Briefly, 3 things

#1: TOMORROW is the big Bloggers Night Out at Pier 1. Come see me and enter to win one of 4 $500 gift cards, will ya? You don’t have to be a blogger to come!


#2: Say It On The Wall has a new product of the week.


Use code “NICE40” for 40% off through next Monday. And don’t forget to enter their giveaway here.

#3: If you’re related to me and you’re not on Facebook (hint: that’s you, Mom), here are my kids’ piano recital numbers. The camera quit at the actual recital so we reenacted at home.

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  1. Melanie@Crafty Cupboard says:

    I've decided Utah bloggers have all the fun. :)

  2. LOVE the videos! I play the piano (although I really haven't in a long time) and I hope my kids will play as well! I took lessons from 1st grade until I graduated from high school! Thanks for sharing! I hope one day I will be sharing videos like that!

  3. Kelly has made me play "Angry Keller" twice now. She can't stop giggling at his Angry Face.

  4. It is Great video and i love this one. The free gift cards and blogger to given some of new products for the visitors. The related matters and good recital numbers are given for this post. The actual range of camera and brief things to be followed for making a great post. Then content are getting brief manner and clear idea also. Thanks for sharing great video here. Dedicated works also. You post is more helps for me

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