Just How Much Bigger?

So, you all know that I’m a Mormon, right?

Random off topic tangent one sentence into the post alert:

You know who else is a Mormon?  Brandon Flowers.  And there’s a YouTube video about it, which I enjoy.  Almost as much as Amy enjoys his version of “Bette Davis Eyes”.

End random tangent.

So, we Mormons are encouraged to have a picture of the temple in our homes.  One problem: I do not enjoy most Mormon art.  So, when I saw that Silhouette had temple cut outs available in their download store, I got an idea.  I cut out the temple shapes with my SD and thought they were a little too small, but I was willing to make do (because that’s all I had…ha!).

(I also had a little user error with the one on the right, but we’ll skip that part.)

When I got my new machine, I decided to recut.  And, because of the 12 X 12 capacity, I could rotate the image and get it even bigger…possibly too big for my frame, but I wanted to show just how much bigger it could go.


That’s a 16 X 20 frame, for size comparison purposes.

Much better, right?  And, for the price of a couple pieces of paper, I have some temple art much more my style.  You KNOW I like that.

So, if you need bigger, the Cameo is your guy.  Winking smile

$299 gets you the machine and your choice of starter kit through the first over on the Silhouette site, through the 31st.

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  1. Cool Char! And yeah..I knew you are Mormon…..and I love ya. So please don’t hate this Catholic girl, ok?

  2. Good job, Char! I knew after I posted about that silhouette on my blog that you’d put your own crafty genius spin on it. I love it!

  3. I LOVE The Killers and that video of Brandon Flowers, but I hadn’t listened to any of his solo stuff. Thanks!! I need to get a pictures of the temple in each of my kids rooms. We have them in the main living areas, but not their rooms.

  4. I love it! This is totally off topic- but I love your rug! Do you mind me asking where you got it?

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      I got the rug at a local store called Down to Earth. The brand is Company C and the pattern is Carousel. It’s been discontinued, which is why I could afford it. ;)

  5. Those are great!!!

  6. HaHa! Love him and you! And those temple pictures turned out fabulous! Thanks for the fun surprise!

  7. Very cool, I wish the cricut had a cartridge like that! Nice job!


  8. Um, so will we both be disfellowshipped if we BOTH admit that we don’t care for mormon art? ‘Cause I sadly, don’t have a stitch of it in my house, and I know I need to.

  9. Now can they do a cut-out of the Savior please! Then you, me and Mandi won’t be in the same boat! I loved that Etsy artists started making at least the popular phrases so cute a few years ago.

  10. That is so cool! I want one of those!

  11. I’ve noticed that a lot of the quilty bloggers I follow are Mormon. I think it’s interesting that your group is so well represented out here. I didn’t realize that Brandon Flowers was also Mormon. I am definitely a fan of his :-) I am not familiar with typical Mormon art, but I do like the Silhouette cutouts you’ve shown today! I like the simplicity of that style.

  12. Yes…. I know you’re a Mormon and I won’t judge you. ;) I completely disagree with your religion, but you Mormon gals sure are creative.

  13. Love the art, simple and beautiful. I love that video too, not seen it before. My husband has always been a huge killers fan and saw them here in England before they were so big and met Brandon Flowers before he went on and said (when he realised he was the lead singer) ‘what kind of rock star drinks water?!’ :) He met me a few years later and now knows! I’ve shared the video with him too.

    It is good to see someone so influential talking about family values. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wow, speechless that you were able to find that file.. when I was a kid our Parish gave everyone framed photos of the Pope.. it hung in my house and creeped me out for years.. .. obviously starting my aversion to Catholic art.. so.. do did you happen to see the Pope in your run through the files ?


  15. I just ordered my Silhouette Cameo – an early birthday present. I’m so excited and can’t wait till it gets here! Thanks for the promo code! I love your blog and all the great ideas you have!

  16. No Greg Olsen ’round these parts either… but I am a superfan of the temple silhouettes. I had to go with SLC though because the Mesa temple is, admittedly, a little boring in silhouette form!

  17. Merrilyn Hsrris says:

    That looks awesome. I think I need to break down (or more like break down the husband) and buy a silhouette.
    PS…LOVE LOVE LOVE The Killers and Brandon Flowes. I could watch that video (and the music video for Crossfire) ALL DAY LONG! Thanks for sharing

  18. Merrilyn Hsrris says:

    PS…just watched the Betty Davis Eyes cover…I AM LOVE! Now I have one more thing to waste time by watching over and over again on Youtube! THANKS!

  19. This video clip was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it! Can’t wait to meet you at SNAP.

    Warmly, Michelle

  20. okay, now i love you even more! mormon art is horrible. i love the idea of temple silhouette. i really need to get myself a silhouette machine… one of these days.

    p.s.- we have one of these. it is a beautiful and unique temple print. i love it.- http://cameronmoll.bigcartel.com/product/letterpress-poster-16×24

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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