So, today was not a great day. I meant to post and introduce you to my new partner for CWTS, but some things got in the way. And by “some things”, I mean “a (still wrapped) root beer float ice cream bar and an Asian pear”. And by “way”, I mean “toilet”.
So anyway…
When I was making my Valentine’s Day Bunting (thanks for the love, btw), I picked up some fabric paint. This fabric paint, to be exact.
See how right in the middle of the label it says “Red Velveteen”?
You might think that’s just the name of the color (like I did), but you’d be wrong. And, there’s nothing on the label either that would tip you off to the magic you are about to unleash. The Tulip website is the only place that even hints at the awesome.
The paint goes on normally, but when you hold your iron a few inches above it and hit it with a burst of steam?
Faux velvety magic.
Can you see how it puffs up just a little higher than the fabric?
I’ve already been back to the store for more colors. I’ve got big plans for the black.
See you tomorrow. Hopefully it’s a better day?
Oh wow. How cool. I may need to get me some of that paint, too!
That's awesome! Where did you find it?
How awesome is that!?!?!? I'm gonna have to stock up my fabric paint stash with some of this!
That is Awesome! I am going to have to go stock up on paint and freezer paper. I see many clothing items being painted in my future.
I had no idea they made anything like that… how cool!
(I did notice that the top of the label does say velveteen – but who would have thought that they meant the texture of the paint?)
Wow! That's awesome…where did you find it?
now that is cool, love it!
Holy crap, that is way cool!
And seriously, Char…how bad could your day have been? You spent part of it at the Scout Store, for crying out loud.
whoa! whoa! whoa! ordering online right now! thanks for sharing!
Kids are fun, right?? That's some cool junk…er, crap!
What a fabulous accident! Thanks for sharing your lovely find. I really enjoy your blog, thanks for all the tips and ideas!
Reminds me of when our son with autism was little.He was a flusher!A tiny picture frame,an apple,several bars of soap,toy cars just to name a few.My pooor husband was having to unbolt the toilet from the floor to get things unwedged on a regular basis.Not to mention our other son who is ADHD was constantly throwing things on ours and the neighbor's roof. Give me a girl anyday !
I did the SAME thing, but it wasn't such a happy turn out. My son still won't wear the "fuzzy" shirt. I am so glad yours worked. I have been back to get several different colors of the matte finish.
I had the SAME accident! It turned out SO cute though, because I had freezer-paper stenciled a white little doe onto a lavender onseie, and then some birds on a pink one, and it turned out SO cool! I heart velveteen, I wish it came in more colors! I am obsessed with that bunting! SO fab!
I love serendipity – thanks for the great tip!
I want some!!
Where did you buy that…because I NEED some!!! I just got a Silhouette this week and fabric painting is totally on my list of things to do this year.
Hurray for awesome chemical engineering!
I SO need to go buy some of that stuff!
Ain't science wonderful?
I've purchased it at both Hobby Lobby and Michael's. The big bottles are a full dollar cheaper at HL, so probably get it there, if you have one.
That IS a happy accident! How fun!
that is really weird and very cool.
awe.some. adding to shopping list now.
This stuff looks great. I'm picturing fuzzy spiders for the boys, and lots of fuzzy cuteness for the girl. I wonder how many colors it comes in??
wow i never knew!
According to the website Velveteen comes in white, yellow, red, blue, green, black, and purple. I wonder if they can be mixed to achieve a different shade?
Fun!!! You could do all kinds of neat things with that paint! Headed to the store now!
Sorry for the start of the day being so "exciting".
The amazing find is really great though!
As a child in the late 70's and early 80's I remember those old school iron-on flocked letters across my shoulders. This paint is so much nicer and has sooooooo many possibilites!
Thanks for sharing the tip about better pricing at HL too!
Very cool! Hmmmm…..I may be making a stop at the craft store on my way home from work today! Thanks for this tip!
Oh my GOODNESS! They have sparkly ones too! I'm going to the store right now!
I did the same thing with black fabric paint once!
Oh, Tulip puffy paint, how I love thee!!
Back in the day, gosh I should old using that phrase, they had fabric paint that was sold in a pen. When you heated it up with a blow dryer it made stitches, it was called something cross stitch. It was really cool. Wonder if I could use this the same way?
That stuff is my favorite! I love painting necklaces on baby onesies! I've also bought it at Joanns…With a coupon it's under $1 per bottle!
Whoa. Now THAT is cool!
What the what? I've never even heard of such a thing!!! Oh my gosh. I think you just blew my mind!
I am running to the store today!! Thanks for the tip!!!!
I did the same thing when I was making a shirt for my dad! I needed red fabric paint so I grabbed the only shade of "red" they had…it was called Scarlet Pearl. The shade of red was perfect, but then the pearl kicks in and it ended up pretty sparkly. Meh. I wasn't about to start over. Happy birthday Dad, here's your fabulous sparkly shirt! Next time I know to pay better attention to those tricky Tulip names
I love the velveteen though!
stinkin' cool. I'm so looking for it tomorrow at HL
Happy to see your project with our Tulip Soft Velveteen Fabric Paint! We definitely need to share the joy of this texturey goodness!
This is my first time pay a visit at here and i am truly impressed to read everthing at one