Whole lotta random

First up, I’ve only gotten an address for one of the 3 winners of the Germ Free 24 giveaway last week. SS/Susan and Infertility Goddess – Please email me at [email protected] to claim your prizes! We’ll draw someone new next week if I don’t hear from them. If any of you are still interested in buying some to try for yourself, don’t forget to use code “CRAP4YOU” to save 20%.

Dont forget! Today is the last day for the Piggy’s & Petals giveaways. Pettiskirt is here, beanie plus flower is here, and $25 gift certificate is here. You have until 8:00 Mountain time tonight to enter! Want to save 20% even if you don’t win? Email Randi at [email protected] and tell her you read my blog. Remember, everything but the pettiskirts ships for free anywhere in the US! I saw her last night and she said you guys are keeping her BUSY. I also picked up some beanies for Macy. They’re darling even on big girls.

It seems like a lot of the questions I get in my email are the same, which means there are probably more of you that are wondering the same things. So, here are some random Q & A’s.

Can you give me some tips on painting _________ ?
I can, but they’ll probably ruin your project. KIDDING! I’m going to tell you all my secret….find the oldest dude in the paint department at Home Depot. You know, the guy who permanently has paint under his fingernails. Ask him what you should use. There’s a guy at my Home Depot that cringes every time he sees me coming. He’s helped me through many a painting disaster. Now you know my secret.

Can you do a tutorial for (insert pattern number here)?
Most of the time when I make a pattern, I don’t make it more than once. Taking pictures of every step of a project is pretty time consuming, so I don’t usually do it. Maybe I should? Dunno…but I try to share anything that was wrong, confusing, etc.

What is that thing on your wall next to your piano?
It’s a magazine rack that I use to hold our music. I got it at Down to Earth in Gardner Village. If you’re not a Utahn, that won’t make sense. I went back and got 2 more. That project should be blog-able in the next week or so.

Honest Scrap/Kreativ Blogger award
A few have you have been kind enough to share awards with me. I’m flattered and appreciative. However, I SUCK at passing on awards. I always get nervous and afraid I’ll forget/offend/annoy someone. Know that I really am honored, I swear!

I think that’s it for today. If anybody else is interested in doing a giveaway, email me at [email protected] and we’ll work something out!
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  1. Oh, I always look for the oldest workers, too. They just know more. Sometimes I go to Ace b/c those employees ROCK in the sharing knowledge department.

    I HATE getting those darn blog awards. After posting one or two, I just stopped b/c I sometimes barely have enough time to do my own posts, let alone one that is an "award"…if that "award" involves me inheriting some money or something, then I will post away :)

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