AccuQuilt GO! Project: Embellished Cardigan

How fun was last week??? (I think most of you enjoyed it…aside from that one comment that was all “What’s with all the giveaways? I kind of hate it.”)

HUGE thanks to everyone who provided items for the week of giveaways! Be sure to check the WINNERS POST throughout the week to see if you won something!

As for me, I’m going to camp with the teenage girls from church this week. Yikes. I’ve got some stuff scheduled in advance, so you won’t even miss me.


This project was inspired by this sweater from DownEast Basics.


I immediately thought of my GO! Cutter and AccuQuilt’s GO!Funky Flowers die. I though a knit would be a good choice for this project, since it doesn’t fray. More on that in a bit.

I cut strips of my knit yardage (this color came from Hobby Lobby but you could use an old or clearance t-shirt to keep the cost way down) and then folded it in eighths. There’s no reason for the eighths other than that’s how long my strips were. (And I wanted to see if my GO! Cutter could handle that many layers.)


I placed the folded fabric over the smallest flower on the die,


rolled it through, and ended up with this.


Perfection! Not even a string to trim! Seriously…I was so excited that I got on the AccuQuilt Facebook page and posted about it right then. I’m a dork.

I cut about 80 flowers total.

I stuck a flat cheap-o cutting board from IKEA inside the sweater (so I wouldn’t have to stick my hand in for pinning) and started placing and pinning flowers.


I tacked each one down in the center using the stitch on my machine that can allegedly sew on buttons. (I did it once in my “getting to know your machine” class, but I don’t dare try it again.)

Then I did another row.


And so on and so on.

I really wanted that to be the end of it. I even made Macy try on the sweater and head outside for pictures. But look:


Wadded up pieces of aqua toilet paper stuck to a sweater. How nice!

So, I came back in and did a little playing around. I decided that if I wanted it to look how it looked in my head, I was going to have to do some more sewing…and I mean A LOT more sewing.

Starting where I’d tacked down each flower, I sewed out to near the end of each petal. That’s 5 petals per flower times 80-ish flowers. You don’t need to be a math nerd to figure out that it took a freaking long time. So long, in fact, that I quit feeding my kids and Macy nearly died from malnutrition.

(Or, she just really hates me taking her picture…you decide.)

Good thing I love the way it turned out!



If you don’t have a GO! Cutter and you want to try this project, the flowers I cut out are about 1.5” in diameter.

Show and Tell Green

Creations by Kara

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  1. Pati @ A Crafty Escape says:

    That's incredible!

  2. Jennifer @ The Toy Box Years says:

    So freakin' ADORABLE!!! Kicking myself hard for not learning how to sew!!

    Have a great week!

  3. Alida L. says:

    Love it! I have a cardi that I need to spruce up…this is perfect!

  4. Catherine says:

    Oh man, everywhere I look I'm tempted by that cutter. ;)

    The final project is super sweet – - I want one in heather grey! :)

  5. Haha…love the comment about kind of hating the giveaways! Yeah, I have a wierd sense of humour. :)
    This little cardigan is so darn sweet! You did a great job, even if it did take 400+ extra lines of stitching and starving children…well worth it I'd say, though your kidlets may disagree!

  6. Poor starving Macy, at least her mom dresses her well. Super cute cardi.

  7. It is darling Char. What a lot of work that was. Macy adorable as always.

  8. It really is adorable, Char. You did a great job! I say 'dibs' on the sweater to be handed down to Lilly!

  9. The Bronson Bunch says:

    LOVE THIS!!!!

  10. AmberLou says:

    I gotta get a go! cutter!

  11. SewCalGal says:

    Very cute. And very creative. Reminds me of a few years back where I met a woman who started a purse business. She was basically buying purses at discount prices and gluing silk flowers on them….but even Nordstroms ordered a larger # from her! So, you may have another opportunity (decorate a purse) with your lovely flowers….and sell to Nordies.


  12. Michelle says:

    I so wanted to try to recreate that cardigan. Thank for for trying it first and making me realize that I am way to lazy to go through the effort especially minus the go cutter. It turned out really cute!

  13. Haha, I'm glad you decided the wadded toilet paper look wasn't a good one. It turned out way cute and I'm impressed. Awesome job.

  14. ificould says:

    So cute!! Good reminder to just keep going at projects when they're not turning out exactly how you'd like (I'm afraid I would have given up).

  15. amy smart says:

    Let me just echo Michelle's comment. I'll stick to the under-aged sweat shop workers making one for me. :)

    Have fun at girls camp! I seriously can't think of someone better than you. Crafty AND cheeky- the perfect girl's camp leader.

    (And yes, I did edit my post because the first one was typed while I had kids screaming in my ear. And I wanted to boost your comments numbers.)

  16. Love this Char! I'll be featuring your tutorial on BCD on Thursday Aug. 19th! It's going to be a hit! I of course added your CRAP button and invited my readers to come see more on your blog! High Five friend!


  17. handmadehappiness says:

    wow this is l-u-s-h love it :)))) x

  18. southernscraps says:

    Love your final product. Hmm.. I need some new Sizzix dies…

  19. Nina @ Momma Go Round says:

    Super cute! I was just disecting my SIL's Downeast sweater to figure out how to make it. Glad you were ahead of me and I know it comes out well. Great work!

  20. To stinkn cute. I want to so a long boyfriend cardigan for my teen daughter for Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration. Now I just need to find a friend with a go cutter

  21. This is so adorable!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!!

  22. This may seem like a silly question, but how did you get the flowers to perfectly match the sweater? Or was is just by chance? It’s absolutely beautiful!!

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Crap I've Made by Char is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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