One Word

I shared this post originally as part of the ONE WORD series over on Less Cake {more frosting}.  I’m re-posting here, in case you missed it.

I’ve had this word selected for quite a while, even before I posted a few weeks back about quitting the business of blogging.  In fact, this word may have been what drove me to it….



1.  to make (something broken, worn, torn, or otherwise damaged) whole, sound, or usable by repairing.

2.  to remove or correct defects or errors in.

3.  to set right; make better;

Mend also has a sew-y connotation for me, which I love (I’m a sewing dork at heart).  I like the idea that mending is not “replacing with bigger and better and flashier”, it’s fixing what you’ve got and making it whole, sound, and usable again.  It’s admitting that what you have and who you are is good enough.  It’s a process of improvement and correction.

And so, I’m beginning to mend.

I’m beginning to mend relationships.

I’m beginning to mend habits.

I’m beginning to mend life.

If we’re keeping it real (‘cause that’s the only way I know how to be), we ALL have something that needs mending…something we want to “make better”, right?  Maybe you handled something badly with your kids or your spouse.  Maybe you haven’t called a friend you really should have.  Maybe you said something unkind.  Maybe you thought about doing a good deed and didn’t.

Now’s your chance.

Mend something.

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  1. Love.

  2. Oooohhh, that is deep. I am now in love with the word MEND. Thanks for your insight on the word. Really inspiring. :)

  3. Love it! Just went and read the “quiting” post and I am happy that this blog will go back to being YOUR blog and not a “business” blog! I have to say that I have strayed from many blogs that were too much business and not much of the real people that I started reading blogs for! Happy to hear from you when ever it works for you! I am off to “mend” with my children!

  4. Bonnie Wiebe says:

    I like the challenge!

  5. You have no idea how much your words meant to me today…..they spoke volumes about what is going on in my life RIGHT NOW! Thank you.

  6. I love this word. I’m in that same place right now. Repairing and restoring what I have now and learning to be content with where I’m at and who I am.

  7. Shirley Lupton says:

    So glad to hear from you again. Love, Love, Love

  8. Oh…this is a good one. REALLY good…

  9. I just wanted to say that I loved this when I read it the first time it appeared, and I found it inspiring on repeat. Your words are a nice reminder and reinforcement of how we choose to use our time.
    And, perhaps most importantly, I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one who goes through McDonald’s and gets two diet cokes for myself!

  10. love this post. such a good reminder. appreciate your style of blogging. thanks.

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