Some bloggy business

1.  You can still enter to win one of THREE name brand (Lottery Yarn) slipcovers from on this post through tomorrow.

2.  I have not heard from the Woombie or Imaginisce winners.  I’ll redraw and post those later today.

3.  Do you want to come to SNAP! ?  We’re giving away a full conference pass.  The contest starts Wednesday.  Go here for the details.

4.  Have I mentioned that I’m going to Kentucky this weekend for the GE Momsperience?  It’s true…I won the chance to accompany the fabulous Lorie from Be Different Act Normal and I’m GIDDY.

5.  In case you missed it on Facebook, Neighbor Jami had her sweet baby Lucy early yesterday morning!


6.  I ACTUALLY MADE SOMETHING LAST NIGHT.  I think the funk has lifted!

Got anything good going on this week?

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  1. the hat! so cute!

  2. Seriously disturbing photo…it’s like the kid is being strangled! Rotate then all will be right with the world!

  3. Oh that hat is killing me! Too cute. I’ll be one of your new winners. Woo hoo! ;)

  4. It looks like Lucy’s head is being pinched off!
    Love you, thanks for the nice comment on my blog :)

  5. I’ll bet your conference is in Louisville! Have fun in our beautiful city:)

  6. Welcome Lucy! I love scrunchy newborn faces!

  7. Don’t strangle the baby! ;)

  8. I second Shannon! Have fun in our beautiful state! You’ll love Kentucky.

  9. Did you post the woombie winners or contact them? Sorry, I’ve been watching for the winners and haven’t seen it. Please draw me in your re-draw! lol ;)

    • Char @ Crap I've Made says:

      I haven’t redrawn yet! LOL! I think I’m going to post that and the slipcover winners all at once!

  10. Hi. This is Lucy speaking:
    “Get that crap off my head and let me just do business in my pants freely. Thanks.”

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