Can Light to Pendant Light

Here’s the ceiling in my kitchen:


You see those rows of lights and then the one weird light in the corner? This one:


That light is over the sink and on a different switch than the rest. And we NEVER use it. Seriously…I turned on the disposal when I tried to turn it on to take these pictures.

Did you know you can buy a kit to turn any can light into a pendant light? Because you can. (Get it? CAN? Ha!) The kit looks like this.


I paid around $20 at Lowe’s.

You adjust the cord length and then just screw it in. WAY easy. You can buy a shade, but I decided to make one.

I picked up this metal Easter basket at Hobby Lobby. It was $4.50 (50% off).


The handle came right off with a little bit of wiggling. You’ll need to trace and cut a hole in the bottom. I used some of those all purpose kitchen scissors because this wire was flimsy. You could also drill a hole, if you’re using something more substantial than a wire Easter basket.

(I swear the hole is centered, the angle is just weird in this pic.)

I gave it a good coat of spray paint and then put it on the kit.


Cute, right?


And, uh, it’s really hard to take a picture of light fixture when it’s on.


So, if you have a can light (or two or three) you’re not loving, think about converting it to a pendant light!

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  1. That looks awesome. So creative! And I love the scowling boy in the background of the closeup of the kit. I've seen that face many times on my girl.

  2. FlybabyInMaine says:

    Oh, I like it! I have a hanging light that needs a new shade, what a great Idea!

  3. Quilter in the Gap says:

    Super cute and very innovative!! I'm impressed

  4. A.J. Dub. says:

    Cool! I have been waiting to see that basket turn in to something fab! And sure enough! You did it.

  5. Lynn from For Love or Funny says:

    I had no idea this was possible. Gonna try it!

  6. KJ@letsgoflyakite says:

    Great transformation and your use of the wire basket is ingenious.

  7. Wow, you know you are talented when you can turn a Easter basket into a lamp shade! You go Girl!!

  8. Danielle Bartran says:

    Amazing use of the easter basket & LOVE seeing pussy willows on display. Is it already that time of year?

  9. Mom 2 Dom and Gigi says:

    Love it. We have can lights in our kitchen and I have wanted to make the ones over the kitchen table into pendant lights, but I thought that the kits were twice as expensive!! I need 5 so I will have to space out the purchase a little but thanks for the inspiration!!!

  10. Tammylee says:

    So creative you are! Lovely :)

  11. Dixie Mom says:

    Turned out awesome too!

  12. kierste @ brown paper packages says:

    You are such a smarty pants! I love it!

  13. shut the front door, that is SO CUTE! love it!

  14. Kim's Treasures says:

    How cute is that!?! Love it!

  15. love the shadows it makes :) we have one of those one-light-wonders in our kitchen too. i'll have to think about what to make a pendant out of. i did not know there was a kit to make a can into a pendant. super cool!

  16. that is so awesome. I can't wait to try that!

  17. okiedokie says:

    Seriously? How do you come up with these ideas? Great idea.

  18. Mallory says:

    How creative! Love how it looks! And I HATE that I always hit the disposal instead of the light over my sink! Drives me nuts!

  19. SheilaG says:

    Very cute! And I love the shadows it creates on the wall!

  20. How freaking cute is that!!??? You go girl!

  21. Aunt Peg's says:

    Unbelievably BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

  22. You've just affirmed my belief that you are a genius.

  23. I love the basket as a lamp shade! Great idea! thanks for sharing!

  24. That is a very cool idea!

  25. What a great idea! Its so pretty!

  26. I love this!!!!

    I can't believe you saw a cute li'l basket and thought of that…so cool Char!

  27. HollowSquirrel says:

    I bow at your awesomeness.

  28. Super fabulous! And I even giggled a bit at your "can" pun…hee hee.

  29. That is awesome! I am going totally going to try it!!!

  30. That is AWESOME! I also love the shadows it creates on the walls.

  31. Wendy @ The Shabby Nest says:

    Oooooh you clever girl you…and that basket really makes an adorable shade!! Very impressed my dear. Wish I'd known about those converter kits when we lived in our old house…we had weird can lights there too.

  32. Cherie@DragonfliezCreationz says:

    That is soo great. I have been looking for some sort of idea to change the one above my sink.
    Thanks for the idea.

  33. I had no idea…. Great idea :)

  34. marcidon says:

    Love this! The basket was a fantastic idea! How did you ever think of that?? Crafty! :)
    Thanks for sharing! I'm thinking of doing something like this over my sink. My shade is soooo boring!

  35. Shirley says:

    How do you think of this stuff? It looks awesome!

  36. Love it! You are amazing.

  37. Tiffany says:

    That looks great!
    I love the transformation of the Easter basket, I would have never thought of that!

  38. jennifer a says:

    So cute and so creative! I love how it turned out.

  39. Wow. Never in a million years could I have come up with something like that!

  40. I just made one and I LOVE it!! You're genius!!

  41. that basket looks so much better now that you painted it. very clever !

  42. a little tweaked says:

    LOVED this so much that I had to make one for our kitchen! You're so creative and thanks to you my kitchen light now looks fabulous! Thanks!! I blogged about it and gave you all the glory! Thanks again! You ROCK!!

  43. ana @ i made it so says:

    wait, what? char! that's just so cool.

  44. KristenB says:

    Great idea!

  45. Wow! That is so amazing :) I'd love to be able to do such creative/handy things around the house someday! Great job

  46. Carolyn Windley says:

    I will start looking a bit deeper at items. That is seriously the cutest light cover ever made! I was looking at that basket saying, "yikes!" You took that poor lil basket and made it beautiful.

  47. i love the basket! you are ingenious!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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