOOOOOVE IT! I need one! :)

  19. Carla Hegeman Crim says:

    Very cool!!!!

  20. Kristine Robinson says:

    Love it, of course! I may copy and come up with a version for video games…

  21. I totally need one of those!

  22. Great find!

  23. What an amazing find … it's fabulous.

  24. Where are these in my thrift stores? lol I can think of a million things that I could use that for. Great find!

  25. All I can say is, AWESOME!!!

  26. Jealous. I want one.

  27. I'll say it again. Brilliant!

  28. what a great find!!!

  29. Oooh! That is a cool find!

  30. Great score!!! This works brilliantly!!

    I have TONS of magazines…in baskets, under my bed, nighstands, actual magazine holders. I'd love to find somethign like this! :)

  31. that is awesome!! great find!

  32. Love it! Covet it!

  33. Happy for you, but so JEALOUS!!! What a steal!

  34. Very Cool. Great find and fabulous vision.

  35. Cara Smusiak says:

    I love this! I too have magazines spilling all over the place, and I love these old organizers. Now I must find one for myself. Thanks for sharing this fantastic idea!

  36. drool

  37. OH, I want one… Did they have two? It looks awesome. I love organization. I don't always have it, but it is always my goal. (you should see my desk right now…scary). :)

  38. That's awesome! What a great find!

  39. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    So fab!! It does need a lick of spray paint though. Red I think!

  40. Heather at Happy Chippy Junk says:

    So fab!! It does need a lick of spray paint though. Red I think!

  41. How sad that I zeroed in on the "$5 subscription on Amazon" oooh, really. I am totally checking that out! Oh, and the storage is awesome.

  42. Bargain Princess says:

    I'm so glad you didn't paint it, I love how organic it is… Gotta love wood =)
    I'd love to have you follow me and hear what you think of my maple buffet in my living room since I'm struggling w/ what kind of finish to give it.

  43. neubiewaters says:

    I love this! I am actually the one in our family who has gads of magazine subscriptions and I wish I could find something similar to your beauty of a find! Awesome!

  44. The Sunshine Crew says:

    Love this storage idea! We need to have one of those here in our home.
    Thanks for sharing.

  45. Ummm. For the record, I love your husband just a little bit more because he ordered every $5 magazine off Amazon…I pretty much think that's awesome :)

  46. kathymccreedy says:

    I'm really upset that you found this beauty and thought to use it in this fasion, and I didn't. (Just kidding). SO clever, great job!

  47. Extremely great buy. I have been looking for a good one like it for a long time. They are "literature organizers" or Mail-room sorters" & the one you have, if wood, would cost around $60 to $150. The low-end ones are particle board, but if you're lucky enough to find a real wood one, keep it, they don't make many anymore!

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